CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるQuickBooks Online へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してQuickBooks Online に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、QuickBooks Online への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのQuickBooks Online への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのQuickBooks Online への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してQuickBooks Online からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、QuickBooks Online に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
すべての認証フローで、OAuth 経由で接続するにはAuthScheme をOAuth に設定する必要があります。
以下のサブセクションでは、QuickBooks Online への認証について詳しく説明します。
カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成についての情報と、すでに埋め込みOAuth 認証情報を持つ認証フローでもカスタムOAuth アプリケーションを作成したほうがよい場合の説明については、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成 を参照してください。
QuickBooks Online で利用可能な接続文字列プロパティの全リストは、Connection を参照してください。
アクセストークンの期限が切れたときは、Cloud は自動でアクセストークンをリフレッシュします。
OAuth アクセストークンの自動リフレッシュ:
Cloud がOAuth アクセストークンを自動的にリフレッシュするようにするには、次のように設定します。
OAuth アクセストークンの手動リフレッシュ:
OAuth アクセストークンを手動でリフレッシュするために必要な唯一の値は、OAuth リフレッシュトークンです。
OAuth リフレッシュトークンを保存し、OAuth アクセストークンの有効期限が切れた後に手動でリフレッシュできるようにします。
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
The CData Cloud models entities in the QuickBooks Online API as tables, views, and stored procedures. These are defined in schema files, which are simple, text-based configuration files.
API limitations and requirements are documented in the following sections; you can use the SupportEnhancedSQL feature, set by default, to circumvent most of these limitations.
テーブル describes the available tables.
ビュー are tables that cannot be modified. Typically, read-only data are shown as views.
ストアドプロシージャ are function-like interfaces to the data source. They can be used to search, update, and modify information in the data source.
Cloud はQuickBooks Online のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Accounts | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Accounts. |
AttachableRefs | Attachables |
Attachables | Attachables |
BillLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bill Line Items. |
BillLinkedTransactions | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items. |
BillPaymentLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bill Payment Line Items. |
BillPayments | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bill Payments. |
Bills | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bills. |
BudgetDetails | Query QuickBooks BudgetDetails. |
Budgets | Query QuickBooks Budgets. |
Class | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Classes. |
CompanyCurrency | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks CompanyCurrency. Applicable only for those companies that enable multicurrency, a companycurrency object defines a currency that is active in the QuickBooks Online company. One or more companycurrency objects are active based on the company's multicurrency business requirements and correspond to the list displayed by the Currency Center in the QuickBooks Online UI. |
CompanyInfo | Retrieve information about the QuickBooks company. |
CreditMemoLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Credit Memo Line Items. |
CreditMemos | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Credit Memos. |
Customers | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Customers. |
Departments | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Departments. |
DepositLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Deposit Line Items. |
Deposits | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Deposits. |
Employees | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Employees. |
EstimateLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Estimate Line Items. |
EstimateLinkedTransactions | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Estimate Line Items. |
Estimates | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Estimates. |
ExchangeRates | Retrieves QuickBooks exchange rates. |
InvoiceLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items. |
InvoiceLinkedTransactions | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items. |
Invoices | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoices. |
Items | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Items. |
JournalCode | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Journal Codes. |
JournalEntries | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Journal Entries. |
JournalEntryLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Journal Entry Line Items. |
PaymentLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Payment Line Items. |
PaymentMethods | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Payment Methods. |
Payments | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Payments. |
Preferences | Query QuickBooks Preferences. The Preferences table contains settings for company-wide preferences, which affect all users. |
PurchaseLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchase Line Items. |
PurchaseOrderLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchase Order Line Items. |
PurchaseOrderLinkedTransactions | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items. |
PurchaseOrders | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchase Orders. |
Purchases | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchases. |
RecurringCreditMemoTransactions | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Credit Memos. |
RecurringCreditMemoTransactionsLineItems | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Credit Memo Line Items. |
RecurringDepositTransactions | Create and query QuickBooks Deposits. |
RecurringDepositTransactionsLineItems | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Deposit Line Items. |
RecurringEstimateTransactions | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Estimates. |
RecurringEstimateTransactionsLineItems | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction Line Items for Estimate. |
RecurringInvoiceTransactions | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Invoice. |
RecurringInvoiceTransactionsLineItems | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction Line Items for Invoice. |
RecurringJournalEntryTransactions | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Journal Entry. |
RecurringJournalEntryTransactionsLineItems | Create and query the QuickBooks RecurringTransactions Journal Entry Line Items. |
RecurringPurchaseTransactions | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Purchases. |
RecurringPurchaseTransactionsLineItems | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Purchase Line Items. |
RecurringRefundReceiptTransactions | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for RefundReceipts. |
RecurringRefundReceiptTransactionsLineItems | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for RefundReceiptLineItems. |
RecurringSalesReceiptTransactions | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Sales Receipt. |
RecurringSalesReceiptTransactionsLineItems | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Sales Receipt Line Items. |
RecurringTransferTransactions | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Transfers |
RecurringVendorCreditTransactions | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Vendor Credits. |
RecurringVendorCreditTransactionsLineItems | Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Vendor Credit Line Items. |
RefundReceiptLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks RefundReceiptLineItems. |
RefundReceipts | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks RefundReceipts. |
SalesReceiptLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Sales Receipt Line Items. |
SalesReceipts | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Sales Receipts. |
TaxAgency | Create and Query QuickBooks Tax Agency. |
TaxCodes | Create and query QuickBooks Sales Tax Codes. |
TaxRates | Create and query QuickBooks Tax Rates. |
Terms | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Terms. |
TimeActivities | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Time Activities. |
Transfers | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Transfers |
VendorCreditLineItems | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Vendor Credit Line Items. |
VendorCredits | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Vendor Credits. |
Vendors | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Vendors. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Accounts.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the account. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Name | String | False | True | True |
The name of the account. To create an account, you must provide a unique account name. Default accounts are created for new companies. | |
SubAccount | Boolean | False | True | True |
This value is true if the account is a subaccount, and false or null if it is a top-level account. | |
ParentRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the parent account. |
ParentRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the parent account. |
FullyQualifiedName | String | True | False | False |
The fully qualified name of the account. The fully qualified name consists the topmost parent element followed by each subelement and separated by colons. For example: Parent:Account1:SubAccount1:SubAccount2. | |
Description | String | False | True | True |
The description for the account. This may contain notes on the types of journal entries that should be posted to this account. | |
Active | Boolean | False | True | False |
This field sets whether or not the account is active. Inactive accounts cannot be posted to and are excluded from search results, although references to them are preserved. | |
Classification | String | False | True | False |
The account classification. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Asset, Equity, Expense, Liability, Revenue | |
AccountType | String | False | True | False |
The account type or subclassification that determines how the account is used. This field is indexed by the account classification. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Bank, Other Current Asset, Fixed Asset, Other Asset, Accounts Receivable, Equity, Expense, Other Expense, Cost of Goods Sold, Accounts Payable, Credit Card, Long Term Liability, Other Current Liability, Income, Other Income | |
AccountSubType | String | False | False | False |
The account subtype. This field is indexed by the AccountType field. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。CashOnHand, Checking, MoneyMarket, RentsHeldInTrust, Savings, TrustAccounts, AllowanceForBadDebts, DevelopmentCosts, EmployeeCashAdvances, OtherCurrentAssets, Inventory, Investment_MortgageRealEstateLoans, Investment_Other, Investment_TaxExemptSecurities, Investment_USGovernmentObligations, LoansToOfficers, LoansToOthers, LoansToStockholders, PrepaidExpenses, Retainage, UndepositedFunds, AccumulatedDepletion, AccumulatedDepreciation, DepletableAssets, FixedAssetComputers, FixedAssetCopiers, FixedAssetFurniture, FixedAssetPhone, FixedAssetPhotoVideo, FixedAssetSoftware, FixedAssetOtherToolsEquipment, FurnitureAndFixtures, Land, LeaseholdImprovements, OtherFixedAssets, AccumulatedAmortization, Buildings, IntangibleAssets, MachineryAndEquipment, Vehicles, LeaseBuyout, OtherLongTermAssets, SecurityDeposits, AccumulatedAmortizationOfOtherAssets, Goodwill, Licenses, OrganizationalCosts, AccountsReceivable, OpeningBalanceEquity, PartnersEquity, RetainedEarnings, AccumulatedAdjustment, OwnersEquity, PaidInCapitalOrSurplus, PartnerContributions, PartnerDistributions, PreferredStock, CommonStock, TreasuryStock, EstimatedTaxes, Healthcare, PersonalIncome, PersonalExpense, AdvertisingPromotional, BadDebts, BankCharges, CharitableContributions, CommissionsAndFees, Entertainment, EntertainmentMeals, EquipmentRental, FinanceCosts, GlobalTaxExpense, Insurance, InterestPaid, LegalProfessionalFees, OfficeExpenses, OfficeGeneralAdministrativeExpenses, OtherBusinessExpenses, OtherMiscellaneousServiceCost, PromotionalMeals, RentOrLeaseOfBuildings, RepairMaintenance, ShippingFreightDelivery, SuppliesMaterials, Travel, TravelMeals, Utilities, Auto, CostOfLabor, DuesSubscriptions, PayrollExpenses, TaxesPaid, UnappliedCashBillPaymentExpense, Depreciation, ExchangeGainOrLoss, OtherMiscellaneousExpense, PenaltiesSettlements, Amortization, GasAndFuel, HomeOffice, HomeOwnerRentalInsurance, OtherHomeOfficeExpenses, MortgageInterest, RentAndLease, RepairsAndMaintenance, ParkingAndTolls, Vehicle, VehicleInsurance, VehicleLease, VehicleLoanInterest, VehicleLoan, VehicleRegistration, VehicleRepairs, OtherVehicleExpenses, Utilities, WashAndRoadServices, EquipmentRentalCos, OtherCostsOfServiceCos, ShippingFreightDeliveryCos, SuppliesMaterialsCogs, CostOfLaborCos, Accounts Payable, Credit Card, NotesPayable, OtherLongTermLiabilities, ShareholderNotesPayable, DirectDepositPayable, LineOfCredit, LoanPayable, GlobalTaxPayable, GlobalTaxSuspense, OtherCurrentLiabilities, PayrollClearing, PayrollTaxPayable, PrepaidExpensesPayable, RentsInTrustLiability, TrustAccountsLiabilities, FederalIncomeTaxPayable, InsurancePayable, SalesTaxPayable, StateLocalIncomeTaxPayable, NonProfitIncome, OtherPrimaryIncome, SalesOfProductIncome, ServiceFeeIncome, DiscountsRefundsGiven, UnappliedCashPaymentIncome, DividendIncome, InterestEarned, OtherInvestmentIncome, OtherMiscellaneousIncome, TaxExemptInterest, PayrollWageExpenses, PayrollTaxExpenses, CashAndCashEquivalents, OtherEarMarkedBankAccounts, AssetsAvailableForSale, BalWithGovtAuthorities, CalledUpShareCapitalNotPaid, ExpenditureAuthorisationsAndLettersOfCredit, GlobalTaxDeferred, GlobalTaxRefund, InternalTransfers, OtherConsumables, ProvisionsCurrentAssets, ShortTermInvestmentsInRelatedParties, ShortTermLoansAndAdvancesToRelatedParties, TradeAndOtherReceivables, AssetsInCourseOfConstruction, CapitalWip, CumulativeDepreciationOnIntangibleAssets, IntangibleAssetsUnderDevelopment, LandAsset, NonCurrentAssets, ParticipatingInterests, ProvisionsFixedAssets, AssetsHeldForSale, AvailableForSaleFinancialAssets, DeferredTax, Investments, LongTermInvestments, LongTermLoansAndAdvancesToRelatedParties, OtherIntangibleAssets, OtherLongTermInvestments, OtherLongTermLoansAndAdvances, PrepaymentsAndAccruedIncome, ProvisionsNonCurrentAssets, AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncome, CalledUpShareCapital, CapitalReserves, DividendDisbursed, EquityInEarningsOfSubsiduaries, InvestmentGrants, MoneyReceivedAgainstShareWarrants, OtherFreeReserves, ShareApplicationMoneyPendingAllotment, ShareCapital, Funds, AmortizationExpense, AppropriationsToDepreciation, BorrowingCost, CommissionsAndFees, DistributionCosts, ExternalServices, ExtraordinaryCharges, IncomeTaxExpense, LossOnDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax, ManagementCompensation, OtherCurrentOperatingCharges, OtherExternalServices, OtherRentalCosts, OtherSellingExpenses, ProjectStudiesSurveysAssessments, PurchasesRebates, ShippingAndDeliveryExpense, StaffCosts, Sundry, TravelExpensesGeneralAndAdminExpenses, TravelExpensesSellingExpense, DeferredTaxExpense, Depletion, ExceptionalItems, ExtraordinaryItems, IncomeTaxOtherExpense, MatCredit, PriorPeriodItems, TaxRoundoffGainOrLoss, CostOfSales, FreightAndDeliveryCost, OutstandingDuesMicroSmallEnterprise, OutstandingDuesOtherThanMicroSmallEnterprise, AccrualsAndDeferredIncome, AccruedLongLermLiabilities, AccruedVacationPayable, BankLoans, DebtsRelatedToParticipatingInterests, DeferredTaxLiabilities, GovernmentAndOtherPublicAuthorities, GroupAndAssociates, LiabilitiesRelatedToAssetsHeldForSale, LongTermBorrowings, LongTermDebit, LongTermEmployeeBenefitObligations, ObligationsUnderFinanceLeases, OtherLongTermProvisions, ProvisionForLiabilities, ProvisionsNonCurrentLiabilities, StaffAndRelatedLongTermLiabilityAccounts, AccruedLiabilities, CurrentLiabilities, CurrentPortionEmployeeBenefitsObligations, CurrentPortionOfObligationsUnderFinanceLeases, CurrentTaxLiability, DividendsPayable, DutiesAndTaxes, InterestPayables, ProvisionForWarrantyObligations, ProvisionsCurrentLiabilities, ShortTermBorrowings, SocialSecurityAgencies, StaffAndRelatedLiabilityAccounts, SundryDebtorsAndCreditors, TradeAndOtherPayables, CashReceiptIncome, OperatingGrants, OtherCurrentOperatingIncome, OwnWorkCapitalized, RevenueGeneral, SalesRetail, SalesWholesale, SavingsByTaxScheme, GainLossOnSaleOfFixedAssets, GainLossOnSaleOfInvestments, LossOnDisposalOfAssets, OtherOperatingIncome, UnrealisedLossOnSecuritiesNetOfTax | |
AcctNum | String | False | False | False |
A user-defined account number that identifies the account within the chart of accounts and notes the information that should be posted to the account. | |
CurrentBalance | Decimal | True | True | True |
The current balance. This field is available for only balance sheet accounts. | |
CurrentBalanceWithSubAccounts | Decimal | True | False | False |
The cumulative current balance amount for the account and all its subaccounts. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used by the account. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
A name that identifies the currency used by the account. | |
TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The ID of the associated Tax Code. This ID can be used with the TaxCodes view to find more information about the associated tax. Only available in International versions of QuickBooks Online. |
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
EntityRefId [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The ID of the Entity Ref of the attachable. | |
AttachableId [KEY] | String | True |
Attachables.ID | True | True |
The Id of the attachable. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
The version number of the entity. This must be specified when executing an update or delete. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
FileName | String | False | True | True |
FileName of the attachment. | |
Size | Integer | False | True | True |
Size of the attachment. | |
ContentType | String | False | True | True |
ContentType of the attachment. | |
Category | String | False | True | True |
Category of the attachment. | |
Latitude | Double | False | True | True |
Latitude from where the attachment was requested. | |
Longitude | Double | False | True | True |
Longitude from where the attachment was requested. | |
Note | String | False | True | True |
Note either related to the attachment or as a standalone note. | |
PlaceName | String | False | True | True |
PlaceName from where the attachment was requested. | |
Tag | String | False | True | True |
Tag name for the requested attachment. | |
AttachableRef_EntityRef | String | False | True | False |
Value | |
AttachableRef_EntityRef_type | String | False | True | False |
Type | |
AttachableRef_EntityRef_name | String | False | False | False |
Type name | |
AttachableRef_IncludeOnSend | Boolean | False | True | False |
On sending email to customer (most likely for txns), this field indicates whether or not the attachment is to be sent together with the email. | |
AttachableRef_LineInfo | String | False | True | True |
If the entity is a transaction, user can also specify a transaction detail line to reference. | |
FileAccessUri | String | False | True | True |
FullPath FileAccess URI of the attachment. | |
TempDownloadUri | String | False | True | True |
TempDownload URI which can be directly downloaded by clients. |
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the attachable. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
The version number of the entity. This must be specified when executing an update or delete. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
FileName | String | False | True | True |
FileName of the attachment. | |
Size | Integer | False | True | True |
Size of the attachment. | |
ContentType | String | False | True | True |
ContentType of the attachment. | |
Category | String | False | True | True |
Category of the attachment. | |
Latitude | Double | False | True | True |
Latitude from where the attachment was requested. | |
Longitude | Double | False | True | True |
Longitude from where the attachment was requested. | |
Note | String | False | True | True |
Note either related to the attachment or as a standalone note. | |
PlaceName | String | False | True | True |
PlaceName from where the attachment was requested. | |
Tag | String | False | True | True |
Tag name for the requested attachment. | |
AttachableRefAggregate | String | False | False | False |
Aggregate that specifies the transaction object to which this attachable file is to be linked | |
FileAccessUri | String | False | True | True |
FullPath FileAccess URI of the attachment. | |
TempDownloadUri | String | False | True | True |
TempDownload URI which can be directly downloaded by clients. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bill Line Items.
