This lists the available subsites.
Table Specific Information
SELECT * FROM Subsites
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id of the subsite. | |
AllowRssFeeds | Boolean | The AllowRssFeeds of the subsite. | |
AlternateCssUrl | String | The AlternateCssUrl of the subsite. | |
AppInstanceId | String | The AppInstanceId of the subsite. | |
ClassicWelcomePage | String | The ClassicWelcomePage of the subsite. | |
Configuration | Int | The Configuration of the subsite. | |
Created | Datetime | The Created of the subsite. | |
CurrentChangeToken_StringValue | String | The CurrentChangeToken_StringValue of the subsite. | |
CustomMasterUrl | String | The CustomMasterUrl of the subsite. | |
Description | String | The Description of the subsite. | |
DesignPackageId | String | The DesignPackageId of the subsite. | |
DocumentLibraryCalloutOfficeWebAppPreviewersDisabled | Boolean | The DocumentLibraryCalloutOfficeWebAppPreviewersDisabled of the subsite. | |
EnableMinimalDownload | Boolean | The EnableMinimalDownload of the subsite. | |
FooterEmphasis | Int | The FooterEmphasis of the subsite. | |
FooterEnabled | Boolean | The FooterEnabled of the subsite. | |
FooterLayout | Int | The FooterLayout of the subsite. | |
HeaderEmphasis | Int | The HeaderEmphasis of the subsite. | |
HeaderLayout | Int | The HeaderLayout of the subsite. | |
HideTitleInHeader | Boolean | The HideTitleInHeader of the subsite. | |
HorizontalQuickLaunch | Boolean | The HorizontalQuickLaunch of the subsite. | |
IsHomepageModernized | Boolean | The IsHomepageModernized of the subsite. | |
IsMultilingual | Boolean | The IsMultilingual of the subsite. | |
IsRevertHomepageLinkHidden | Boolean | The IsRevertHomepageLinkHidden of the subsite. | |
Language | Int | The Language of the subsite. | |
LastItemModifiedDate | Datetime | The LastItemModifiedDate of the subsite. | |
LastItemUserModifiedDate | Datetime | The LastItemUserModifiedDate of the subsite. | |
LogoAlignment | Int | The LogoAlignment of the subsite. | |
MasterUrl | String | The MasterUrl of the subsite. | |
MegaMenuEnabled | Boolean | The MegaMenuEnabled of the subsite. | |
NavAudienceTargetingEnabled | Boolean | The NavAudienceTargetingEnabled of the subsite. | |
NoCrawl | Boolean | The NoCrawl of the subsite. | |
ObjectCacheEnabled | Boolean | The ObjectCacheEnabled of the subsite. | |
OverwriteTranslationsOnChange | Boolean | The OverwriteTranslationsOnChange of the subsite. | |
ResourcePath_DecodedUrl | String | The ResourcePath_DecodedUrl of the subsite. | |
QuickLaunchEnabled | Boolean | The QuickLaunchEnabled of the subsite. | |
RecycleBinEnabled | Boolean | The RecycleBinEnabled of the subsite. | |
SearchScope | Int | The SearchScope of the subsite. | |
ServerRelativeUrl | String | The ServerRelativeUrl of the subsite. | |
SiteLogoUrl | String | The SiteLogoUrl of the subsite. | |
SyndicationEnabled | Boolean | The SyndicationEnabled of the subsite. | |
TenantAdminMembersCanShare | Int | The TenantAdminMembersCanShare of the subsite. | |
Title | String | The Title of the subsite. | |
TreeViewEnabled | Boolean | The TreeViewEnabled of the subsite. | |
UIVersion | Int | The UIVersion of the subsite. | |
UIVersionConfigurationEnabled | Boolean | The UIVersionConfigurationEnabled of the subsite. | |
Url | String | The Url of the subsite. | |
WebTemplate | String | The WebTemplate of the subsite. | |
WelcomePage | String | The WelcomePage of the subsite. | |
AccessRequestListUrl | String | The AccessRequestListUrl of the subsite. | |
AccessRequestSiteDescription | String | The AccessRequestSiteDescription of the subsite. | |
Acronym | String | The Acronym of the subsite. | |
AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing | Boolean | The AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing of the subsite. | |
AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflowForCurrentUser | Boolean | The AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflowForCurrentUser of the subsite. | |
AllowDesignerForCurrentUser | Boolean | The AllowDesignerForCurrentUser of the subsite. | |
AllowMasterPageEditingForCurrentUser | Boolean | The AllowMasterPageEditingForCurrentUser of the subsite. | |
