JDBC Driver for Microsoft SharePoint

Build 24.0.8963


Lists the versions of files available on SharePoint.


このビューから結果を返すには、Library およびFile を指定する必要があります。


Name Type Description
ID [KEY] String The Id of the version.
Comments String Comments about the particular version.
CreateBy String The username of the SharePoint user who modified this version of the file.
Date Datetime When the file was modified.
Size String The size of this version of the file.
Url String The URL to this version of the file.
Library String The library name on SharePoint you are listing versions from. A library must be specified to retrieve the versions for a file.

デフォルト値はShared Documentsです。

File String The name of the file on SharePoint to list versions for. You must specify a file to retrieve the versions for a file.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963