Bills may be inserted, updated, or queried via the Bills or BillLineItems tables. Bills may be deleted by using the Bills table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a Bill, specify the Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef, VendorRef.For example, the following will insert a new Bill with two Line Items:
INSERT INTO BillLineItems (Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef, VendorRef) VALUES ('4.04', 'AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail', '7', '36')
INSERT INTO BillLineItems#TEMP (Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef, VendorRef) VALUES ('4.04', 'AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail', '7', '36') INSERT INTO Bills ( VendorRef, Id, DocNumber, TxnDate, PrivateNote, LineAggregate) VALUES ('36', '6704', '66', '1/1/2040', 'AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail', BillLineItems#TEMP)
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the bill. | |
BillId [KEY] | String | False |
Bills.ID | True | True |
The Id of the bill. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date of the transaction. This field is often the date when the transaction was entered into the system, but it is not required to be. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. For posting transactions, this is the posting date that affects financial statements. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. By default, this note will not appear on the transaction records. | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The total amount of the charges and discounts for the line item. This includes charges and allowances but excludes the tax amount. | |
Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
The line description. | |
Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The detail type of the line item. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class entity of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class entity of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
The customer Id for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The customer name for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the expense account of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the expense account of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The sales tax code for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxAmount | Decimal | False | False | False |
Sales tax paid as part of the expense. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxInclusiveAmt | Decimal | False | False | False |
The total amount of the line item including tax. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | False | False |
The billable status of the expense. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Value | Decimal | True | False | False |
Markup value. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Percent | Double | False | False | False |
Markup amount expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the price level for the markup. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | False |
The Id of the item associated with the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
The name of the item associated with the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class for the line item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class for the line item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | False |
The unit price of the subject item as referenced. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | False | False |
Number of items for the line. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
The customer Id for the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The customer name for the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The sales tax code for the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | False | False |
The billable status of the expense. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBill | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Value | Double | True | False | False |
Markup value. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Percent | Double | False | False | False |
Markup amount expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the price level for the markup. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
A name that identifies the price level for the markup. | |
VendorRef | String | False |
Vendors.Id | True | True |
The Id of the vendor. |
VendorRef_Name | String | True |
Vendors.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the vendor. |
APAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the accounts-payable account. |
APAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the accounts-payable account. |
TotalAmt | Decimal | False | True | True |
The total amount of the bill, determined by taking the sum of all the line items of the bill. | |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | True | True |
The Id of the sales term. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the sales term. |
DueDate | Date | False | True | True |
The due date of the bill. This date excludes early payment discount incentives and late payment penalties. | |
Balance | Decimal | True | True | False |
The unpaid amount of the bill. When paid in full this value is 0. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the department. |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code of the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The tax calculated for the transaction. This value excludes any tax line items that have been manually inserted into the transaction. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of the tax line items. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
A name that identifies the currency of the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The number of home currency units required to equal one foreign currency unit. This column is available only if the company file is using the multicurrency feature and is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method used to apply taxes. This column is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LinkedTxnId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the bill. | |
BillId [KEY] | String | False |
Bills.Id | True | True |
The Id of the bill. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note for the transaction, which does not appear on the transaction records. | |
LinkedTxn_TxnId | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
LinkedTxn_TxnType | String | False | False | False |
The line number of the line item. | |
LinkedTxn_TxnLineId | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items associated with the transaction. | |
VendorRef | String | False |
Vendors.Id | True | True |
The Id of the vendor. |
VendorRef_Name | String | True |
Vendors.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the vendor associated with the transaction. |
APAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the accounts-payable account. |
APAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the accounts-payable account. |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | True | True |
The Id of the sales terms entity of the bill. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the sales terms entity of the bill. |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The date when the invoice is to be paid, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
Balance | Decimal | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. Valid only if the company file is set up to use multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bill Payment Line Items.
BillPayments may be inserted or queried via the BillPayments or BillPaymentLineItems tables. BillPayments may be deleted by using the BillPayments table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a BillPayment, specify the Vendor, PayType, TxnDate (transaction date), and TotalAmt columns and at least one Line Item, as well as either CreditCardPayment or CheckPayment. You must enter an amount for each Line Item up to but not exceeding the total amount remaining to be paid for each Bill.
The following shows an example of inserting multiple Bills, each with a single line. To insert a BillPayment with multiple lines, see the example on the BillPayments table.
INSERT INTO BillPaymentLineItems#TEMP (VendorRef, PayType, TxnDate, CheckPayment_BankAccountRef, CheckPayment_PrintStatus, Line_Amount, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType, TotalAmt) VALUES ('21', 'Check', '1/1/2011', '41', 'NotSet', 0.01, '313', 'Bill', 0.03) INSERT INTO BillPaymentLineItems#TEMP (VendorRef, PayType, TxnDate, CheckPayment_BankAccountRef, CheckPayment_PrintStatus, Line_Amount, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType, TotalAmt) VALUES ('21', 'Check', '1/1/2011', '41', 'NotSet', 0.02, '312', 'Bill', 0.03) INSERT INTO BillPaymentLineItems (VendorRef, PayType, TxnDate, CheckPayment_BankAccountRef, CheckPayment_PrintStatus, Line_Amount, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType, TotalAmt) SELECT VendorRef, PayType, TxnDate, CheckPayment_BankAccountRef, CheckPayment_PrintStatus, Line_Amount, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType, TotalAmt FROM BillPaymentLineItems#TEMP
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the bill payment. | |
BillPaymentId [KEY] | String | False |
BillPayments.Id | True | True |
The Id of the bill payment. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The document number for this transaction. When creating a line item, if this field is not provided QuickBooks business logic will assign the document number using the next-in-sequence algorithm. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date of the transaction. This field is often the date when the transaction was entered into the system, but it is not required to be. For posting transactions, this is the posting date that affects financial statements | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. By default, this field does not appear on the transaction records. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department. |
Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId | String | False |
Bills.Id | False | False |
The Id of the transaction linked to the line item. |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the line item. | |
Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType | String | False | False | False |
The type of the transaction linked to the line item. | |
VendorRef | String | False |
Vendors.Id | True | True |
The Id of the vendor for this transaction. |
VendorRef_Name | String | True |
Vendors.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the vendor for this transaction. |
APAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the accounts-payable account that the vendor credit is credited to. If the company has a single accounts-payable account, this account is implied. This must be a Liability account and the subtype must be of type Payables. |
APAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the accounts-payable account the vendor credit is credited to. If the company has a single accounts-payable account, this account is implied. This must be a Liability-type account and the subtype must be of type Payables. |
PayType | String | False | False | False |
The payment type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Check, CreditCard | |
CheckPayment_BankAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the bank account, which issued the check. |
CheckPayment_BankAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the bank account. |
CheckPayment_PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the check payment. This field is only applicable for checks and ignored for credit card charges and refunds. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNeedToPrintです。 | |
CreditCardPayment_CCAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the credit card account. |
CreditCardPayment_CCAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the credit card account. |
TotalAmt | Decimal | False | True | True |
The total amount of the bill, determined by the sum of all line items in the bill payment. | |
ProcessBillPayment | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates that the payment should be processed by the merchant account service. This field is available for companies with credit card processing enabled in QuickBooks Online. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The exchange rate for the currency. This field is available only if the company file uses the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bill Payments.
BillPayments may be inserted or queried via the BillPayments or BillPaymentLineItems tables. They may be deleted by using the BillPayments table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a BillPayment, specify the Vendor, PayType, TxnDate, and TotalAmt columns, as well as at least one Line Item and either CreditCardPayment or CheckPayment. You must enter an amount for each Line Item up to but not exceeding the total amount remaining to be paid for each Bill. The LineAggregate column may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item data. Each _ denotes hierarchy. Use <Line> at the base level. The contents of LineAggregate will be sent to the API as is. All values for each field in the aggregate should adhere to the API's specifications (e.g. for dates in format yyyy-MM-dd, for date times in format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz).The columns that may be used in the aggregates begin with the prefix 'Line_' to indicate they are part of the line item. Use the Line_ column along with the DocNumber to indicate which lines go with which BillPayments. For example:
INSERT INTO BillPayments (VendorRef, PayType, TxnDate, CheckPayment_BankAccountRef, CheckPayment_PrintStatus, TotalAmt, LineAggregate) VALUES ('21', 'Check', '1/1/2011', '41', 'NotSet', 0.03 ' <Line><Amount>Repairs</Amount><LinkedTxn><TxnId>312</TxnId><TxnType>Bill</TxnType></LinkedTxn></Line> <Line><Amount>Removal</Amount><LinkedTxn><TxnId>313</TxnId><TxnType>Bill</TxnType></LinkedTxn></LinkedTxn></Line> ')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the bill payment. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The document number for the transaction. If it is not provided in a create operation, QuickBooks business logic will assign the document number using the next-in-sequence algorithm. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date of the transaction. This field is often the date when the transaction was entered into the system, but it is not required to be. This field is used in the financial statements for posting transactions. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department entity, which stores the location of the transaction. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department. |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate containing the line items associated with the bill payment. | |
VendorRef | String | False |
Vendors.Id | True | True |
The Id of the vendor. |
VendorRef_Name | String | True |
Vendors.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the vendor. |
APAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the accounts-payable account the vendor credit is credited to. If a single accounts-payable account is used, this account is implied. This account must be a Liability account and the subtype must be of type Payables. |
APAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the accounts-payable account the vendor credit is credited to. If the company uses a single accounts-payable account, this account is implied. This account must be a Liability account and the subtype must be of type Payables. |
PayType | String | False | False | False |
The payment type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Check, CreditCard | |
CheckPayment_BankAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the bank account. |
CheckPayment_BankAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the bank account. |
CheckPayment_PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the check payment. This field is only applicable for checks. It is ignored for credit card charges or refunds. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNeedToPrintです。 | |
CreditCardPayment_CCAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the credit card account. |
CreditCardPayment_CCAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the credit card account. |
TotalAmt | Decimal | False | True | True |
This field sets the total amount of the bill. This includes the total of all the payments from the line items of the bill payment. | |
ProcessBillPayment | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether the payment is processed by the merchant account service. This field is valid for QuickBooks Online companies with credit card processing. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is only valid if the company file uses the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
TransactionLocationType | String | False | False | False |
The account location. This field is valid in only the FR editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。WithinFrance, FranceOverseas, OutsideFranceWithEU, OutsideEU |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bills.
Bills may be inserted, deleted, updated, or queried via the Bills or BillLineItems tables. Bills may be deleted by using the Bills table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a Bill, specify the Vendor, APAccountRef, and TxnDate columns and at least one Line Item. The LineAggregate column may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item data. Each _ denotes hierarchy. Use <Line> at the base level. The contents of LineAggregate will be sent to the API as is. All values for each field in the aggregate should adhere to the API's specifications (e.g. for dates in format yyyy-MM-dd, for date times in format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz). The columns that may be used in the aggregates begin with the prefix 'Line_' to indicate they are part of the line item. Use the Line_ column along with the DocNumber to indicate which lines go with which Bills. For example:
INSERT INTO Bills (VendorRef, APAccountRef, TxnDate, LineAggregate) VALUES ('21', '66', '1/1/2011', ' <Line><Amount>4.04</Amount><DetailType>AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail</DetailType><AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail><AccountRef>7</AccountRef></AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail></Line> <Line><Amount>6.06</Amount><DetailType>AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail</DetailType><AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail><AccountRef>8</AccountRef></AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail></Line> ')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the bill. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date of the transaction. This field is often the date when the transaction was entered into the system, but it is not required to be. For posting transactions, this is the posting date that affects financial statements. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of the line items of the bill. | |
VendorRef | String | False |
Vendors.Id | True | True |
The Id of the vendor. |
VendorRef_Name | String | True |
Vendors.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the vendor associated with the transaction. |
APAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the accounts-payable account. |
APAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the accounts-payable account. |
TotalAmt | Decimal | False | True | True |
The total amount due, determined by taking the sum of the line items. | |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | True | True |
The Id of the sales terms entity of the bill. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the sales terms entity of the bill. |
DueDate | Date | False | True | True |
The due date for the bill, excluding early payment discount incentives and late payment penalties. | |
Balance | Decimal | True | True | False |
The unpaid amount of the bill. When paid in full this value is 0. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department. |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code of the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is available only if the multicurrency feature has been set for the company file. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method used to apply the tax. This field is valid in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
TransactionLocationType | String | False | False | False |
The account location. This field is valid in only the FR editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。WithinFrance, FranceOverseas, OutsideFranceWithEU, OutsideEU |
Query QuickBooks BudgetDetails.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
BudgetId [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the customer. | |
DetailId [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the customer. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Name | String | True | True | True |
A user recogniyable name for the Account. | |
StartDate | Datetime | True | False | False |
The begin date for the Budget. | |
EndDate | Datetime | True | False | False |
The end date for the Budget. | |
BudgetType | String | True | True | True |
The type of budget. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。ProfitAndLoss, Balance Sheet | |
BudgetEntryType | String | True | False | False |
Period that the budget covers. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Monthly, Quarterly, Annually | |
Active | Boolean | True | True | False |
A boolean indicating if the budget is active. | |
BudgetDetail_BudgetDate | Datetime | True | False | False |
Date of the individual BudgetDetail. | |
BudgetDetail_Amount | Decimal | True | False | False |
Amount assigned to a BudgetDetail. | |
BudgetDetail_AccountRef | String | True |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The id of the account associated with the BudgetDetail. |
BudgetDetail_AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the account associated with the BudgetDetail. |
BudgetDetail_CustomerRef | String | True |
Customers.Id | False | False |
The id of the customer associated with the BudgetDetail. |
BudgetDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer associated with the BudgetDetail. |
BudgetDetail_ClassRef | String | True |
Class.Id | False | False |
The id of the class associated with the BudgetDetail. |
BudgetDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the BudgetDetail. |
BudgetDetail_DepartmentRef | String | True |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The id of the department associated with the BudgetDetail. |
BudgetDetail_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department associated with the BudgetDetail. |
Query QuickBooks Budgets.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the customer. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Name | String | True | True | True |
A user recogniyable name for the Account. | |
StartDate | Datetime | True | False | False |
The begin date for the Budget. | |
EndDate | Datetime | True | False | False |
The end date for the Budget. | |
BudgetType | String | True | True | True |
The type of budget. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。ProfitAndLoss, Balance Sheet | |
BudgetEntryType | String | True | False | False |
Period that the budget covers. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Monthly, Quarterly, Annually | |
Active | Boolean | True | True | False |
A boolean indicating if the budget is active. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Classes.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the class. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Name | String | False | True | True |
The name of the class. | |
SubClass | Boolean | True | True | True |
This field indicates whether the class is a subclass or not. | |
ParentRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the parent record. |
ParentRef_Name | String | True |
Class.Name | False | False |
The Id of the parent record. |
Active | Boolean | False | True | True |
This field sets whether or not the class is active. Inactive classes may be hidden from display and excluded from financial transactions. | |
FullyQualifiedName | String | True | True | True |
The fully qualified name of the class. The fully qualified name consists the topmost parent element followed by each subelement and separated by colons. For example: Parent:Account1:SubAccount1:SubAccount. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks CompanyCurrency. Applicable only for those companies that enable multicurrency, a companycurrency object defines a currency that is active in the QuickBooks Online company. One or more companycurrency objects are active based on the company's multicurrency business requirements and correspond to the list displayed by the Currency Center in the QuickBooks Online UI.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the currency object. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Code | String | False | True | True |
A three letter string representing the ISO 4217 code for the currency. | |
Name | String | False | False | True |
The fullName of the Currrency object. | |
Active | Boolean | False | True | False |
This field sets whether or not the currency is active. Inactive accounts cannot be posted to and are excluded from search results, although references to them are preserved. |
Retrieve information about the QuickBooks company.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the company. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | False | False |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | False | False |
The time the record was last updated. | |
CompanyName | String | True | False | False |
The name of the company. | |
LegalName | String | True | False | False |
The legal name of the company. | |
CompanyAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the Intuit entity for the company address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
CompanyAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the address. | |
CompanyAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the address. | |
CompanyAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the address. | |
CompanyAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the address. | |
CompanyAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
CompanyAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name. | |
CompanyAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name. | |
CompanyAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The country region. The state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
CompanyAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
CompanyAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
A note for the customer. | |
CompanyAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
CompanyAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the customer communication address. This field is assigned by the data service. The customer will use this address to contact the company. This field is also used to modify the address. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the address. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the address. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the address. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the address. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The country region. The state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
The note for the customer. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
CustomerCommunicationAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
LegalAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the company address used in government communications. This field is assigned by the data service and mainly used for modifying the address. | |
LegalAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the address. | |
LegalAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the address. | |
LegalAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the address. | |
LegalAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the address. | |
LegalAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
LegalAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name. | |
LegalAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name. | |
LegalAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
LegalAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
LegalAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
The note for the customer. | |
LegalAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
LegalAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
Email_Address | String | True | False | False |
The default email address. | |
PrimaryPhone_FreeFormNumber | String | True | False | False |
The primary phone number. | |
EmployerId | String | True | False | False |
The employer identifier (EIN). | |
Country | String | True | False | False |
The country that the company belongs to. This field is used for financial calculations. | |
SupportedLanguages | String | True | False | False |
A comma-separated list of languages supported by the company. | |
WebAddr_URI | String | True | False | False |
The default company website. | |
CompanyStartDate | Date | True | False | False |
The date when the company file was created. This field and Metadata_CreateTime contain the same value. | |
FiscalYearStartMonth | String | True | False | False |
The start month of fiscal year. | |
NameValue | String | False | False | False |
The name/value pairs of the element. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Credit Memo Line Items.