AllowRevertFromTemplateForCurrentUser | Boolean | The AllowRevertFromTemplateForCurrentUser of the subsite. | |
AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplateForCurrentUser | Boolean | The AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplateForCurrentUser of the subsite. | |
AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflowForCurrentUser | Boolean | The AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflowForCurrentUser of the subsite. | |
CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled | Boolean | The CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled of the subsite. | |
ContainsConfidentialInfo | Boolean | The ContainsConfidentialInfo of the subsite. | |
CustomSiteActionsDisabled | Boolean | The CustomSiteActionsDisabled of the subsite. | |
DefaultNewPageTemplateId | String | The DefaultNewPageTemplateId of the subsite. | |
DescriptionForExistingLanguage | String | The DescriptionForExistingLanguage of the subsite. | |
DescriptionTranslations | String | The DescriptionTranslations of the subsite. | |
DesignerDownloadUrlForCurrentUser | String | The DesignerDownloadUrlForCurrentUser of the subsite. | |
DisableAppViews | Boolean | The DisableAppViews of the subsite. | |
DisableFlows | Boolean | The DisableFlows of the subsite. | |
DisableRecommendedItems | Boolean | The DisableRecommendedItems of the subsite. | |
EffectiveBasePermissions_High | Long | The EffectiveBasePermissions_High of the subsite. | |
EffectiveBasePermissions_Low | Long | The EffectiveBasePermissions_Low of the subsite. | |
ExcludeFromOfflineClient | Boolean | The ExcludeFromOfflineClient of the subsite. | |
HasWebTemplateExtension | Boolean | The HasWebTemplateExtension of the subsite. | |
IsEduClass | Boolean | The IsEduClass of the subsite. | |
IsEduClassProvisionChecked | Boolean | The IsEduClassProvisionChecked of the subsite. | |
IsEduClassProvisionPending | Boolean | The IsEduClassProvisionPending of the subsite. | |
IsProvisioningComplete | Boolean | The IsProvisioningComplete of the subsite. | |
LastItemModifiedDate | Datetime | The LastItemModifiedDate of the subsite. | |
LastItemUserModifiedDate | Datetime | The LastItemUserModifiedDate of the subsite. | |
LogoAlignment | Int | The LogoAlignment of the subsite. | |
NotificationsInOneDriveForBusinessEnabled | Boolean | The NotificationsInOneDriveForBusinessEnabled of the subsite. | |
NotificationsInSharePointEnabled | Boolean | The NotificationsInSharePointEnabled of the subsite. | |
PrimaryColor | String | The PrimaryColor of the subsite. | |
RelatedHubSiteIds | String | The RelatedHubSiteIds of the subsite. | |
RequestAccessEmail | String | The RequestAccessEmail of the subsite. | |
SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled | Boolean | The SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled of the subsite. | |
SearchBoxInNavBar | Int | The SearchBoxInNavBar of the subsite. | |
SearchBoxPlaceholderText | String | The SearchBoxPlaceholderText of the subsite. | |
ServerRelativePath_DecodedUrl | String | The ServerRelativePath_DecodedUrl of the subsite. | |
ShowUrlStructureForCurrentUser | Boolean | The ShowUrlStructureForCurrentUser of the subsite. | |
SiteLogoDescription | String | The SiteLogoDescription of the subsite. | |
SupportedUILanguageIds | String | The SupportedUILanguageIds of the subsite. | |
TenantTagPolicyEnabled | Bit | The TenantTagPolicyEnabled of the subsite. | |
ThemeData | String | The ThemeData of the subsite. | |
ThemedCssFolderUrl | String | The ThemedCssFolderUrl of the subsite. | |
ThirdPartyMdmEnabled | Boolean | The ThirdPartyMdmEnabled of the subsite. | |
TitleForExistingLanguage | String | The TitleForExistingLanguage of the subsite. | |
TitleTranslations | String | The TitleTranslations of the subsite. | |
WebTemplateConfiguration | String | The WebTemplateConfiguration of the subsite. | |
WebTemplatesGalleryFirstRunEnabled | Boolean | The WebTemplatesGalleryFirstRunEnabled of the subsite. | |
WebTemplatesGalleryFirstRunComplete | Boolean | The WebTemplatesGalleryFirstRunComplete of the subsite. |