Connecting from VBA
Before You Connect
Prior to connecting from VBA, it is necessary to add a reference to the add-in. This should be done once per module.
From the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window ("Visual Basic" on the Developer ribbon), navigate to Tools -> References. Check the box next to CData Excel Add-In and confirm with OK.
Establishing a Connection
To execute SQL to Microsoft SharePoint, initialize an ExcelComModule instance. This class can be used with any CData provider. You can call the following methods to initialize the module for working with Microsoft SharePoint:
- SetProviderName
- SetConnectionString
You can use the following code to start Querying Data.
Dim module As New ExcelComModule
module.SetProviderName ("SharePoint")
module.SetConnectionString("User=MyUserAccount;Password=MyPassword;Auth Scheme=NTLM;URL=http://sharepointserver/mysite;")