CreditMemos may be inserted, updated, or queried via the CreditMemos or CreditMemoLineItems tables. CreditMemos may be deleted by using the CreditMemos table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a CreditMemo, specify a Customer and at least one Line Item. The following shows an example of inserting multiple CreditMemos, each with a single line. To insert a CreditMemo with multiple lines, see the example on the CreditMemos table.
INSERT INTO CreditMemoLineItems#TEMP (CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) VALUES ('4', 'SalesItemLineDetail', '2', 0.01) INSERT INTO CreditMemoLineItems#TEMP (CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) VALUES ('4', 'SalesItemLineDetail', '3', 0.02) INSERT INTO CreditMemoLineItems (CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) SELECT CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount FROM CreditMemoLineItems#TEMP
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the credit memo. | |
CreditMemoId [KEY] | String | False |
CreditMemos.Id | True | True |
The Id of the credit memo. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when the transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. By default, this field will not appear on transaction records. | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of linked transactions on the credit memo. | |
Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item that appears in the printed record. | |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The total amount of the charges or discounts for the given line. This includes the charges and allowances but excludes the tax amount. | |
Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The detail type of the line item. Different detail types indicate different types of line items. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | False |
The Id of the item. When a line item lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line_Amount attribute is ignored. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
The name of the item. When a line item lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line_Amount attribute is ignored. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class entity of the line item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class entity of the line item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | False |
The unit price of the item. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | False | False |
The number of items in the line item. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for this item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ServiceDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date when the service was performed. | |
Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the group item object. | |
Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the group item object. | |
Line_GroupLineDetail_Quantity | Integer | True | False | False |
The amount of the group item. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | True |
The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
A name that identifies the customer. |
CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
A message to the customer, visible on the transaction. | |
BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name. | |
BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name. | |
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The country region. The state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
The note for the customer. | |
BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The region within a country. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class. |
ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class. |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | True | False |
The Id of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the sales term associated with the transaction. |
TotalAmt | Decimal | False | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the credit memo. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSent, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account. |
DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account. |
RemainingCredit | Decimal | False | False | False |
The total credit amount still available to apply towards the payment. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores location of the transaction. |
BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, this field is a required input. | |
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether the discount is applied before or after taxes are calculated. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used for all amounts of the transaction. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used for all amounts of the transaction. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction in the home currency. This field includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Credit Memos.
CreditMemos may be inserted, queried, or updated via the CreditMemos or CreditMemoLineItems tables. CreditMemos may be deleted by using the CreditMemos table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a CreditMemo, specify a Customer and at least one Line Item. The LineAggregate column may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item data. Each _ denotes hierarchy. Use <Line> at the base level. The contents of LineAggregate will be sent to the API as is. All values for each field in the aggregate should adhere to the API's specifications (e.g. for dates in format yyyy-MM-dd, for date times in format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz). The columns that may be used in the aggregates begin with the prefix 'Line_' to indicate they are part of the line item. Use the Line_ column along with the DocNumber to indicate which lines go with which CreditMemos. For example:
INSERT INTO CreditMemos (CustomerRef, LineAggregate) VALUES ('4', ' <Line><Amount>0.01</Amount><DetailType>SalesItemLineDetail</DetailType><SalesItemLineDetail><ItemRef>2</ItemRef></SalesItemLineDetail></Line> <Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><DetailType>SalesItemLineDetail</DetailType><SalesItemLineDetail><ItemRef>3</ItemRef></SalesItemLineDetail></Line> ')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the credit memo. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
The private note about the transaction. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items on the credit memo. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | True |
The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer or job. |
CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
The message to the customer, visible on the transaction. | |
BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the address, mainly used for modifying the address. This value is assigned by the data service. | |
BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name. | |
BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name. | |
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The country region. The state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
The note for the customer. | |
BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for hte address. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The region within a country. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | True | False |
The Id of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
TotalAmt | Decimal | False | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the credit memo. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSent, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account. |
DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
Name of the asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account. |
RemainingCredit | Decimal | False | False | False |
The total credit amount still available to be applied towards the payment. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the location of the transaction. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the location of the transaction. |
BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before taxes are calculated. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method used to apply the tax. This field is valid in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction, expressed in the home currency. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Customers.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the customer. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Title | String | False | False | False |
The title of the person. This field supports all i18n locales. At least one of the following name elements is required: Title, GivenName, MiddleName, or FamilyName. | |
GivenName | String | False | True | True |
The given name or first name of the customer. At least one of the following elements is required: Title, GivenName, MiddleName, or FamilyName. | |
MiddleName | String | False | True | True |
The middle name of the customer. The customer can have zero or more middle names. At least one of the elements is required: Title, GivenName, MiddleName, or FamilyName. | |
FamilyName | String | False | True | True |
The family name or the last name of the customer. At least one of the following name elements is required: Title, GivenName, MiddleName, or FamilyName. | |
Suffix | String | False | True | True |
The suffix of the name. | |
FullyQualifiedName | String | True | True | True |
The fully qualified name of the customer. The fully qualified name consists the topmost parent element followed by each subelement and separated by colons. For example: Parent:Account1:SubAccount1:SubAccount2. | |
CompanyName | String | False | True | True |
The name of the company associated with the customer. | |
DisplayName | String | False | True | True |
The name of the customer to be displayed. This value must be unique. | |
PrintOnCheckName | String | False | True | True |
The name of the customer as printed on a check. If this is not provided, it is populated from DisplayName. | |
Active | Boolean | False | True | True |
This field indicates whether the customer is currently enabled for use by QuickBooks. | |
IsProject | Boolean | True | True | True |
If true, indicates this is a Project. | |
PrimaryPhone_FreeFormNumber | String | False | False | False |
The primary phone number. | |
AlternatePhone_FreeFormNumber | String | False | False | False |
The alternate phone number. | |
Mobile_FreeFormNumber | String | False | False | False |
The mobile phone number. | |
Fax_FreeFormNumber | String | False | False | False |
The fax number. | |
PrimaryEmailAddr_Address | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the address. | |
WebAddr_URI | String | False | False | False |
The website address. | |
DefaultTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the customer. |
Taxable | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether this customer is taxable. | |
CustomerTypeRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the type of this customer. | |
BillAddr_Id | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This value is assigned by the data service. | |
BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name. | |
BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name. | |
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The country region. The state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
BillAddr_Lat | String | True | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
BillAddr_Long | String | True | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | True | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | True | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
Notes | String | False | False | False |
Notes on the customer. | |
Job | Boolean | False | True | False |
This field indicates whether the customer is a job or subcustomer. If false or null, this is a top-level customer. | |
BillWithParent | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether the customer is to be billed together with its parent entity. This field is valid only if this entity is a job or subcustomer. | |
ParentRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
The immediate parent of the subcustomer or job in the hierarchical 'Customer:Job' list. This field is required for the create operation if the customer is a subcustomer or a job. |
ParentRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the immediate parent of the subcustomer or job in the hierarchical 'Customer:Job' list. |
Level | Integer | True | False | False |
This field shows the level of the hierarchy the customer record is located in. A value of 0 specifies the top level of the hierarchy. The hierarchy is implicit when the parent is specified in an insert command. | |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales term associated with the customer. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales term associated with the customer. |
PaymentMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the payment method associated with the customer. | |
PaymentMethodRef_Name | String | True |
PaymentMethods.Name | False | False |
The name of the payment method associated with the customer. |
Balance | Decimal | False | True | True |
The open balance amount or the amount unpaid by the customer. For the create operation, this represents the opening balance for the customer. When returned in response to the query request it represents the current open balance for that customer. | |
OpenBalanceDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date of the open balance. This field is used in the create operation. | |
BalanceWithJobs | Decimal | True | False | False |
The cumulative open balance amount for the customer and all its subcustomers. | |
PreferredDeliveryMethod | String | False | False | False |
The preferred delivery method. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Print, Email, None | |
ResaleNum | String | False | False | False |
The resale number or additional info about the customer. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
TaxExemptionReasonId | Integer | False | True | False |
The tax exemption reason associated with this customer object. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Departments.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the department. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Name | String | False | True | True |
The name of the department. | |
SubDepartment | Boolean | True | False | False |
This field specifies whether the department is a subdepartment. | |
ParentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the parent class entity. |
ParentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the parent class entity. |
FullyQualifiedName | String | True | False | False |
The fully qualified name of the department. The fully qualified name consists the topmost parent element followed by each subelement and separated by colons. For example: Parent:Account1:SubAccount1:SubAccount2. | |
Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether or not the department is active. Inactive records are hidden from most display purposes and financial transactions. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Deposit Line Items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the invoice. | |
DepositId [KEY] | String | False |
Deposits.Id | True | True |
The Id of the invoice. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note that does not appear on the transaction records. | |
Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item. | |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the line item. | |
Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The detailType of the line item. | |
Line_DepositLineDetail_PaymentMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The payment method id of the line item. | |
Line_DepositLineDetail_PaymentMethodRef_Name | String | False |
PaymentMethods.Name | False | False |
The payment method id of the line item. |
Line_DepositLineDetail_AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
Account where the funds are deposited to. |
Line_DepositLineDetail_AccountRef_Name | String | False |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
Account where the funds are deposited to. |
Line_DepositLineDetail_Entity | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
Reference to a customer from which the deposit was recieved |
Line_DepositLineDetail_Entity_Name | String | False |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
Reference to a customer from which the deposit was recieved |
Line_DepositLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
Reference to the Class associated with the transaction |
Line_DepositLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | False |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
Reference to the Class associated with the transaction |
Line_DepositLineDetail_CheckNum | String | False | False | False |
The check number for the deposit | |
Line_DepositLineDetail_TxnType | String | False | False | False |
The type of the payment transaction. Different types indicate different types of line items. | |
Line_DepositLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The Sales/Purchase tax code associated with the Line. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Line_DepositLineDetail_TaxApplicableOn | String | False | False | False |
Indicates whether the tax applicable on the line is sales or purchase. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId | String | True | False | False |
The id of the linked transaction | |
Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType | String | True | False | False |
The type of the linked transaction. Different types indicate different types of line items. | |
Line_LinkedTxn_TxnLineId | String | True | False | False |
The lineitem id of the linked transaction line item. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the asset account to be used for this deposit. |
DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | False |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the asset account to be used for this deposit. |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates the total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
CashBack_AccountRef | String | True | True | False |
The asset account (bank account) Id to be used for this cash back transaction | |
CashBack_AccountRef_Name | String | False | False | False |
The asset account (bank account) Name to be used for this cash back transaction | |
CashBack_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the cash back transaction. | |
CashBack_Memo | String | True | True | False |
The memo associated with this cash back transaction. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which store the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Deposits.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the invoice. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note that does not appear on the transaction records. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items associated with the transaction. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the asset account to be used for this deposit. |
DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | False |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the asset account to be used for this deposit. |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates the total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
CashBack_AccountRef | String | True |
Accounts.Id | True | False |
The asset account (bank account) Id to be used for this cash back transaction |
CashBack_AccountRef_Name | String | False |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The asset account (bank account) Name to be used for this cash back transaction |
CashBack_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the cash back transaction. | |
CashBack_Memo | String | True | True | False |
The memo associated with this cash back transaction. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which store the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The number of home currency units it takes to equal one unit of currency specified by CurrencyRef. Applicable if multicurrency is enabled for the company. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
TransactionLocationType | String | False | False | False |
The account location. This field is valid in only the FR editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。WithinFrance, FranceOverseas, OutsideFranceWithEU, OutsideEU |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Employees.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the employee. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Organization | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the entity represents an organization or a person. | |
Title | String | False | False | False |
The title of the employee. The employee can have zero or more titles. This field supports all i18n locales. | |
EmployeeNumber | String | False | True | True |
The employee number in the directory of the employer. | |
GivenName | String | False | True | True |
The given name or first name of the employee. | |
MiddleName | String | False | True | True |
The middle name of the employee. The person can have zero or more middle names. | |
FamilyName | String | False | True | True |
The family name or last name of the employee. | |
Suffix | String | False | False | False |
The suffix of the name of the employee. | |
DisplayName | String | False | True | False |
The name of the person or organization as displayed. This field is required. | |
PrintOnCheckName | String | False | False | False |
The name of the employee as it should appear on a check. | |
Active | Boolean | False | True | False |
This field sets whether this entity is currently enabled for use. | |
Mobile_FreeFormNumber | String | False | False | False |
The mobile phone number. | |
PrimaryEmailAddr_Address | String | False | False | False |
The primary email address. | |
PrimaryAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the address, mainly used for modifying the address. This value is assigned by the data service. | |
PrimaryAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
PrimaryAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
PrimaryAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
PrimaryAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
PrimaryAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
PrimaryAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
PrimaryAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
PrimaryAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. The state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
PrimaryAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
PrimaryAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
PrimaryAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
PrimaryAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
SSN | String | False | False | False |
The social security number (SSN) of the employee. If SSN is set, it is masked in the response with XXX-XX-XXXX. If XXX-XX-XXXX is sent in the create or update request, XXX-XX-XXXX is ignored and the old value is preserved. | |
BillableTime | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the employee is eligible for billable time. | |
BillRate | Double | False | False | False |
This field is available only if BillableTime is true. This field is not required, even if BillableTime is true. | |
HiredDate | Date | False | False | False |
The hire date of the employee. | |
ReleasedDate | Date | False | False | False |
The release date of the employee. | |
BirthDate | Date | False | False | False |
The birth date of the employee. | |
Gender | String | False | False | False |
The gender of the employee. To clear the gender value, set this field to Null in a full update request. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Male, Female |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Estimate Line Items.
Estimates may be inserted, queried, or updated via the Estimates or EstimateLineItems tables. Estimates may be deleted by using the Estimates table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add an Estimate, specify a Customer and at least one Line Item. The following shows an example of inserting multiple Estimates, each with a single line. To insert an Estimate with multiple lines, see the example on the Estimates table.
INSERT INTO EstimateLineItems#TEMP (CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) VALUES ('4', 'SalesItemLineDetail', '2', 0.01) INSERT INTO EstimateLineItems#TEMP (CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) VALUES ('4', 'SalesItemLineDetail', '3', 0.02) INSERT INTO EstimateLineItems (CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) SELECT CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount FROM EstimateLineItems#TEMP
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the estimate. | |
EstimateId [KEY] | String | False |
Estimates.Id | True | True |
The Id of the estimate. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note, which will not appear on the transaction records. | |
TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Accepted, Closed, Pending, Rejected | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Line_LineNum | String | False | False | False |
The line number. | |
Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
The line description. | |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The line amount. | |
Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The line detail type. Different detail types indicate different types of line items. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | False |
The Id of the item in the line item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
The name of the item in the line item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class in the line item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class in the line item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | False |
The unit price of the item. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | False | False |
The number of items for the line item. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ServiceDate | Date | False | False | False |
The service date for the item. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_DiscountAmt | Decimal | False | False | False |
The discount amount applied to this line. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_DiscountRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
TThe discount rate applied to this line. | |
Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the group item object. | |
Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the group item object. | |
Line_GroupLineDetail_Quantity | Integer | True | False | False |
The amount of the group item. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
The message to the customer, which appears in the invoice and the printed invoice. | |
BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The due date for the invoice, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date for delivery of goods or services. | |
TrackingNum | String | False | False | False |
The tracking number for the shipping provider for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates the total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
Balance | Decimal | False | True | True |
This field indicates whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
ExpirationDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date when an estimate becomes invalid. | |
AcceptedBy | String | False | False | False |
The name of the customer who accepted the estimate. | |
AcceptedDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date the estimate was accepted. | |
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether any discounts are applied before taxes are calculated. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method used to apply taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction, expressed in the home currency. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Estimate Line Items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LinkedTxnId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the estimate. | |
EstimateId [KEY] | String | False |
Estimates.Id | True | True |
The Id of the estimate. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note, which will not appear on the transaction records. | |
TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Accepted, Closed, Pending, Rejected | |
LinkedTxn_TxnId | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
LinkedTxn_TxnType | String | False | False | False |
The line number of the line item. | |
LinkedTxn_TxnLineId | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items associated with the transaction. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
The message to the customer, which appears in the invoice and the printed invoice. | |
BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The due date for the invoice, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date for delivery of goods or services. | |
TrackingNum | String | False | False | False |
The tracking number for the shipping provider for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates the total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
Balance | Decimal | False | True | True |
This field indicates whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
ExpirationDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date when an estimate becomes invalid. | |
AcceptedBy | String | False | False | False |
The name of the customer who accepted the estimate. | |
AcceptedDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date the estimate was accepted. | |
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether any discounts are applied before taxes are calculated. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method used to apply taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction, expressed in the home currency. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Estimates.
