Query QuickBooks Preferences. The Preferences table contains settings for company-wide preferences, which affect all users.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the preference record. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | False | False |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | False | False |
The time the record was last updated. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_TrackDepartments | Boolean | False | False | False |
This setting corresponds to the Track locations preference in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_DepartmentTerminology | String | False | False | False |
Specifies the term used by the company for department. This string is used as a label on transaction forms. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_ClassTrackingPerTxnLine | Boolean | False | False | False |
These settings correspond to how classes are assigned when Track classes in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories is set to On. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_ClassTrackingPerTxn | Boolean | False | False | False |
These settings correspond to how classes are assigned when Track classes in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories is set to On. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_CustomerTerminology | String | True | False | False |
A value used for describing customers in the UI. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_BookCloseDate | Date | True | False | False |
This setting corresponds to the Closing date preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings and specifies the date the books are closed: income and expense accounts are closed and net profit or loss is rolled up into the retained earnings account. Transactions before this date are protected from changes. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_UseAccountNumbers | Boolean | True | False | False |
This setting corresponds to Enable account numbers in QuickBooks Online Company Settings. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_FirstMonthOfFiscalYear | String | True | False | False |
This setting corresponds to the First month of fiscal year preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings to specify the beginning of the company's fiscal year. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_TaxYearMonth | String | True | False | False |
This setting corresponds to the First month of income tax year preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings to specify the beginning of the company's fiscal year. | |
TaxPrefs_UsingSalesTax | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether sales tax is enabled. | |
TaxPrefs_TaxGroupCodeRef | String | False | False | False |
The first-used tax code on a sales form after a new sales tax center has been enabled. | |
CurrencyPrefs_MultiCurrencyEnabled | String | False | False | False |
This field sets whether multicurrency is enabled for this company. | |
CurrencyPrefs_HomeCurrency | String | False | False | False |
The currency code of the country where the business is located. | |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_ForSales | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the Product and Services for Sales preference is enabled. | |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_ForPurchase | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the Product and Services for Purchase preference is enabled. | |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_QuantityWithPriceAndRate | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether quantity with price and rate is enabled. | |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_QuantityOnHand | Boolean | True | False | False |
This field indicates whether QuantityOnHand is enabled. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field allows discounts to be specified. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowDeposit | Boolean | False | False | False |
Allows deposits to be specified. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowShipping | Boolean | False | False | False |
Allows the use of Shipping Info fields. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowServiceDate | Boolean | False | False | False |
Allows the use of Service Date fields. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowEstimates | Boolean | False | False | False |
Allows the use of Estimate entities. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_CustomTxnNumbers | Boolean | False | False | False |
Sets whether custom transaction numbers can be specified. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultTerms | Integer | False | False | False |
Default sales terms. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_EstimateMessage | String | False | False | False |
Message to the customers on estimates. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultDiscountAccount | String | False | False | False |
Default discount account. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultShippingAccount | String | False | False | False |
Default shipping account. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultCustomerMessage | String | False | False | False |
Default customer message. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_IPNSupportEnabled | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables support for IPN. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionEnabledStatus | String | False | False | False |
This field enables ETransaction status. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionAttachPDF | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether PDFs may be attached to ETransactions. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionPaymentEnabled | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether payment entities can be used with ETransactions. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_CustomFieldAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of the custom fields for sales form entities. | |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_TrackingByPreferences | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables tracking by using settings in preferences. | |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_TrackingByCustomer | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables tracking using customer information. | |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_BillableExpenseTracking | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables tracking using billable expense fields. | |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_WorkWeekStartDate | Date | False | False | False |
Sets the starting day of the work week. | |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_POCustomFieldAggregate | String | False | False | False |
Defines PO custom fields. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_UseServices | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables time tracking services. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_BillPreferences | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables billing for time tracking entries. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_BillCustomers | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables time tracking services for the customer in a bill. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_ShowBillRateToAll | Boolean | False | False | False |
Billing rate to all employees enabled. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_WorkWeekStartDate | String | False | False | False |
The starting day of the work week. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_MarkTimeEntriesBillable | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether to mark time entries as billable. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_InvoiceMessage_Subject | String | False | False | False |
The subject portion of the default invoice message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_InvoiceMessage_Message | String | False | False | False |
The message portion of the default invoice message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_EstimateMessage_Subject | String | False | False | False |
The subject portion of the default estimate message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_EstimateMessage_Message | String | False | False | False |
The message portion of the default estimate message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_SalesReceiptMessage_Subject | String | False | False | False |
The subject portion of the default sales receipt message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_SalesReceiptMessage_Message | String | False | False | False |
The message portion of the default sales receipt message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_StatementMessage_Subject | String | False | False | False |
The subject portion of the default statement message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_StatementMessage_Message | String | False | False | False |
The message portion of the default statement message. | |
OtherPrefs_NameValueAggregate | String | False | False | False |
This field specifies an extension of the preference entity to allow name-value pairs in the custom fields at the top level. | |
ReportPrefs_ReportBasis | String | False | False | False |
Accounting method for summary. Possible values include Cash and Accrual. | |
ReportPrefs_CalcAgingReportFromTxnDate | Boolean | False | False | False |
Boolean to indicate whether to calculate report aging from transaction date |