ADO.NET Provider for QuickBooks Online

Build 24.0.9175

Firewall and Proxy

Connecting Through a Firewall or Proxy

HTTP Proxies

Note: The provider uses the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed. If you want to connect to other proxies, set ProxyAutoDetect to False and read further.

To authenticate to an HTTP proxy, set the following:

  • ProxyServer: the hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through.
  • ProxyPort: the TCP port that the proxy server is running on.
  • ProxyAuthScheme: the authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server.
  • ProxyUser: the username of a user account registered with the proxy server.
  • ProxyPassword: the password associated with the ProxyUser.

Other Proxies

Set the following properties:

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Build 24.0.9175