Estimates may be inserted, queried, or updated via the Estimates or EstimateLineItems tables. Estimates may be deleted by using the Estimates table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add an Estimate, specify a Customer and at least one Line Item. The LineAggregate column may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item data. Each _ denotes hierarchy. Use <Line> at the base level. The contents of LineAggregate will be sent to the API as is. All values for each field in the aggregate should adhere to the API's specifications (e.g. for dates in format yyyy-MM-dd, for date times in format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz). The columns that may be used in the aggregates begin with the prefix 'Line_' to indicate they are part of the line item. Use the Line_ column along with the DocNumber to indicate which lines go with which Estimates. For example:
INSERT INTO Estimates (CustomerRef, LineAggregate) VALUES ('4', ' <Line><Amount>0.01</Amount><DetailType>SalesItemLineDetail</DetailType><SalesItemLineDetail><ItemRef>2</ItemRef></SalesItemLineDetail></Line> <Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><DetailType>SalesItemLineDetail</DetailType><SalesItemLineDetail><ItemRef>3</ItemRef></SalesItemLineDetail></Line> ')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the Estimate. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when this transaction occurred. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note, which will not appear on the transaction records. | |
TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Accepted, Closed, Pending, Rejected | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items associated with the transaction. other:childtable= | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
A message to the customer, which appears in the invoice and in the printed invoice. | |
BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the billing address. | |
BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Country region. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Country region. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The due date for the invoice, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date for delivery of goods or services. | |
TrackingNum | String | False | False | False |
The tracking number for the shipping provider for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
Balance | Decimal | False | True | True |
This column sets whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
ExpirationDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date when the estimate becomes invalid. | |
AcceptedBy | String | False | False | False |
The name of the customer who accepted the estimate. | |
AcceptedDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date the estimate was accepted. | |
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method used to apply taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction in the home currency. Includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Retrieves QuickBooks exchange rates.
By default this view will only list rates about today's exchange rates. You can change the date by specifying a valid date for the column AsOfDate.
SELECT * FROM ExchangeRates WHERE AsOfDate = '2018/01/01' SELECT * FROM ExchangeRates WHERE SourceCurrencyCode = 'USD'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
SourceCurrencyCode | String | False | True | False |
The source currency from which the exchange rate is specified. Specify as a three letter string representing the ISO 4217 code for the currency. | |
TargetCurrencyCode | String | False | False | False |
The target currency against which the exchange rate is specified. Specify as a three letter string representing the ISO 4217 code for the currency. | |
Rate | Double | False | False | False |
The exchange rate between SourceCurrencyCode and TargetCurrencyCode on the AsOfDate date. | |
AsOfDate | Date | False | True | False |
Date on which this exchange rate was set. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items.
Invoices may be inserted, queried, or updated via the Invoices or InvoiceLineItems tables. Invoices may be deleted by using the Invoices table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add an Invoice, specify a Customer and at least one Line Item. For example, the following will insert a new Invoice with two Line Items:
INSERT INTO InvoiceLineItems#TEMP (CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) VALUES ('4', 'SalesItemLineDetail', '2', 0.01) INSERT INTO InvoiceLineItems#TEMP (CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) VALUES ('4', 'SalesItemLineDetail', '3', 0.02) INSERT INTO InvoiceLineItems (CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) SELECT CustomerRef, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount FROM InvoiceLineItems#TEMP
To add lines to an existing Invoice, You'll need to specify the InvoiceId in the WHERE clause for the INSERT command. For example:
INSERT INTO InvoiceLineItems#TEMP (InvoiceId, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) VALUES ('1234', 'SalesItemLineDetail', '2', 0.01) INSERT INTO InvoiceLineItems#TEMP (InvoiceId, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) VALUES ('1234', 'SalesItemLineDetail', '3', 0.02) INSERT INTO InvoiceLineItems (InvoiceId, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount) SELECT InvoiceId, Line_DetailType, Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Line_Amount FROM InvoiceLineItems#TEMP
To update an existing Line Item, you'll need to specify the LineId. You can only update Line Items which have a Detail Type of SalesItemLineDetail.
UPDATE InvoiceLineItems SET Line_SalesItemLineDetail_Qty = 20 WHERE LineId = '5656'
To delete existing Line Items, you'll need to set the LineId and InvoiceId:
DELETE FROM InvoiceLineItems WHERE LineId = '5656' AND InvoiceId = '1'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the invoice. | |
InvoiceId [KEY] | String | False |
Invoices.Id | True | True |
The Id of the invoice. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note for the transaction, which does not appear on the transaction records. | |
TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Accepted, Closed, Pending, Rejected | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Line_LineNum | String | False | False | False |
The line number of the line item. | |
Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item. | |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the line item. | |
Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The detail type of the line item. Different detail types indicate different types of line items. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | False |
The Id of the item in the line item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
The name of the item in the line item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class in the line item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class in the line item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | False |
The unit price of the item. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | False | False |
The number of items for the line item. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the item. |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_DiscountAmt | Decimal | False | False | False |
The discount rate applied to an individual line item. If both DiscountAmt and DiscountRate are supplied, DiscountRate takes precedence and DiscountAmt is recalculated by QuickBooks services based on amount of DiscountRate. | |
Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ServiceDate | Date | False | False | False |
The service date for the item. | |
Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the group item object. | |
Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the group item object. | |
Line_GroupLineDetail_Quantity | Integer | True | False | False |
The amount of the group item. | |
Line_DiscountLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class in the line item. |
Line_DiscountLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class in the line item. |
Line_DiscountLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the item. |
Line_DiscountLineDetail_TaxCodeRef_Name | String | True |
TaxCodes.Name | False | False |
The name for the tax sales code. |
Line_DiscountLineDetail_PercentBased | Boolean | False | False | False |
True if the discount is a percentage; null or false if discount based on amount. | |
Line_DiscountLineDetail_DiscountAccountRef | String | False | False | False |
The discount code for the item. | |
Line_DiscountLineDetail_DiscountAccountRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name for the discount account. | |
Line_DiscountLineDetail_DiscountPercent | Decimal | False | False | False |
Percentage by which the amount due is reduced, from 0% to 100%. To enter a discount of 8.5% use 8.5, not 0.085. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
The message to the customer, which appears in the invoice and the printed invoice. | |
BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA and the province name for Canada. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The date when the invoice is to be paid, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date for delivery of goods or services. | |
TrackingNum | String | False | False | False |
The tracking number for the shipping provider for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
Balance | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment | Boolean | False | False | False |
It specifies if online credit card payments are allowed for this invoice and corresponds to the Cards online payment check box on the QuickBooks UI. | |
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. Valid only if the company file is set up to use multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction in the home currency. Includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LinkedTxnId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the invoice. | |
InvoiceId [KEY] | String | False |
Invoices.Id | True | True |
The Id of the invoice. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note for the transaction, which does not appear on the transaction records. | |
TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Accepted, Closed, Pending, Rejected | |
LinkedTxn_TxnId | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
LinkedTxn_TxnType | String | False | False | False |
The line number of the line item. | |
LinkedTxn_TxnLineId | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items associated with the transaction. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
The message to the customer, which appears in the invoice and the printed invoice. | |
BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA and the province name for Canada. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The date when the invoice is to be paid, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date for delivery of goods or services. | |
TrackingNum | String | False | False | False |
The tracking number for the shipping provider for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
Balance | Decimal | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment | Boolean | False | False | False |
It specifies if online credit card payments are allowed for this invoice and corresponds to the Cards online payment check box on the QuickBooks UI. | |
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. Valid only if the company file is set up to use multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction in the home currency. Includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoices.
Invoices may be inserted, queried, or updated via the Invoices or InvoiceLineItems tables. Invoices may be deleted by using the Invoices table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add an Invoice, specify a Customer and at least one Line Item. The LineAggregate column may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item data. Each _ denotes hierarchy. Use <Line> at the base level. The contents of LineAggregate will be sent to the API as is. All values for each field in the aggregate should adhere to the API's specifications (e.g. for dates in format yyyy-MM-dd, for date times in format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz). The columns that may be used in the aggregates begin with the prefix 'Line_' to indicate they are part of the line item. Use the Line_ column along with the DocNumber to indicate which lines go with which Invoices. For example:
INSERT INTO Invoices (CustomerRef, LineAggregate) VALUES ('4', ' <Line><Amount>0.01</Amount><DetailType>SalesItemLineDetail</DetailType><SalesItemLineDetail><ItemRef>2</ItemRef></SalesItemLineDetail></Line> <Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><DetailType>SalesItemLineDetail</DetailType><SalesItemLineDetail><ItemRef>3</ItemRef></SalesItemLineDetail></Line> ')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the invoice. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note that does not appear on the transaction records. | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items associated with the transaction. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code of the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
The message to the customer that appears in the invoice and in the printed invoice. | |
BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The date when the invoice is to be paid, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
ShipDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date for delivery of goods or services. | |
TrackingNum | String | False | False | False |
The tracking number for the shipping provider for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates the total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
BillEmailCc_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent as CC. | |
BillEmailBcc_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent as BCC. | |
Balance | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
PaymentRefNum | String | False | False | False |
The reference number for the payment. | |
PaymentMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the payment method. | |
PaymentMethodRef_Name | String | True |
PaymentMethods.Name | False | False |
The name of the payment method. |
DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account. |
DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
Name of the asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account. |
DeliveryInfo_DeliveryType | String | False | False | False |
Type of the delivery. Used to confirm that email has been sent via the send operation. | |
DeliveryInfo_DeliveryTime | Datetime | False | False | False |
Delivery date and time. | |
Deposit | Decimal | False | False | False |
The deposit made towards this invoice. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which store the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment | Boolean | False | False | False |
It specifies if online credit card payments are allowed for this invoice and corresponds to the Cards online payment check box on the QuickBooks UI. | |
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit.This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
Total amount of the transaction in the home currency. Includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
AllowOnlineACHPayment | Boolean | False | False | False |
Specifies if this invoice can be paid with online bank transfers and corresponds to the Free bank transfer online payment check box on the QuickBooks UI. | |
InvoiceLink | String | True | False | False |
Sharable link for the invoice sent to external customers. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the item. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Name | String | False | True | True |
The name of the item. | |
FullyQualifiedName | String | False | False | False |
The fully qualified name of the item. The fully qualified name consists the topmost parent element followed by each subelement and separated by colons. For example: Parent:Account1:SubAccount1:SubAccount2. | |
Description | String | False | False | False |
The description for the item that describes the details of the service or product. | |
Active | Boolean | False | True | False |
This column sets whether the item active. Inactive items may be hidden from display and are not used in financial transactions. | |
ParentRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | True |
The Id of the parent entity of the item. If SubItem is true, then ParenRef is required. |
ParentRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the parent entity of the item. If SubItem is true, then ParenRef is required. |
PrefVendorRef | String | False |
Vendors.Id | False | True |
The Id of the vendor entity of the item. |
PrefVendorRef_Name | String | False |
Vendors.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the vendor entity of the item. |
SubItem | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the item is a subitem. A value of false or null indicates a top-level item. | |
UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | True |
Monetary value of the service or product, expressed in the home currency. | |
Type | String | False | True | True |
Classification that specifies the use of this item. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Inventory, NonInventory, Service, Category, Group | |
Taxable | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the item is subject to tax. | |
AssetAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the inventory asset account. If the same inventory asset account is assigned for individual items, the current balance of that account will show the current total value of the inventory. However, individual items may have different account. |
AssetAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the inventory asset account. If the same inventory asset account is assigned for individual items, the current balance of that account will show the current total value of the inventory. However, individual items may have different accounts. |
IncomeAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the account that records the proceeds from the sale of this item. |
IncomeAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the account that records the proceeds from the sale of this item. |
PurchaseDesc | String | False | False | False |
The purchase description for the item. | |
PurchaseCost | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount paid when buying or ordering the item, as expressed in the home currency. | |
ExpenseAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the expense account associated with the purchase item. |
ExpenseAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the expense account reference associated with the purchase item. |
QtyOnHand | Double | False | False | True |
The current quantity of the inventory items available for sale. | |
ReorderPoint | Double | False | False | False |
The minimum quantity of a product to have on hand. | |
InvStartDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date to start tracking inventory. Required if TrackQtyOnHand is set. | |
SalesTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The sales tax code for the item. |
PurchaseTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The purchase tax code for the item. |
TrackQtyOnHand | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether there is quantity on hand to be tracked. | |
Level | Integer | True | False | False |
The level of the item. The value 0 indicates the top-level parent. Otherwise, this field specifies the depth from the top parent. | |
Sku | String | False | True | False |
The stock keeping unit (SKU) for this Item. This is a company-defined identifier for an item or product used in tracking inventory. | |
SalesTaxIncluded | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the sales tax is included in the item amount, and therefore not calculated for the transaction. | |
PurchaseTaxIncluded | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the purchase tax is included in the item amount, and therefore not calculated for the transaction. | |
ItemGroupDetail_ItemGroupLineAggregate | String | True | False | False |
One or more Item objects that comprise a bundle. | |
ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The ID for the referenced object as found in the Id field of the object payload. |
ClassRef_Name | String | False |
Class.Name | False | False |
An identifying name for the object being referenced by value. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Journal Codes.
Applicable only for France-locale companies (FR locale). JournalCodes may be inserted, queried, or updated via the JournalCode table.
You can retrieve all JournalCode items from the table or a specific one specifying ID. Other filters processed server side are Name, MetaData_CreateTime, MetaData_LastUpdatedTime. You can also order the results by the same fields.
SELECT * FROM JournalCode WHERE Id = 4 SELECT * FROM JournalCode WHERE MetaData_LastUpdatedTime = '2018-07-26 08:29:22' SELECT * FROM JournalCode ORDER BY Name ASC SELECT * FROM JournalCode ORDER BY Id ASC SELECT * FROM JournalCode ORDER BY MetaData_CreateTime DESC
To add a JournalCode, there must be at least Name field specified, which must be unique. All the fields of JournalCode which are not readonly can be inserted as well.
INSERT INTO JournalCode (Name) VALUES ('New inserted')
All the fields of JournalCode which are not readonly can be updated.
UPDATE JournalCode SET Description = 'New Desc' WHERE Id = 4
Delete is not supported for the table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
Unique Identifier for a journal code entity. | |
Name | String | False | True | True |
A name representing the journal code. | |
Type | String | False | False | False |
The type of this journal code. The value cannot be changed once the object is created. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Expenses, Sales, Bank, Nouveaux, Wages, Cash, Others | |
Description | String | False | True | False |
A free-form description of the journal code. | |
Active | Boolean | True | False | False |
Wether journal code object is active | |
Domain | String | True | False | False | ||
Sparse | Boolean | True | False | False | ||
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
Time the entity was created in the source domain. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
Time the entity was last updated in the source domain. | |
Time | Datetime | True | False | False |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Journal Entries.
JournalEntries may be inserted, queried, or updated via the JournalEntries or JournalEntryLineItems tables. JournalEntries may be deleted by using the JournalEntries table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a JournalEntry, there must be at least one credit line and at least one debit line where the total of the debit and credit Lines are equal to each other. The LineAggregate column may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item data. Each _ denotes hierarchy. Use <Line> at the base level. The contents of LineAggregate will be sent to the API as is. All values for each field in the aggregate should adhere to the API's specifications (e.g. for dates in format yyyy-MM-dd, for date times in format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz).The columns that may be used in the aggregates begin with the prefix 'Line_' to indicate they are part of the line item. Use the Line_ column along with the DocNumber to indicate which lines go with which JournalEntries. For example:
INSERT INTO JournalEntries (LineAggregate) VALUES (' <Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><DetailType>JournalEntryLineDetail</DetailType><JournalEntryLineDetail><PostingType>Debit</PostingType><Entity><Type>Customer</Type><EntityRef>24</EntityRef></Entity><AccountRef>33</AccountRef></JournalEntryLineDetail></Line> <Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><DetailType>JournalEntryLineDetail</DetailType><JournalEntryLineDetail><PostingType>Credit</PostingType><AccountRef>14</AccountRef></JournalEntryLineDetail></Line> ')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the journal entry. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
Adjustment | Boolean | False | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of the line items of a transaction. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | True |
The total amount of the transaction. Calculated by QuickBooks business logic; any value you supply is over-written by QuickBooks. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is only valid if the company file uses the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
TransactionLocationType | String | False | False | False |
The account location. This field is valid in only the FR editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。WithinFrance, FranceOverseas, OutsideFranceWithEU, OutsideEU |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Journal Entry Line Items.
