TDV Adapter for QuickBooks Online

Build 23.0.8839


You can issue the GETDELETED query to retrieve all records deleted from the live data for the time range specified. This query accepts a datetime value as a filter. You can also use the statement without a filter.

When used on LineItem tables or other 'child entities', GETDELETED instead returns the parent records that have been modified rather than information about deleted child records. This is a limitation of the QuickBooks Online api.

GETDELETED FROM <table_name>
GETDELETED FROM <table_name> WHERE <search_condition>

<search_condition> ::= 
    <expression> { = | < | <= | > | >= } [ <expression> ] 
  } [ { AND | OR } ... ]

<expression> ::=
  | @ <parameter> 
  | ?
  | <literal>

String cmd = "GETDELETED FROM Customers WHERE [MetaData_LastUpdatedTime]>'2018-06-08T06:53:38-07:00'";
PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(cmd);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.getResultSet();

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Build 23.0.8839