FireDAC Components for Twitter

Build 23.0.8839


The maximum amount of time to delay (in seconds) before submitting a request if it would be rate limited.


property MaxRateLimitDelay: String;

Data Type


Default Value



Twitter uses different rate limits for total number of requests for different endpoints. These can range from as few as 15 per 15 minute window, up to 900 for a 15 minute window. Internally the CData FireDAC Components for Twitter keeps track of if a given request would result in a rate limit exception. If a rate limit would occur, the CData FireDAC Components for Twitter can internally delay submitting a request until the limit is up. However, this could also result in waiting for several minutes before requesting data, which is also not a good behavior.

The MaxRateLimitDelay gives control over the maximum amount of time the CData FireDAC Components for Twitter will wait once it detects a rate limit would occur. Since the amount of time the CData FireDAC Components for Twitter needs to wait can be calculated, if it would have to wait longer than the MaxRateLimitDelay, it will simply error immediately when it sees the time would take too long.

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Build 23.0.8839