JournalEntries may be inserted, queried, or updated via the JournalEntries or JournalEntryLineItems tables. JournalEntries may be deleted by using the JournalEntries table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a JournalEntry, there must be at least one credit line and at least one debit line where the total of the debit and credit lines are equal to each other. The following shows an example of inserting multiple JournalEntries, each with a single line. To insert a JournalEntry with multiple lines, see the example on the JournalEntries table.
INSERT INTO JournalEntryLineItems#TEMP (Line_DetailType, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_PostingType, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_Type, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_EntityRef, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef, Line_Amount) VALUES ('JournalEntryLineDetail', 'Debit', 'Customer', '24', '33', 0.02) INSERT INTO JournalEntryLineItems#TEMP (Line_DetailType, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_PostingType, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef, Line_Amount) VALUES ('JournalEntryLineDetail', 'Credit', '14', 0.02) INSERT INTO JournalEntryLineItems (Line_DetailType, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_PostingType, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_Type, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_EntityRef, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef, Line_Amount, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef) SELECT Line_DetailType, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_PostingType, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_Type, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_EntityRef, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef, Line_Amount, Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef FROM JournalEntryLineItems#TEMP
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the journal entry. | |
JournalEntryId [KEY] | String | False | True | True |
The Id of the journal entry. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
Reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
Adjustment | Boolean | False | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
A description of the line item that appears in the printed record. | |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the line item. | |
Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The detail type of the line item. Different detail types indicate different types of line items. | |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_PostingType | String | False | False | False |
This field indicates the posting type of the line item of the journal entry detail. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Credit, Debit | |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_Type | String | False | False | False |
The type of the entity to be referenced. | |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_EntityRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity to be referenced. | |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_EntityRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the entity to be referenced. | |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the account associated with the journal entry line item. |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the account associated with the journal entry line item. |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class associated with the journal entry line item. |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the journal entry line. |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department associated with the journal entry line. |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department associated with the journal entry line. |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The sales or purchase tax code associated with the journal entry line. This field is used for non-U.S., non-Canadian companies. This field is valid for the UK edition. |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_TaxApplicableOn | String | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the tax applicable to the line item is sales or purchase tax. This field is valid for the UK edition. | |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_TaxAmount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The tax applicable for this line item. This field is valid for the UK, and AU editions. | |
Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | False | False |
The billable status of the journal entry line. The line is to be billed to a customer if the account is an expense account and the Entity Reference specifies a Customer or a Job. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. Calculated by QuickBooks business logic; any value you supply is over-written by QuickBooks. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is only valid if the company file uses the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Payment Line Items.
Payments may be inserted, queried, or updated via the Payments or PaymentLineItems tables. Payments may be deleted by using the Payments table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a Payment, specify a Customer, TotalAmt, and optionally Line Items. The following shows an example of inserting multiple Payments, each with a single line. To insert a Payment with multiple lines, see the example on the Payments table.
INSERT INTO PaymentLineItems#TEMP (CustomerRef, Line_Amount, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId, TotalAmt) VALUES ('4', 0.01, 'Invoice', '116', 0.03) INSERT INTO PaymentLineItems#TEMP (CustomerRef, Line_Amount, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId, TotalAmt) VALUES ('4', 0.02, 'Invoice', '117', 0.03) INSERT INTO PaymentLineItems (CustomerRef, Line_Amount, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId, TotalAmt) SELECT CustomerRef, Line_Amount, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType, Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId, TotalAmt FROM PaymentLineItems#TEMP
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item on the payment. | |
PaymentId [KEY] | String | False |
Payments.Id | True | True |
The Id of the payment. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | False |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
The private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. For Payment entities, this status is always set to PAID. | |
Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId | String | False | False | False |
The Id of a linked transaction in the line item. | |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
Amount of the line item. | |
Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType | String | False | False | False |
The type of the transaction linked to the line item. | |
Line_LinkedTxn_TxnLineId | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
RemitToRef | String | True | False | False |
This field contains the Id of the entity for the party or location that the payment is to be remitted to or sent to. | |
RemitToRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
A name that identifies the party or location that the payment is to be remitted to or sent to. | |
ARAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
Reference to the Accounts Receivable (Accounts Receivable account) account associated with the transaction. It is strongly recommended to always supply this field, even though it is ignored by QuickBooks Online, because QuickBooks Online has only one accounts receivable account. |
ARAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
Reference to the ARAccount (Accounts Receivable account) associated with the transaction. It is strongly recommended to always supply an ARAccountRef even though it is ignored by QBO, because QBO has only one accounts receivable account. |
DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
An optional asset account specification to designate the account the payment money needs to be deposited to. |
DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The optional asset account specification to designate the account the payment money needs to be deposited to. |
PaymentMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the payment method. | |
PaymentMethodRef_Name | String | True |
PaymentMethods.Name | False | False |
The name of the payment method. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Cash, Check, CreditCard, Other |
PaymentRefNum | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the payment received. | |
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeInfo | String | False | False | False |
Holds credit card information to request a credit card payment from a merchant account service, but not any response or authorization information from the merchant account service provider. | |
CreditCardPayment_Number | String | False | False | False |
The credit card account number, as printed on the card. This field must not have white space or formatting characters. | |
CreditCardPayment_Type | String | False | False | False |
The type of credit card. | |
CreditCardPayment_NameOnAcct | String | False | False | False |
The name of the account holder, as printed on the card. | |
CreditCardPayment_CcExpiryMonth | Integer | False | False | False |
The expiration month on the card. | |
CreditCardPayment_CcExpiryYear | Integer | False | False | False |
4-digit expiration year on the card. | |
CreditCardPayment_BillAddrStreet | String | False | False | False |
The billing address. | |
CreditCardPayment_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. | |
CreditCardPayment_CommercialCardCode | String | False | False | False |
The code associated with commercial cards such as purchase, corporate, or business cards. Lower transaction fee rates apply for these cards when this field is defined. | |
CreditCardPayment_CCTxnMode | String | False | False | False |
Credit card transaction mode used in credit card payment transactions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。CardNotPresent, CardPresent | |
CreditCardPayment_CCTxnType | String | False | False | False |
The type of credit card transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Authorization, Capture, Charge, Refund, VoiceAuthorization | |
CreditCardPayment_PrevCCTransId | String | False | False | False |
Id of the previous payment transaction. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | False | True | True |
This field indicates the total amount of the entity associated. This includes the total of all the payments from the payment details. | |
UnappliedAmt | Decimal | False | False | False |
This field indicates the amount that has not been applied to pay amounts owed for sales transactions. | |
ProcessPayment | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates that the payment should be processed by merchant account service. This field is valid for QuickBooks Online companies with credit card processing. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
Currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Payment Methods.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the payment method. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Name | String | False | True | True |
The name of the payment method item. | |
Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether or not the payment method is active. Inactive payment methods may be hidden from display and may not be used on financial transactions. | |
Type | String | False | False | False |
Defines the type, or the way the payment was made. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Payments.
Payments may be inserted, queried, or updated via the Payments or PaymentLineItems tables. Payments may be deleted by using the Payments table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a Payment, specify a Customer and at least one item Line Item. The LineAggregate column may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item data. Each _ denotes hierarchy. Use <Line> at the base level. The contents of LineAggregate will be sent to the API as is. All values for each field in the aggregate should adhere to the API's specifications (e.g. for dates in format yyyy-MM-dd, for date times in format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz). The columns that may be used in the aggregates begin with the prefix 'Line_' to indicate they are part of the line item. Use the Line_ column along with the DocNumber to indicate which lines go with which Payments. For example
INSERT INTO Payments (CustomerRef, TotalAmt, LineAggregate) VALUES ('4', '0.03', ' <Line><Amount>0.01</Amount><LinkedTxn><TxnId>116</TxnId><TxnType>Invoice</TxnType></LinkedTxn></Line> <Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><LinkedTxn><TxnId>117</TxnId><TxnType>Invoice</TxnType></LinkedTxn></Line> ')
To automatically add payments for invoices up to a specific total amount, set AutoInvoice to true. You must also supply a Customer and a positive TotalAmt. Your unpaid invoices will be paid from the soonest due to the oldest one.
INSERT INTO Payments (CustomerRef, TotalAmt, AutoInvoice) VALUES ('4', 27.5, true)
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the payment. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | False |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. For payment entities, this status is always set to PAID. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
A line item of a transaction. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
RemitToRef | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the party or location that the payment is to be remitted to or sent to. | |
RemitToRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the party or location that the payment is to be remitted to or sent to. | |
ARAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the Accounts Receivable account (ARAccount) associated with the transaction. It is strongly recommended to always supply this field, even though it is ignored by QuickBooks Online, because QuickBooks Online has only one accounts recievable account. |
ARAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the Accounts Receivable account (ARAccount) associated with the transaction. It is strongly recommended to always supply this field, even though it is ignored by QuickBooks Online, because QuickBooks Online has only one accounts recievable account. |
DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
An optional asset account specification. The Id of the asset account that designates the account the payment money needs to be deposited to. |
DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
An optional asset account specification. The name of the account the payment money needs to be deposited to. |
PaymentMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the payment method. | |
PaymentMethodRef_Name | String | True |
PaymentMethods.Name | False | False |
The name of the payment method. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Cash, Check, CreditCard, Other |
PaymentRefNum | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the payment received. | |
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeInfo | String | False | False | False |
This field holds credit card information to request a credit card payment from a merchant account service, but not any response or authorization information from the merchant account service provider. | |
CreditCardPayment_Number | String | False | False | False |
The credit card account number, as printed on the card. This field must not have white space or formatting characters. | |
CreditCardPayment_Type | String | False | False | False |
The type of credit card. | |
CreditCardPayment_NameOnAcct | String | False | False | False |
The account holder name as printed on the card. | |
CreditCardPayment_CcExpiryMonth | Integer | False | False | False |
The expiration month on the card. | |
CreditCardPayment_CcExpiryYear | Integer | False | False | False |
The 4-digit expiration year on the card. | |
CreditCardPayment_BillAddrStreet | String | False | False | False |
The street of the billing address. | |
CreditCardPayment_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. | |
CreditCardPayment_CommercialCardCode | String | False | False | False |
The code associated with commercial cards such as purchase, corporate, or business cards. Lower transaction fee rates apply for these cards when this field is defined. | |
CreditCardPayment_CCTxnMode | String | False | False | False |
The credit card transaction mode used in credit card payment transactions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。CardNotPresent, CardPresent | |
CreditCardPayment_CCTxnType | String | False | False | False |
The type of credit card transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Authorization, Capture, Charge, Refund, VoiceAuthorization | |
CreditCardPayment_PrevCCTransId | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the previous payment transaction. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | False | True | True |
The total amount of the entity associated. This includes the total of all the payments from the payment details. | |
UnappliedAmt | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount that has not been applied to pay amounts owed for sales transactions. | |
ProcessPayment | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates that the payment should be processed by merchant account service. This field is valid for companies with credit card processing enabled in QuickBooks Online. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
TransactionLocationType | String | False | False | False |
The account location. This field is valid in only the FR editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。WithinFrance, FranceOverseas, OutsideFranceWithEU, OutsideEU |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AutoInvoice | Boolean |
Set to true to apply payments to invoices automatically (starting from oldest to newest). |
Query QuickBooks Preferences. The Preferences table contains settings for company-wide preferences, which affect all users.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the preference record. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | False | False |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | False | False |
The time the record was last updated. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_TrackDepartments | Boolean | False | False | False |
This setting corresponds to the Track locations preference in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_DepartmentTerminology | String | False | False | False |
Specifies the term used by the company for department. This string is used as a label on transaction forms. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_ClassTrackingPerTxnLine | Boolean | False | False | False |
These settings correspond to how classes are assigned when Track classes in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories is set to On. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_ClassTrackingPerTxn | Boolean | False | False | False |
These settings correspond to how classes are assigned when Track classes in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories is set to On. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_CustomerTerminology | String | True | False | False |
A value used for describing customers in the UI. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_BookCloseDate | Date | True | False | False |
This setting corresponds to the Closing date preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings and specifies the date the books are closed: income and expense accounts are closed and net profit or loss is rolled up into the retained earnings account. Transactions before this date are protected from changes. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_UseAccountNumbers | Boolean | True | False | False |
This setting corresponds to Enable account numbers in QuickBooks Online Company Settings. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_FirstMonthOfFiscalYear | String | True | False | False |
This setting corresponds to the First month of fiscal year preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings to specify the beginning of the company's fiscal year. | |
AccountingInfoPrefs_TaxYearMonth | String | True | False | False |
This setting corresponds to the First month of income tax year preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings to specify the beginning of the company's fiscal year. | |
TaxPrefs_UsingSalesTax | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether sales tax is enabled. | |
TaxPrefs_TaxGroupCodeRef | String | False | False | False |
The first-used tax code on a sales form after a new sales tax center has been enabled. | |
CurrencyPrefs_MultiCurrencyEnabled | String | False | False | False |
This field sets whether multicurrency is enabled for this company. | |
CurrencyPrefs_HomeCurrency | String | False | False | False |
The currency code of the country where the business is located. | |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_ForSales | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the Product and Services for Sales preference is enabled. | |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_ForPurchase | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the Product and Services for Purchase preference is enabled. | |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_QuantityWithPriceAndRate | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether quantity with price and rate is enabled. | |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_QuantityOnHand | Boolean | True | False | False |
This field indicates whether QuantityOnHand is enabled. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field allows discounts to be specified. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowDeposit | Boolean | False | False | False |
Allows deposits to be specified. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowShipping | Boolean | False | False | False |
Allows the use of Shipping Info fields. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowServiceDate | Boolean | False | False | False |
Allows the use of Service Date fields. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowEstimates | Boolean | False | False | False |
Allows the use of Estimate entities. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_CustomTxnNumbers | Boolean | False | False | False |
Sets whether custom transaction numbers can be specified. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultTerms | Integer | False | False | False |
Default sales terms. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_EstimateMessage | String | False | False | False |
Message to the customers on estimates. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultDiscountAccount | String | False | False | False |
Default discount account. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultShippingAccount | String | False | False | False |
Default shipping account. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultCustomerMessage | String | False | False | False |
Default customer message. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_IPNSupportEnabled | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables support for IPN. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionEnabledStatus | String | False | False | False |
This field enables ETransaction status. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionAttachPDF | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether PDFs may be attached to ETransactions. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionPaymentEnabled | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether payment entities can be used with ETransactions. | |
SalesFormsPrefs_CustomFieldAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of the custom fields for sales form entities. | |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_TrackingByPreferences | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables tracking by using settings in preferences. | |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_TrackingByCustomer | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables tracking using customer information. | |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_BillableExpenseTracking | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables tracking using billable expense fields. | |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_WorkWeekStartDate | Date | False | False | False |
Sets the starting day of the work week. | |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_POCustomFieldAggregate | String | False | False | False |
Defines PO custom fields. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_UseServices | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables time tracking services. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_BillPreferences | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables billing for time tracking entries. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_BillCustomers | Boolean | False | False | False |
Enables time tracking services for the customer in a bill. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_ShowBillRateToAll | Boolean | False | False | False |
Billing rate to all employees enabled. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_WorkWeekStartDate | String | False | False | False |
The starting day of the work week. | |
TimeTrackingPrefs_MarkTimeEntiresBillable | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether to mark time entries as billable. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_InvoiceMessage_Subject | String | False | False | False |
The subject portion of the default invoice message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_InvoiceMessage_Message | String | False | False | False |
The message portion of the default invoice message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_EstimateMessage_Subject | String | False | False | False |
The subject portion of the default estimate message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_EstimateMessage_Message | String | False | False | False |
The message portion of the default estimate message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_SalesReceiptMessage_Subject | String | False | False | False |
The subject portion of the default sales receipt message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_SalesReceiptMessage_Message | String | False | False | False |
The message portion of the default sales receipt message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_StatementMessage_Subject | String | False | False | False |
The subject portion of the default statement message. | |
EmailMessagesPrefs_StatementMessage_Message | String | False | False | False |
The message portion of the default statement message. | |
OtherPrefs_NameValueAggregate | String | False | False | False |
This field specifies an extension of the preference entity to allow name-value pairs in the custom fields at the top level. | |
ReportPrefs_ReportBasis | String | False | False | False |
Accounting method for summary. Possible values include Cash and Accrual. | |
ReportPrefs_CalcAgingReportFromTxnDate | Boolean | False | False | False |
Boolean to indicate whether to calculate report aging from transaction date |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchase Line Items.
