Updates a column in the specified SharePoint List.
Name | Type | Description |
List | String | The GUID or name of the list in which the column belongs. |
ColumnName | String | The name of the column to update. |
DisplayName | String | The new value for the column's display name. |
DefaultValue | String | The new value for the column's default value. |
ColumnType | String | The new value for the column's type. The valid options are defined by the FieldTypes available in the SharePoint API: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/sharepoint-csom/ee540543(v=office.15). The allowed values areInteger, Text, Note, DateTime, Counter, Choice, Lookup, Boolean, Number, Currency, URL, Computed, Threading, Guid, MultiChoice, GridChoice, Calculated, File, Attachments, User, Recurrence, CrossProjectLink, ModStat, Error, ContentTypeId, PageSeparator, ThreadIndex, WorkflowStatus, AllDayEvent, WorkflowEventType, Geolocation, OutcomeChoice. |
MaxLength | String | The new value for the column's maximum length. |
PrimaryKey | String | A boolean value indicating whether the column should be the primary key. |
ReadOnly | String | A boolean value indicating whether the column is read only. This will hide the column in New or Edit forms. |
Required | String | A boolean value indicating whether the column is required in New or Edit forms. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether the operation was successful. |