Tableau Connector for Microsoft SharePoint

Build 24.0.8963


Moves a document or attachment from a source folder to a destination folder.

The MoveAttachmentOrDocument stored procedure requires the List, SourceFileURL and DestinationFolderURL parameters to move an attachment or document.

For Example:

EXEC MoveAttachmentOrDocument List = 'Test134', SourceFileURL = '/Shared Documents/Dummy.txt', DestinationFolderURL = '/Shared Documents/MySite'


Name Type Description
List String The name of the list from which you want to move the document or attachment.
SourceFileURL String The URL of the source file, relative to the base Url supplied in the connector's connection properties.

For example:
Root Directory file: /Shared Documents/filename.txt
Sub-directory file:/Shared Documents/MyFolder/filename.txt
If you set the Url connection property to a site collection, the relative URL corresponds with a path on the base site.
If the Url connection property points to a specific site, the relative URL will be relative to the site supplied in the Url.
DestinationFolderURL String The URL of the destination folder where you want to move the file, relative to the base Url supplied in the connector's connection properties.

For example:
Root Directory: /Shared Documents/
Sub-directory:/Shared Documents/MyFolder/
If you set the Url connection property to a site collection, the relative URL corresponds to a path on the base site.
If the Url connection property points to a specific site, the relative URL is relative to the site supplied in the Url.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success Boolean Indicates whether the operation was successful or not.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963