Note: A Purchase object represents an expense, such as a purchase made from a vendor.
Purchases may be inserted, queried, or updated via the Purchases or PurchaseLineItems tables. Purchases may be deleted by using the Purchases table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a Purchase, specify the AccountRef, PaymentType, and at least one Line Item. The following shows an example of inserting multiple Purchases, each with a single line. To insert a Purchase with multiple lines, see the example on the Purchases table.
INSERT INTO PurchaseLineItems#TEMP (AccountRef, PaymentType, Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef) VALUES ('41', 'Cash', 0.01, 'ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail', '8') INSERT INTO PurchaseLineItems#TEMP (AccountRef, PaymentType, Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef) VALUES ('41', 'Cash', 0.02, 'ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail', '8') INSERT INTO PurchaseLineItems (AccountRef, PaymentType, Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef) SELECT AccountRef, PaymentType, Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef FROM PurchaseLineItems#TEMP
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the purchase. | |
PurchaseId [KEY] | String | False |
Purchases.Id | True | True |
The Id of the purchase. |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. This field maps to the Memo field on the Check and CreditCard form. | |
Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
A description of the line item that appears in the printed record. | |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The total amount of the charges or discounts for the given line. This field includes the charges and allowances, but it excludes the tax amount. | |
Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The type of line in the transaction. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | False |
The Id of the item in the line item. When a line item lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line.Amount attribute is ignored. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
The name of the item. When a line item lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line_Amount field is ignored. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class for the line item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.Name | False | False |
The name of the class for the line item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | False |
The unit price of the subject item as referenced by ItemRef. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | False | False |
Number of items for the line. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_RatePercent | Double | False | False | False |
The amount is expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Value | Double | False | False | False |
Markup value. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Percent | Double | False | False | False |
Markup amount expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the price level for the markup. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
A name that identifies the price level for the markup. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The sales tax code for this item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
The Id of the customer associated with the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer associated with the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | False | False |
The billable status of the expense. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class entity of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.Name | False | False |
The name of the class entity of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
The customer id for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The customer name for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the expense account of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the expense account of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | False | False |
The billable status of the expense. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Value | Double | False | False | False |
Markup value. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Percent | Double | False | False | False |
Markup amount expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of price level for the markup. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the price level for the markup. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The type of line in the transaction. |
AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the account associated with the transaction. |
AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the account associated with the transaction. Checks should reference a bank account and CreditCard should reference a credit card account. |
PaymentType | String | False | True | True |
The expense type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Cash, Check, CreditCard | |
EntityRef | String | False | False | False |
Specifies the party with whom an expense is associated. | |
EntityRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
Specifies the party with whom an expense is associated. | |
Credit | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field is valid only for the CreditCard payment type. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount due, determined the sum of the line items. This includes all charges, allowances, taxes, discounts, etc. | |
PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the payment. This field is applicable only for checks. It is ignored for credit card charges or refunds. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
Status | String | True | False | False |
The status of the purchase. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Double | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchase Order Line Items.
PurchaseOrders may be inserted, queried, or updated via the PurchaseOrders or PurchaseOrderLineItems tables. PurchaseOrders may be deleted by using the PurchaseOrders table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a PurchaseOrder, specify the Vendor, TotalAmt, and at least one Line Item. The following shows an example of inserting multiple PurchaseOrders, each with a single line. To insert a PurchaseOrder with multiple lines, see the example on the PurchaseOrders table.
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrderLineItems#TEMP (VendorRef, Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef, TotalAmt) VALUES ('21', 0.01, 'ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail', '2', 0.03) INSERT INTO PurchaseOrderLineItems#TEMP (VendorRef, Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef, TotalAmt) VALUES ('21', 0.02, 'ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail', '3', 0.03) INSERT INTO PurchaseOrderLineItems (VendorRef, Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef, TotalAmt) SELECT VendorRef, Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef, TotalAmt FROM PurchaseOrderLineItems#TEMP
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | True |
The Id of the line item of the purchase order. | |
PurchaseOrderId [KEY] | String | False | True | False |
The Id of the purchase order. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
A description of the line item that appears in the printed record. | |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the line item. It represents the discount amount, charge amount, tax amount, or subtotal amount based on the value of the DetailType field. | |
Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The type of line in the transaction. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | False |
The Id of the item of the line item. When a line lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line_Amount field is ignored. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
The name of the item of the line item. When a line lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line_Amount field is ignored. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class for the line item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class for the line item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | False |
The price of the referenced item. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | False | False |
The number of items for the line. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The sales tax code for this item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
The Id of the customer associated with the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer associated with the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | False | False |
The billable status of the expense. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class entity of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class entity of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
The customer Id for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The customer name for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the expense account of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the expense account of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The sales tax code for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | False | False |
The billable status of the expense. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Value | Double | False | False | False |
Markup value. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Percent | Double | False | False | False |
Markup amount expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01. | |
VendorRef | String | False |
Vendors.Id | False | False |
The Id of the vendor for this transaction. |
VendorRef_Name | String | True |
Vendors.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the vendor for this transaction. |
APAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The accounts-payable account the bill is credited to. Many/most small businesses have a single accounts-payable account, so the account can be implied. When specified, the account must be a Liability account, and further, the subtype must be of type Payables. |
APAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The accounts-payable account to which the bill is credited. Many/most small businesses have a single accounts-payable account, so the account can be implied. When specified, the account must be a Liability account, and further, the subtype must be of type Payables. |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount due, determined by the sum of the line item amounts. This includes all charges, allowances, taxes, and discounts. | |
VendorAddr_Id | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the vendor address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
VendorAddr_Line1 | String | True | False | False |
First line of the vendor address. | |
VendorAddr_Line2 | String | True | False | False |
Second line of the vendor address. | |
VendorAddr_Line3 | String | True | False | False |
Third line of the vendor address. | |
VendorAddr_Line4 | String | True | False | False |
Fourth line of the vendor address. | |
VendorAddr_Line5 | String | True | False | False |
Fifth line of the vendor address. | |
VendorAddr_City | String | True | False | False |
City name. | |
VendorAddr_Country | String | True | False | False |
Country name. | |
VendorAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | True | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA and the province name for Canada. | |
VendorAddr_PostalCode | String | True | False | False |
Postal code. For example the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
VendorAddr_Note | String | True | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
VendorAddr_Lat | String | True | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded vendor address. | |
VendorAddr_Long | String | True | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded vendor address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the Intuit entity for the address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, state name for the USA, province name for Canada. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping method. This entity is a reference type of all Ids that are taken as input or output. | |
ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the entity for the shipping method. This entity is a reference type of all Ids that are taken as input or output. | |
POStatus | String | False | False | False |
Enumeration of status for purchase order. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Open, Closed | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the purchase. This field is valid in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
Method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LinkedTxnId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the invoice. | |
PurchaseOrderId [KEY] | String | False | True | True |
The Id of the invoice. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note for the transaction, which does not appear on the transaction records. | |
LinkedTxn_TxnId | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
LinkedTxn_TxnType | String | False | False | False |
The line number of the line item. | |
LinkedTxn_TxnLineId | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items associated with the transaction. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
VendorRef | String | False |
Vendors.Id | False | False |
The Id of the vendor. |
VendorRef_Name | String | True |
Vendors.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the vendor. |
APAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the accounts-payable account to which the bill is credited. This account is implied when a company has a single accounts-payable account. When specified, the account must be a Liability account and the subtype must be of type Payables. |
APAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the accounts-payable account to which the bill is credited. This account is implied when a company has a single accounts-payable account. When specified, the account must be a Liability account and the subtype must be of type Payables. |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchase Orders.
PurchaseOrders may be inserted, queried, or updated via the PurchaseOrders or PurchaseOrderLineItems tables. PurchaseOrders may be deleted by using the PurchaseOrders table.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
To add a PurchaseOrder, specify the Vendor, TotalAmt, and at least one Line Item. The LineAggregate column may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item data. Each _ denotes hierarchy. Use <Line> at the base level. The contents of LineAggregate will be sent to the API as is. All values for each field in the aggregate should adhere to the API's specifications (e.g. for dates in format yyyy-MM-dd, for date times in format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz). The columns that may be used in the aggregates begin with the prefix 'Line_' to indicate they are part of the line item. Use the Line_ column along with the DocNumber to indicate which lines go with which PurchaseOrders. For example:
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrders (VendorRef, TotalAmt, LineAggregate) VALUES ('21', '0.03', ' <Line><Amount>0.01</Amount><DetailType>ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail</DetailType><ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail><ItemRef>2</ItemRef></ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail></Line> <Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><DetailType>ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail</DetailType><ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail><ItemRef>3</ItemRef></ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail></Line> ')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the purchase order. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items in the transaction. | |
VendorRef | String | False |
Vendors.Id | False | False |
The Id of the vendor. |
VendorRef_Name | String | True |
Vendors.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the vendor. |
APAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | True | True |
The Id of the accounts-payable account to which the bill is credited. This account is implied when a company has a single accounts-payable account. When specified, the account must be a Liability account and the subtype must be of type Payables. |
APAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the accounts-payable account to which the bill is credited. This account is implied when a company has a single accounts-payable account. When specified, the account must be a Liability account and the subtype must be of type Payables. |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount due, determined by the sum of the line item amounts. This includes all charges, allowances, taxes, and discounts. | |
VendorAddr_Id | String | True | False | False |
Id of the Intuit entity for the vendor address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
VendorAddr_Line1 | String | True | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
VendorAddr_Line2 | String | True | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
VendorAddr_Line3 | String | True | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
VendorAddr_Line4 | String | True | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
VendorAddr_Line5 | String | True | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
VendorAddr_City | String | True | False | False |
City name. | |
VendorAddr_Country | String | True | False | False |
Country name. | |
VendorAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | True | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA and the province name for Canada. | |
VendorAddr_PostalCode | String | True | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
VendorAddr_Note | String | True | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
VendorAddr_Lat | String | True | False | False |
Latitude coordinate of the geocoded vendor address. | |
VendorAddr_Long | String | True | False | False |
Longitude coordinate of the geocoded vendor address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
Id of the Intuit entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. Read-only; assigned by the data service. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, state name for USA, province name for Canada. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, zip code for USA and Canada. | |
ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
Latitude coordinate of the Geocode (Geospacial Entity Object Code). | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
Longitude coordinate of the Geocode (Geospacial Entity Object Code). | |
ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
Reference type of all Ids that are taken as input or output. | |
ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
Reference type of all Ids that are taken as input or output. | |
POStatus | String | False | False | False |
Enumeration of the purchase order status. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Open, Closed | |
POEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
Enumeration of the purchase order status. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Open, Closed | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code of the transaction. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the purchase. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
Currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method used to apply the tax. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable |
Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchases.
Note: A Purchase object represents an expense, such as a purchase made from a vendor.
All filterable columns support the following operators:
The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the purchase. | |
SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
Reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. This field maps to the Memo field on the Check and CreditCard form. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
A line item of a transaction. | |
AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the account associated with the purchase. Check payments should reference a bank account and credit card purchases should refer to a credit card account. |
AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the account associated with the purchase. Checks should reference a bank account and credit card purchases should refer to a credit card account. |
PaymentType | String | False | True | True |
The payment type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Cash, Check, CreditCard | |
EntityRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the party the expense is associated with. | |
EntityRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
A name that identifies the party the expense is associated with. | |
Credit | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field is valid only for the credit card payment type. | |
TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount due, determined by the sum of the line item amounts. This includes all charges, allowances, taxes, discounts, etc. | |
PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the purchase. This field is applicable only for checks and ignored for credit card charges or refunds. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
Status | String | True | False | False |
The status of the purchase. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
Method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
TransactionLocationType | String | False | False | False |
The account location. This field is valid in only the FR editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。WithinFrance, FranceOverseas, OutsideFranceWithEU, OutsideEU |
Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Credit Memos.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
CreditMemo_Id [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the credit memo. | |
CreditMemo_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
CreditMemo_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
CreditMemo_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
CreditMemo_CustomFieldAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of custom fields for the credit memo. | |
CreditMemo_DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
CreditMemo_TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when this transaction occurred. | |
CreditMemo_PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
The private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
CreditMemo_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
CreditMemo_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
CreditMemo_TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. Depending on the transaction type it may have different values. For sales transactions, the acceptable values are defined in PaymentStatusEnum. For estimates, the values accepted are defined in QboEstimateStatusEnum. | |
CreditMemo_LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
Zero or more linked transactions. | |
CreditMemo_RecurDataRef | String | False | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
CreditMemo_RecurDataRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
An identifying name for the object. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Automated, Reminded, UnScheduled | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_RemindDays | String | False | False | False |
The days before start date for a reminded RecurType. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MonthOfYear | String | False | False | False |
The month of the year. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DaysBefore | String | False | False | False |
The days before the scheduled date. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The day of the month. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_EndDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The end date for the recurring schedule. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
CreditMemo_LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items on the credit memo. | |
CreditMemo_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
CreditMemo_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
CreditMemo_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CreditMemo_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | True |
The Id of the customer. |
CreditMemo_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer or job. |
CreditMemo_CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
The message to the customer, visible on the transaction. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the address, mainly used for modifying the address. This value is assigned by the data service. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The country region. The state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
The note for the customer. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for hte address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The region within a country. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
CreditMemo_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
CreditMemo_SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | True | False |
The Id of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
CreditMemo_SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
CreditMemo_TotalAmt | Decimal | False | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
CreditMemo_PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the credit memo. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
CreditMemo_EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSent, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
CreditMemo_DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account. |
CreditMemo_DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
Name of the asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account. |
CreditMemo_RemainingCredit | Decimal | False | False | False |
The total credit amount still available to be applied towards the payment. | |
CreditMemo_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the location of the transaction. |
CreditMemo_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the location of the transaction. |
CreditMemo_BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
CreditMemo_ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before taxes are calculated. | |
CreditMemo_CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CreditMemo_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
CreditMemo_ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
CreditMemo_GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method used to apply the tax. This field is valid in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
CreditMemo_HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction, expressed in the home currency. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Credit Memo Line Items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
CreditMemo_LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the credit memo. | |
CreditMemo_CreditMemoId [KEY] | String | False |
CreditMemos.Id | True | True |
The Id of the credit memo. |
CreditMemo_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
CreditMemo_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
CreditMemo_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
CreditMemo_CustomFieldAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of custom fields for the credit memo. | |
CreditMemo_DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
CreditMemo_TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when the transaction occurred. | |
CreditMemo_PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. By default, this field will not appear on transaction records. | |
CreditMemo_LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of linked transactions on the credit memo. | |
CreditMemo_Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
CreditMemo_Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item that appears in the printed record. | |
CreditMemo_Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The total amount of the charges or discounts for the given line. This includes the charges and allowances but excludes the tax amount. | |
CreditMemo_Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The detail type of the line item. Different detail types indicate different types of line items. | |
CreditMemo_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | False |
The Id of the item. When a line item lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line_Amount attribute is ignored. |
CreditMemo_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
The name of the item. When a line item lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line_Amount attribute is ignored. |
CreditMemo_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class entity of the line item. |
CreditMemo_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class entity of the line item. |
CreditMemo_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | False |
The unit price of the item. | |
CreditMemo_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | False | False |
The number of items in the line item. | |
CreditMemo_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for this item. |
CreditMemo_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ServiceDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date when the service was performed. | |
CreditMemo_Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the group item object. | |
CreditMemo_Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the group item object. | |
CreditMemo_Line_GroupLineDetail_Quantity | Integer | True | False | False |
The amount of the group item. | |
CreditMemo_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
CreditMemo_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
CreditMemo_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CreditMemo_RecurDataRef | String | False | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
CreditMemo_RecurDataRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
An identifying name for the object. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Automated, Reminded, UnScheduled | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_RemindDays | String | False | False | False |
The days before start date for a reminded RecurType. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MonthOfYear | String | False | False | False |
The month of the year. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DaysBefore | String | False | False | False |
The days before the scheduled date. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The day of the month. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_EndDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The end date for the recurring schedule. | |
CreditMemo_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
CreditMemo_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | True |
The Id of the customer. |
CreditMemo_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
A name that identifies the customer. |
CreditMemo_CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
A message to the customer, visible on the transaction. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The country region. The state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
The note for the customer. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
CreditMemo_BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
The city name | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
The country name | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
The region within a country. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
The postal code. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
CreditMemo_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class. |
CreditMemo_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class. |
CreditMemo_SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | True | False |
The Id of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
CreditMemo_SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the sales term associated with the transaction. |
CreditMemo_TotalAmt | Decimal | False | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
CreditMemo_PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the credit memo. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
CreditMemo_EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSent, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
CreditMemo_DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account. |
CreditMemo_DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account. |
CreditMemo_RemainingCredit | Decimal | False | False | False |
The total credit amount still available to apply towards the payment. | |
CreditMemo_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
CreditMemo_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores location of the transaction. |
CreditMemo_BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, this field is a required input. | |
CreditMemo_ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether the discount is applied before or after taxes are calculated. | |
CreditMemo_CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used for all amounts of the transaction. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
CreditMemo_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used for all amounts of the transaction. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
CreditMemo_ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
CreditMemo_GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
CreditMemo_HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction in the home currency. This field includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create and query QuickBooks Deposits.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Deposit_Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the invoice. | |
Deposit_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
Deposit_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
Deposit_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Deposit_TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
Deposit_PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note that does not appear on the transaction records. | |
Deposit_RecurDataRef | String | False | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
Deposit_RecurDataRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
An identifying name for the object. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Automated, Reminded, UnScheduled | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_RemindDays | String | False | False | False |
The days before start date for a reminded RecurType. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MonthOfYear | String | False | False | False |
The month of the year. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DaysBefore | String | False | False | False |
The days before the scheduled date. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The day of the month. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_EndDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The end date for the recurring schedule. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
Deposit_LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of line items associated with the transaction. | |
Deposit_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Deposit_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Deposit_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Deposit_DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the asset account to be used for this deposit. |
Deposit_DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | False |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the asset account to be used for this deposit. |
Deposit_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
Deposit_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
Deposit_TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates the total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
Deposit_CashBack_AccountRef | String | True |
Accounts.Id | True | False |
The asset account (bank account) Id to be used for this cash back transaction |
Deposit_CashBack_AccountRef_Name | String | False |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The asset account (bank account) Name to be used for this cash back transaction |
Deposit_CashBack_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the cash back transaction. | |
Deposit_CashBack_Memo | String | True | True | False |
The memo associated with this cash back transaction. | |
Deposit_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Deposit_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which store the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Deposit_ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
Deposit_ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The number of home currency units it takes to equal one unit of currency specified by CurrencyRef. Applicable if multicurrency is enabled for the company. | |
Deposit_CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Deposit_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Deposit_GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable |
Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Deposit Line Items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Deposit_LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the invoice. | |
Deposit_DepositId [KEY] | String | False |
Deposits.Id | True | True |
The Id of the invoice. |
Deposit_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
Deposit_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
Deposit_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Deposit_TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
Deposit_PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note that does not appear on the transaction records. | |
Deposit_Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Deposit_Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item. | |
Deposit_Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the line item. | |
Deposit_Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The detailType of the line item. | |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_PaymentMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The payment method id of the line item. | |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_PaymentMethodRef_Name | String | False |
PaymentMethods.Name | False | False |
The payment method id of the line item. |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
Account where the funds are deposited to. |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_AccountRef_Name | String | False |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
Account where the funds are deposited to. |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_Entity | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
Reference to a customer from which the deposit was recieved |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_Entity_Name | String | False |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
Reference to a customer from which the deposit was recieved |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
Reference to the Class associated with the transaction |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | False |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
Reference to the Class associated with the transaction |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_CheckNum | String | False | False | False |
The check number for the deposit | |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_TxnType | String | False | False | False |
The type of the payment transaction. Different types indicate different types of line items. | |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The Sales/Purchase tax code associated with the Line. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Deposit_Line_DepositLineDetail_TaxApplicableOn | String | False | False | False |
Indicates whether the tax applicable on the line is sales or purchase. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Deposit_Line_LinkedTxn_TxnId | String | True | False | False |
The id of the linked transaction | |
Deposit_Line_LinkedTxn_TxnType | String | True | False | False |
The type of the linked transaction. Different types indicate different types of line items. | |
Deposit_Line_LinkedTxn_TxnLineId | String | True | False | False |
The lineitem id of the linked transaction line item. | |
Deposit_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Deposit_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Deposit_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Deposit_RecurDataRef | String | False | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
Deposit_RecurDataRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
An identifying name for the object. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Automated, Reminded, UnScheduled | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_RemindDays | String | False | False | False |
The days before start date for a reminded RecurType. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MonthOfYear | String | False | False | False |
The month of the year. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DaysBefore | String | False | False | False |
The days before the scheduled date. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The day of the month. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_EndDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The end date for the recurring schedule. | |
Deposit_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
Deposit_DepositToAccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the asset account to be used for this deposit. |
Deposit_DepositToAccountRef_Name | String | False |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the asset account to be used for this deposit. |
Deposit_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
Deposit_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
Deposit_TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates the total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
Deposit_CashBack_AccountRef | String | True | True | False |
The asset account (bank account) Id to be used for this cash back transaction | |
Deposit_CashBack_AccountRef_Name | String | False | False | False |
The asset account (bank account) Name to be used for this cash back transaction | |
Deposit_CashBack_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the cash back transaction. | |
Deposit_CashBack_Memo | String | True | True | False |
The memo associated with this cash back transaction. | |
Deposit_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Deposit_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which store the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Deposit_ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
Deposit_CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Deposit_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Deposit_GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable |
Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Estimates.
