JDBC Driver for QuickBooks Online

Build 23.0.8839


Generates a Customer Balance detail report schema file.


Name Type Accepts Output Streams Description
ReportName String False The name of the report.


ReportDescription String False A description for the report. If one is not specified, a description based on the ReportType will be selected.
AgingMethod String False The date upon which aging is determined.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。Report_Date, Current

ARPaid String False The accounts receivable paid status.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。All, Paid, Unpaid


Columns String False Column types to be shown in the report. A comma separated list of one or more of the following: bill_addr, create_by, create_date, cust_bill_email, cust_comp_name, cust_msg, cust_phone_other, cust_tel, cust_name, deliv_addr, doc_num, due_date, last_mod_by, last_mod_date, memo, sale_sent_state, ship_addr, ship_date, ship_via, term_name, tracking_num, tx_date, txn_type. Additional columns with custom fields enabled: sales_cust1, sales_cust2, sales_cust3. Additional columns with location tracking enabled: dept_name. In addition to the above, the following values are supported based on the multicurrency setting for the company. MultiCurrency disabled: subt_open_bal, rbal_open_bal, subt_amount. MultiCurrency Enabled: currency, exch_rate, foreign_open_bal, subt_home_open_bal, rbal_home_open_bal, foreign_amount, subt_home_amount. Default= tx_date,txn_type,doc_num,dept_name,due_date,subt_amount,subt_open_bal,rbal_open_bal
Customer String False Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. This is a comma separated list (spaces omitted after/before separating comma) of one or more Customer IDs.
Department String False Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. This is a comma separated list (spaces omitted after/before separating comma) of one or more Department IDs.
ReportDate String False Start date to use for the report.
ShipVia String False Filter by the shipping method as specified in Invoice's ShipMethodRef. This is the name of the shipping method.
SortBy String False The column type used in sorting report rows. Specify one of the Columns from the Columns input.
SortOrder String False The sort ordering.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。ascend, descend


StartDueDate String False The startdate of the report. StartDate must be less than EndDate.
EndDueDate String False The enddate of the report. EndDate must be greater than StartDate.
Term String False Filters report contents to include information for specified term or terms supplied. This is a comma separated list (spaces omitted after/before separating comma) of one or more Term IDs.
Indentation String False Add spaces at the start of values to visually identify totals and group values.
FileStream String True An instance of an output stream where file data is written to. Only used if WriteToFile set to false
WriteToFile String False Whether to write to an output file or not. Defaults to true, must be set to false to write to FileStream or FileData.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Result String Success or Failure.
SchemaFile String The generated schema file.
Columns String The number of columns found.
FileData String The BASE64 downloaded file content. Only returned if WriteToFile set to false and FileStream is not set.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839