ADO.NET Provider for QuickBooks

Build 24.0.8964


Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Customer Shipping Addresses. Multiple Customer Shipping Addresses are supported in only QuickBooks 2013 and higher. Additionally, this table requires QBXML version 12.0 or higher.

Table Specific Information


To insert a new Shipping Address, specify the CustomerId and the ShipToName of the new Address. Fields designated with a Shipping may be used as to insert multiple Addresses in one statement. For example:
INSERT INTO CustomerShippingAddresses#TEMP (CustomerId, ShipToName, ShipToCity) VALUES ('123456789-9999', 'Shipto Addr 1', 'London')
INSERT INTO CustomerShippingAddresses#TEMP (CustomerId, ShipToName, ShipToCity) VALUES ('123456789-9999', 'Shipto Addr 2', 'Paris')
INSERT INTO CustomerShippingAddresses (CustomerId, ShipToName, ShipToCity) SELECT CustomerId, ShipToName, ShipToCity  FROM CustomerShippingAddresses#TEMP


Name Type ReadOnly References ColumnSize Description
ID [KEY] String True 255

The unique identifier of the shipping address in the format CustomerId|ShipToName.

CustomerId String False



The Id of the customer the shipping address is associated with.

Name String False 100

The name of the customer. This is required to have a value when inserting.

FullName String True 1000

The full name of the customer, including parents in the format parent:customer.

ShipToName String False 500

Name of the shipping address in QuickBooks. This input is required when inserting additional shipping addresses for a customer.

ShipToAddr1 String False 500

First line of the shipping address.

ShipToAddr2 String False 500

Second line of the shipping address.

ShipToAddr3 String False 500

Third line of the shipping address.

ShipToAddr4 String False 500

Fourth line of the shipping address.

ShipToAddr5 String False 41

Fifth line of the shipping address.

ShipToCity String False 255

City name for the shipping address of the customer.

ShipToState String False 255

State name for the shipping address of the customer.

ShipToPostalCode String False 30

Postal code for the shipping address of the customer.

ShipToCountry String False 255

Country for the shipping address of the customer.

ShipToNote String False 41

Note for the shipping address of the customer.

ShipToDefaultShipTo Boolean False

Boolean indicating if this shipping address is the default shipping address for the customer.

EditSequence String False 16

An identifier used for versioning for this copy of the object.

TimeModified Datetime False

When the customer was last modified.

TimeCreated Datetime False

When the customer was created.


Pseudo Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
IncludeJobs Boolean

Whether or not to include job information in the results.

The default value is TRUE.

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Build 24.0.8964