Excel Add-In for Microsoft SharePoint

Build 24.0.8963


Reads attachments to the specified item to the specified list.


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String Unique identifier
CreatedBy_Id String The ID of the user that added the file
CreatedBy_Name String The name of the user that added the file
CreatedBy_Puid String The personal ID of the user that added the file
ETag String ETag value
LastModifiedBy_Id String The ID of the user that last modified the file
LastModifiedBy_Name String The name of the user that last modified the file
LastModifiedBy_Puid String The personal ID of the user that last modified the file
Name String Name of the file including the extension
Size Long The size of the file in bytes, excluding the size of any Web Parts that are used in the file.
TimeCreated Datetime Specifies when the file was created.
TimeLastModified Datetime Specifies when the file was last modified.
Url String URL of the file
List String The internal name of the list to retrieve attachments from.

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Build 24.0.8963