We can perform Select and Insert operations on RecurringEstimateTransactions table.
Estimate_Id, Estimate_MetaData_CreateTime, Estimate_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime can be used for server side filter. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
SELECT * FROM RecurringEstimateTransactions WHERE Estimate_Id = 25529 SELECT * FROM RecurringEstimateTransactions WHERE Estimate_Id IN (25528, 25531, 25530) SELECT * FROM RecurringEstimateTransactions WHERE Estimate_MetaData_CreateTime = '2020-03-19 19:49:51.0' SELECT * FROM RecurringEstimateTransactions WHERE Estimate_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime = '2021-01-03 14:46:13'
To add a RecurringEstimateTransactions following fields needs to be added:
INSERT INTO RecurringEstimateTransactions (Estimate_Id, Estimate_CustomerRef, Estimate_RecurringInfo_Name, Estimate_RecurringInfo_RecurType, Estimate_RecurringInfo_Active, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate, Estimate_LineAggregate) VALUES (49, 2, 'TestingA11', 'Reminded', false, 'Weekly', 2, 'Tuesday', 3, '2021-12-08', '2021-12-15', '2021-09-01', '<Line><Amount>0.01</Amount><DetailType>SalesItemLineDetail</DetailType><SalesItemLineDetail><ItemRef>2</ItemRef></SalesItemLineDetail></Line><Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><DetailType>SalesItemLineDetail</DetailType><SalesItemLineDetail><ItemRef>3</ItemRef></SalesItemLineDetail></Line>')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Estimate_Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the Estimate. | |
Estimate_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
Estimate_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
Estimate_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Estimate_DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
Estimate_TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when this transaction occurred. | |
Estimate_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Estimate_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Estimate_PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note, which will not appear on the transaction records. | |
Estimate_TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Accepted, Closed, Pending, Rejected | |
Estimate_LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
Estimate_LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of the line items of a transaction. | |
Estimate_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
Estimate_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
Estimate_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
Estimate_RecurDataRef | String | False | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
Estimate_RecurDataRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
An identifying name for the object. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Automated, Reminded, UnScheduled | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_RemindDays | String | False | False | False |
The days before start date for a reminded RecurType. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MonthOfYear | String | False | False | False |
The month of the year. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DaysBefore | String | False | False | False |
The days before the scheduled date. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The day of the month. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_EndDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The end date for the recurring schedule. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
Estimate_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
Estimate_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
Estimate_CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
A message to the customer, which appears in the invoice and in the printed invoice. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Country region. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Country region. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
Estimate_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
Estimate_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
Estimate_SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
Estimate_SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
Estimate_DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The due date for the invoice, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
Estimate_ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
Estimate_ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
Estimate_ShipDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date for delivery of goods or services. | |
Estimate_TrackingNum | String | False | False | False |
The tracking number for the shipping provider for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. | |
Estimate_TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
Estimate_PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
Estimate_EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
Estimate_BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
Estimate_Balance | Decimal | False | True | True |
This column sets whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
Estimate_ExpirationDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date when the estimate becomes invalid. | |
Estimate_AcceptedBy | String | False | False | False |
The name of the customer who accepted the estimate. | |
Estimate_AcceptedDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date the estimate was accepted. | |
Estimate_ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
Estimate_CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Estimate_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Estimate_ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Estimate_GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method used to apply taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
Estimate_HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction in the home currency. Includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction Line Items for Estimate.
RecurringEstimateTransactions may be inserted or queried via the RecurringEstimateTransactions or RecurringEstimateTransactionsLineItems tables.
SELECT * FROM RecurringEstimateTransactionsLineItems
To add a RecurringEstimateTransactionsLineItems following fields needs to be added:
INSERT INTO RecurringEstimateTransactionsLineItems (Estimate_Id, Estimate_CustomerRef, Estimate_RecurringInfo_Name, Estimate_RecurringInfo_RecurType, Estimate_RecurringInfo_Active, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate, Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate, Estimate_Line_DetailType, Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Estimate_Line_Amount, Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_Qty, Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_DiscountAmt, Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_TaxCodeRef) VALUES (49, 2, 'TESTING155BCD11', 'Reminded', false, 'Weekly', 2, 'Tuesday', 3, '2021-12-08', '2021-12-15', '2021-09-01', 'SalesItemLineDetail', '5', 100.01, 8, 22.3, 'TAX')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Estimate_LineId [KEY] | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the estimate. | |
Estimate_Id [KEY] | String | False |
Estimates.Id | True | True |
The Id of the estimate. |
Estimate_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
Estimate_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
Estimate_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Estimate_DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
Estimate_TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
Estimate_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Estimate_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Estimate_PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note, which will not appear on the transaction records. | |
Estimate_TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Accepted, Closed, Pending, Rejected | |
Estimate_LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
Estimate_Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Estimate_Line_LineNum | String | False | False | False |
The line number. | |
Estimate_Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
The line description. | |
Estimate_Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The line amount. | |
Estimate_Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The line detail type. Different detail types indicate different types of line items. | |
Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | False |
The Id of the item in the line item. |
Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
The name of the item in the line item. |
Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class in the line item. |
Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class in the line item. |
Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | False |
The unit price of the item. | |
Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | False | False |
The number of items for the line item. | |
Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the item. |
Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ServiceDate | Date | False | False | False |
The service date for the item. | |
Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_DiscountAmt | Decimal | False | False | False |
The discount amount applied to this line. | |
Estimate_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_DiscountRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
TThe discount rate applied to this line. | |
Estimate_Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the group item object. | |
Estimate_Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the group item object. | |
Estimate_Line_GroupLineDetail_Quantity | Integer | True | False | False |
The amount of the group item. | |
Estimate_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
Estimate_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
Estimate_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
Estimate_RecurDataRef | String | False | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
Estimate_RecurDataRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
An identifying name for the object. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Automated, Reminded, UnScheduled | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_RemindDays | String | False | False | False |
The days before start date for a reminded RecurType. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MonthOfYear | String | False | False | False |
The month of the year. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DaysBefore | String | False | False | False |
The days before the scheduled date. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The day of the month. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_EndDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The end date for the recurring schedule. | |
Estimate_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
Estimate_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
Estimate_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
Estimate_CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
The message to the customer, which appears in the invoice and the printed invoice. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
The first line of the billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
The second line of the billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
The third line of the billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
The fourth line of the billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
The fifth line of the address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. The zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
Estimate_BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
Estimate_ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
Estimate_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
Estimate_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
Estimate_SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
Estimate_SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales term associated with the transaction. |
Estimate_DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The due date for the invoice, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
Estimate_ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
Estimate_ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
Estimate_ShipDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date for delivery of goods or services. | |
Estimate_TrackingNum | String | False | False | False |
The tracking number for the shipping provider for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. | |
Estimate_TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates the total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
Estimate_PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
Estimate_EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
Estimate_BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
Estimate_Balance | Decimal | False | True | True |
This field indicates whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
Estimate_ExpirationDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date when an estimate becomes invalid. | |
Estimate_AcceptedBy | String | False | False | False |
The name of the customer who accepted the estimate. | |
Estimate_AcceptedDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date the estimate was accepted. | |
Estimate_ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether any discounts are applied before taxes are calculated. | |
Estimate_CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Estimate_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Estimate_ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Estimate_GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method used to apply taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
Estimate_HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction, expressed in the home currency. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Invoice.
We can perform Select and Insert operations on RecurringInvoiceTransactions table.
Invoice_Id, Invoice_MetaData_CreateTime, Invoice_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime can be used for server side filter. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceTransactions WHERE Invoice_Id = 25529 SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceTransactions WHERE Invoice_Id IN (25528, 25531, 25530) SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceTransactions WHERE Invoice_MetaData_CreateTime = '2020-03-19 19:49:51.0' SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceTransactions WHERE Invoice_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime = '2021-01-03 14:46:13'
To add a RecurringInvoiceTransactions following fields needs to be added:
INSERT INTO RecurringInvoiceTransactions (Invoice_Id, Invoice_CustomerRef, Invoice_RecurringInfo_Name, Invoice_RecurringInfo_RecurType, Invoice_RecurringInfo_Active, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate, Invoice_LineAggregate) VALUES (49, 2, 'TestingA11', 'Reminded', false, 'Weekly', 2, 'Tuesday', 3, '2021-12-08', '2021-12-15', '2021-09-01', '<Line><Amount>0.01</Amount><DetailType>SalesItemLineDetail</DetailType><SalesItemLineDetail><ItemRef>2</ItemRef></SalesItemLineDetail></Line><Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><DetailType>SalesItemLineDetail</DetailType><SalesItemLineDetail><ItemRef>3</ItemRef></SalesItemLineDetail></Line>')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Invoice_Id [KEY] | String | False |
RecurringInvoiceTransactions.Invoice_Id | True | True |
The Id of the Recurring Transaction. |
Invoice_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
The Version number of the object. | |
Invoice_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
Invoice_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Invoice_DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
Invoice_TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
Invoice_PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note for the transaction, which does not appear on the transaction records. | |
Invoice_TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Accepted, Closed, Pending, Rejected | |
Invoice_LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
Invoice_LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of the line items of a transaction. | |
Invoice_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
Invoice_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
Invoice_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
Invoice_RecurDataRef | String | False | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
Invoice_RecurDataRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
An identifying name for the object. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Automated, Reminded, UnScheduled | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_RemindDays | String | False | False | False |
The days before start date for a reminded RecurType. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MonthOfYear | String | False | False | False |
The month of the year. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DaysBefore | String | False | False | False |
The days before the scheduled date. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The day of the month. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_EndDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The end date for the recurring schedule. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
Invoice_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
Invoice_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
Invoice_CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
The message to the customer, which appears in the invoice and the printed invoice. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA and the province name for Canada. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
Invoice_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
Invoice_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
Invoice_SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
Invoice_SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
Invoice_DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The date when the invoice is to be paid, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
Invoice_ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
Invoice_ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
Invoice_ShipDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date for delivery of goods or services. | |
Invoice_TrackingNum | String | False | False | False |
The tracking number for the shipping provider for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. | |
Invoice_TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
Invoice_PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
Invoice_EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
Invoice_BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
Invoice_Balance | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
Invoice_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Invoice_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Invoice_AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment | Boolean | False | False | False |
It specifies if online credit card payments are allowed for this invoice and corresponds to the Cards online payment check box on the QuickBooks UI. | |
Invoice_ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
Invoice_CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Invoice_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Invoice_ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. Valid only if the company file is set up to use multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Invoice_GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
Invoice_HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction in the home currency. Includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Invoice_AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment | Boolean | True | False | False |
To allow Online Credit Card Payment or not. | |
Invoice_AllowOnlineACHPayment | Boolean | True | False | False |
To allow Online ACH Payment or not. |
Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction Line Items for Invoice.
RecurringInvoiceTransactions may be inserted or queried via the RecurringInvoiceTransactions or RecurringInvoiceTransactionsLineItems tables.
SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceTransactionsLineItems
To add a RecurringInvoiceTransactionsLineItems following fields needs to be added:
INSERT INTO RecurringInvoiceTransactionsLineItems (Invoice_Id, Invoice_CustomerRef, Invoice_RecurringInfo_Name, Invoice_RecurringInfo_RecurType, Invoice_RecurringInfo_Active, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate, Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate, Invoice_Line_DetailType, Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef, Invoice_Line_Amount, Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_Qty, Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_DiscountAmt, Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_TaxCodeRef) VALUES (49, 2, 'TESTING155BCD11', 'Reminded', false, 'Weekly', 2, 'Tuesday', 3, '2021-12-08', '2021-12-15', '2021-09-01', 'SalesItemLineDetail', '5', 100.01, 8, 22.3, 'TAX')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Invoice_Line_Id [KEY] | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item of the invoice. | |
Invoice_Id [KEY] | String | False |
RecurringInvoiceTransactions.Invoice_Id | True | True |
The Id of the Recurring Transaction. |
Invoice_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
The Version number of the object. | |
Invoice_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
Invoice_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Invoice_DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
Invoice_TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. | |
Invoice_PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note for the transaction, which does not appear on the transaction records. | |
Invoice_TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Accepted, Closed, Pending, Rejected | |
Invoice_LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
Invoice_Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Invoice_Line_LineNum | String | False | False | False |
The line number of the line item. | |
Invoice_Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
The description of the line item. | |
Invoice_Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the line item. | |
Invoice_Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The detail type of the line item. Different detail types indicate different types of line items. | |
Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | False |
The Id of the item in the line item. |
Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
The name of the item in the line item. |
Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class in the line item. |
Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class in the line item. |
Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | False |
The unit price of the item. | |
Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | False | False |
The number of items for the line item. | |
Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the item. |
Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_DiscountAmt | Decimal | False | False | False |
The discount rate applied to an individual line item. If both DiscountAmt and DiscountRate are supplied, DiscountRate takes precedence and DiscountAmt is recalculated by QuickBooks services based on amount of DiscountRate. | |
Invoice_Line_SalesItemLineDetail_ServiceDate | Date | False | False | False |
The service date for the item. | |
Invoice_Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the group item object. | |
Invoice_Line_GroupLineDetail_GroupItemRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the group item object. | |
Invoice_Line_GroupLineDetail_Quantity | Integer | True | False | False |
The amount of the group item. | |
Invoice_Line_DiscountLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class in the line item. |
Invoice_Line_DiscountLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class in the line item. |
Invoice_Line_DiscountLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the item. |
Invoice_Line_DiscountLineDetail_TaxCodeRef_Name | String | True |
TaxCodes.Name | False | False |
The name for the tax sales code. |
Invoice_Line_DiscountLineDetail_PercentBased | Boolean | False | False | False |
True if the discount is a percentage; null or false if discount based on amount. | |
Invoice_Line_DiscountLineDetail_DiscountAccountRef | String | False | False | False |
The discount code for the item. | |
Invoice_Line_DiscountLineDetail_DiscountAccountRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name for the discount account. | |
Invoice_Line_DiscountLineDetail_DiscountPercent | Decimal | False | False | False |
Percentage by which the amount due is reduced, from 0% to 100%. To enter a discount of 8.5% use 8.5, not 0.085. | |
Invoice_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The tax code for the transaction. |
Invoice_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
Invoice_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
Invoice_RecurDataRef | String | False | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
Invoice_RecurDataRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
An identifying name for the object. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Automated, Reminded, UnScheduled | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_RemindDays | String | False | False | False |
The days before start date for a reminded RecurType. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MonthOfYear | String | False | False | False |
The month of the year. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DaysBefore | String | False | False | False |
The days before the scheduled date. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The day of the month. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_EndDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The end date for the recurring schedule. | |
Invoice_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
Invoice_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | True | False |
The Id of the customer. |
Invoice_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer. |
Invoice_CustomerMemo | String | False | False | False |
The message to the customer, which appears in the invoice and the printed invoice. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
Invoice_BillAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | False | False |
First line of the address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | False | False |
Second line of the address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | False | False |
Third line of the address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | False | False |
Fourth line of the address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | False | False |
Fifth line of the address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_City | String | False | False | False |
City name. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Country | String | False | False | False |
Country name. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | False | False |
Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA and the province name for Canada. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | False | False |
Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Note | String | False | False | False |
Note for the customer. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | False | False |
The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
Invoice_ShipAddr_Long | String | False | False | False |
The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address. | |
Invoice_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | True | False |
The Id of the class associated with the transaction. |
Invoice_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the transaction. |
Invoice_SalesTermRef | String | False |
Terms.Id | False | False |
The Id of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
Invoice_SalesTermRef_Name | String | True |
Terms.Name | False | False |
The name of the sales terms associated with the transaction. |
Invoice_DueDate | Date | False | True | False |
The date when the invoice is to be paid, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. | |
Invoice_ShipMethodRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
Invoice_ShipMethodRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction. | |
Invoice_ShipDate | Date | False | False | False |
The date for delivery of goods or services. | |
Invoice_TrackingNum | String | False | False | False |
The tracking number for the shipping provider for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. | |
Invoice_TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. | |
Invoice_PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
Invoice_EmailStatus | String | False | False | False |
The email status of the invoice. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent デフォルト値はNotSetです。 | |
Invoice_BillEmail_Address | String | False | False | False |
The email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input. | |
Invoice_Balance | Decimal | True | True | True |
This field indicates whether the transaction is a finance charge. | |
Invoice_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Invoice_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Invoice_AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment | Boolean | False | False | False |
It specifies if online credit card payments are allowed for this invoice and corresponds to the Cards online payment check box on the QuickBooks UI. | |
Invoice_ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated. | |
Invoice_CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Invoice_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Invoice_ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. Valid only if the company file is set up to use multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for only the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Invoice_GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable | |
Invoice_HomeTotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total amount of the transaction in the home currency. Includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Invoice_AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment | Boolean | True | False | False |
To allow Online Credit Card Payment or not. | |
Invoice_AllowOnlineACHPayment | Boolean | True | False | False |
To allow Online ACH Payment or not. | |
Invoice_GroupSalesItemLineAggregate | String | True | False | False |
An XML aggregate of invoice group sales item line field information. |
Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Journal Entry.
We can perform Select and Insert operations on RecurringJournalEntryTransactions table.
JournalEntry_Id, JournalEntry_MetaData_CreateTime, JournalEntry_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime can be used for server side filter. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
SELECT * FROM RecurringJournalEntryTransactions; SELECT * FROM RecurringJournalEntryTransactions WHERE JournalEntry_id = 25536; SELECT * FROM RecurringJournalEntryTransactions WHERE JournalEntry_MetaData_CreateTime = '2020-12-10 09:53:56'; SELECT * FROM RecurringJournalEntryTransactions WHERE JournalEntry_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime = '2020-12-10 09:53:56'; SELECT * FROM RecurringJournalEntryTransactions WHERE JournalEntry_id = 25536 AND JournalEntry_MetaData_CreateTime = '2020-12-10 09:53:56' AND JournalEntry_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime = '2020-12-10 09:53:56';
To add a RecurringJournalEntryTransactions following fields needs to be added:
INSERT INTO RecurringJournalEntryTransactions (JournalEntry_LineAggregate, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Name, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_RecurType, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Active, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate) VALUES ('<Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><DetailType>JournalEntryLineDetail</DetailType><JournalEntryLineDetail><PostingType>Debit</PostingType><Entity><Type>Customer</Type><EntityRef>24</EntityRef></Entity><AccountRef>33</AccountRef></JournalEntryLineDetail></Line> <Line><Amount>0.02</Amount><DetailType>JournalEntryLineDetail</DetailType><JournalEntryLineDetail><PostingType>Credit</PostingType><AccountRef>14</AccountRef></JournalEntryLineDetail></Line>', 'APPTEST1', 'Reminded', false, 'Monday', 'Weekly', 2, 'Tuesday', '100', '2021-12-01', '2021-12-01', '2021-12-01')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
JournalEntry_Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the Recurring Transaction. | |
JournalEntry_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
The Version number of the object. | |
JournalEntry_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
JournalEntry_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
JournalEntry_CurrencyRef | String | True | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
JournalEntry_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
JournalEntry_LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of the line items of a transaction. | |
JournalEntry_RecurDataRef | String | True | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of month. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
JournalEntry_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
JournalEntry_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
JournalEntry_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
JournalEntry_TotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total bill amount. | |
JournalEntry_Adjustment | Boolean | True | False | False |
Is adjustment done or not. | |
JournalEntry_ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is only valid if the company file uses the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create and query the QuickBooks RecurringTransactions Journal Entry Line Items.
RecurringJournalEntryTransactions may be inserted or queried via the RecurringJournalEntryTransactions or RecurringJournalEntryTransactionsLineItems tables.
SELECT * FROM RecurringJournalEntryTransactionsLineItems
To add a RecurringJournalEntryTransactionsLineItems following fields needs to be added:
INSERT INTO RecurringJournalEntryTransactionsLineItems (JournalEntry_Line_Id, JournalEntry_Line_Description, JournalEntry_Line_Amount, JournalEntry_Line_DetailType, JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_PostingType, JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Name, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_RecurType, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Active, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate) VALUES ('1', 'HELLOAPP1', 1001, 'JournalEntryLineDetail', 'Credit', '99', 'HELLOAPP3', 'Reminded', false, 'Monday', 'Weekly', 2, 'Tuesday', '100', '2021-01-23', '2021-01-23', '2021-01-23')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
JournalEntry_Line_Id [KEY] | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the recurring transaction line item for the journal entry. | |
JournalEntry_Id [KEY] | String | False |
RecurringJournalEntryTransactions.JournalEntry_Id | True | True |
The Id of the Recurring Transaction. |
JournalEntry_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
The Version number of the object. | |
JournalEntry_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
JournalEntry_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
JournalEntry_CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
JournalEntry_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
JournalEntry_Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
A description of the line item that appears in the printed record. | |
JournalEntry_Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The amount of the line item. | |
JournalEntry_Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The detail type of the line item. Different detail types indicate different types of line items. | |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_PostingType | String | False | False | False |
This field indicates the posting type of the line item of the journal entry detail. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Credit, Debit | |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_Type | String | False | False | False |
The type of the entity to be referenced. | |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_EntityRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity to be referenced. | |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_EntityRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the entity to be referenced. | |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the account associated with the journal entry line item. |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the account associated with the journal entry line item. |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class associated with the journal entry line item. |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.FullyQualifiedName | False | False |
The name of the class associated with the journal entry line. |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department associated with the journal entry line. |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department associated with the journal entry line. |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The sales or purchase tax code associated with the journal entry line. This field is used for non-U.S., non-Canadian companies. This field is valid for the UK edition. |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_TaxApplicableOn | String | False | False | False |
This field indicates whether the tax applicable to the line item is sales or purchase tax. This field is valid for the UK edition. | |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_TaxAmount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The tax applicable for this line item. This field is valid for the UK and AU editions. | |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | False | False |
The billable status of the journal entry line. The line is to be billed to a customer if the account is an expense account and the Entity Reference specifies a Customer or a Job. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_JournalCodeRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the journal code to be referenced. | |
JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_JournalCodeRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the journal code to be referenced. | |
JournalEntry_RecurDataRef | String | True | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of month. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
JournalEntry_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
JournalEntry_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
JournalEntry_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
JournalEntry_TotalAmt | Decimal | True | False | False |
The total bill amount. | |
JournalEntry_Adjustment | Boolean | True | False | False |
Is adjustment done or not. | |
JournalEntry_ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is only valid if the company file uses the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions. |
Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Purchases.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Purchase_Id [KEY] | String | True | True | True |
The Id of the purchase. | |
Purchase_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
Purchase_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
Purchase_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Purchase_DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
Reference number for the transaction. | |
Purchase_TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when this transaction occurred. | |
Purchase_PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. This field maps to the Memo field on the Check and CreditCard form. | |
Purchase_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Purchase_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
Purchase_TxnStatus | String | False | False | False |
The status of the transaction. Depending on the transaction type it may have different values. For sales transactions, the acceptable values are defined in PaymentStatusEnum. For estimates, the values accepted are defined in QboEstimateStatusEnum. | |
Purchase_LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | False | False |
Zero or more linked transactions. | |
Purchase_RecurDataRef | String | False | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
Purchase_RecurDataRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
An identifying name for the object. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Automated, Reminded, UnScheduled | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info day of week. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info week of month. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences | String | False | False | False |
The max number of recurring occurrences. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_RemindDays | String | False | False | False |
The days before start date for a reminded RecurType. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MonthOfYear | String | False | False | False |
The month of the year. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DaysBefore | String | False | False | False |
The days before the scheduled date. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth | String | False | False | False |
The day of the month. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info start date. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info next date. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_EndDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The end date for the recurring schedule. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate | Datetime | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info previous date. | |
Purchase_LineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
A line item of a transaction. | |
Purchase_AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the account associated with the purchase. Check payments should reference a bank account and credit card purchases should refer to a credit card account. |
Purchase_AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the account associated with the purchase. Checks should reference a bank account and credit card purchases should refer to a credit card account. |
Purchase_PaymentType | String | False | True | True |
The payment type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Cash, Check, CreditCard | |
Purchase_EntityRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the party the expense is associated with. | |
Purchase_EntityRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
A name that identifies the party the expense is associated with. | |
Purchase_Credit | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field is valid only for the credit card payment type. | |
Purchase_TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount due, determined by the sum of the line item amounts. This includes all charges, allowances, taxes, discounts, etc. | |
Purchase_PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the purchase. This field is applicable only for checks and ignored for credit card charges or refunds. | |
Purchase_Status | String | True | False | False |
The status of the purchase. | |
Purchase_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
Purchase_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
Purchase_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
Purchase_CurrencyRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Purchase_CurrencyRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the currency used in the transaction. | |
Purchase_ExchangeRate | Decimal | False | False | False |
The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions. | |
Purchase_GlobalTaxCalculation | String | False | False | False |
Method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable |
Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Purchase Line Items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Purchase_LineId [KEY] | String | True | True | False |
The Id of the line item of the purchase of the read receipt. | |
Purchase_PurchaseId [KEY] | String | False |
Purchases.Id | True | True |
The Id of the purchase. |
Purchase_SyncToken | String | True | False | False |
Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
Purchase_MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was created. | |
Purchase_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | True | True |
The time the record was last updated. | |
Purchase_DocNumber | String | False | True | True |
The reference number for the transaction. | |
Purchase_TxnDate | Date | False | True | True |
The date when this transaction occurred. | |
Purchase_PrivateNote | String | False | False | False |
A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. This field maps to the Memo field on the Check and CreditCard form. | |
Purchase_Line_Id | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the line item. | |
Purchase_Line_Description | String | False | False | False |
A description of the line item that appears in the printed record. | |
Purchase_Line_Amount | Decimal | False | False | False |
The total amount of the charges or discounts for the given line. This field includes the charges and allowances, but it excludes the tax amount. | |
Purchase_Line_DetailType | String | False | False | False |
The type of line in the transaction. | |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False |
Items.Id | False | False |
The Id of the item in the line item. When a line item lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line.Amount attribute is ignored. |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True |
Items.Name | False | False |
The name of the item. When a line item lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line_Amount field is ignored. |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class for the line item. |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.Name | False | False |
The name of the class for the line item. |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | False | False |
The unit price of the subject item as referenced by ItemRef. | |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | False | False |
Number of items for the line. | |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_RatePercent | Double | False | False | False |
The amount is expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01. | |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Value | Double | False | False | False |
Markup value. | |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Percent | Double | False | False | False |
Markup amount expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01. | |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of the entity for the price level for the markup. | |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Name_PriceLevelRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
A name that identifies the price level for the markup. | |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The sales tax code for this item. |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
The Id of the customer associated with the expense. |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The name of the customer associated with the expense. |
Purchase_Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | False | False |
The billable status of the expense. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False |
Class.Id | False | False |
The Id of the class entity of the expense. |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True |
Class.Name | False | False |
The name of the class entity of the expense. |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef | String | False |
Customers.Id | False | False |
The customer id for the expense. |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True |
Customers.DisplayName | False | False |
The customer name for the expense. |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the expense account of the expense. |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
The name of the expense account of the expense. |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | False | False |
The billable status of the expense. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Value | Double | False | False | False |
Markup value. | |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Percent | Double | False | False | False |
Markup amount expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01. | |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef | String | False | False | False |
The Id of price level for the markup. | |
Purchase_Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo__Name_PriceLevelRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
The name of the price level for the markup. | |
Purchase_AccountRef | String | False |
Accounts.Id | False | False |
The Id of the account associated with the transaction. |
Purchase_AccountRef_Name | String | True |
Accounts.Name | False | False |
A name that identifies the account associated with the transaction. Checks should reference a bank account and CreditCard should reference a credit card account. |
Purchase_PaymentType | String | False | True | True |
The expense type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Cash, Check, CreditCard | |
Purchase_EntityRef | String | False | False | False |
Specifies the party with whom an expense is associated. | |
Purchase_EntityRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
Specifies the party with whom an expense is associated. | |
Purchase_Credit | Boolean | False | False | False |
This field is valid only for the CreditCard payment type. | |
Purchase_TotalAmt | Decimal | True | True | True |
The total amount due, determined the sum of the line items. This includes all charges, allowances, taxes, discounts, etc. | |
Purchase_PrintStatus | String | False | False | False |
The print status of the payment. This field is applicable only for checks. It is ignored for credit card charges or refunds. | |
Purchase_DepartmentRef | String | False |
Departments.Id | False | False |
The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
Purchase_DepartmentRef_Name | String | True |
Departments.Name | False | False |
The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction. |
Purchase_Status | String | True | False | False |
The status of the purchase. | |
Purchase_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False |
TaxCodes.Id | False | False |
The transaction tax code. |
Purchase_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | False | False |
Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
Purchase_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | False | False |
An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
Purchase_RecurDataRef | String | False | False | False |
The Recurrence Data reference. | |
Purchase_RecurDataRef_Name | String | True | False | False |
An identifying name for the object. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_Name | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info name. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_RecurType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info recurring type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Automated, Reminded, UnScheduled | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_Active | Boolean | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info is active or not. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType | String | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info interval type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval | Integer | False | False | False |
The Recurring Info num interval. | |
Purchase_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek | String | False | False | F |