This is a table representing the Publisher entities in Dynamics CRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier of the publisher. |
Address1_AddressId | String | False |
Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False |
Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False |
City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False |
Country/region name for address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False |
County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False |
Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False |
Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False |
First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False |
Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False |
Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False |
Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False |
Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False |
ZIP Code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False |
Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False |
Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False |
State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False |
First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False |
Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False |
Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False |
United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False |
UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False |
Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False |
Type of address for address 2. such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False |
City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False |
Country/region name for address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False |
County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False |
Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False |
Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False |
First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False |
Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False |
Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False |
Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False |
Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False |
ZIP Code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False |
Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False |
Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False |
State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False |
First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False |
Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False |
Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False |
United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False |
UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the user who created the publisher. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True |
Date and time when the publisher was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the publisher. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationOptionValuePrefix | Integer | False |
Default option value prefix used for newly created options for solutions associated with this publisher. |
CustomizationPrefix | String | False |
Prefix used for new entities, attributes, and entity relationships for solutions associated with this publisher. |
Description | String | False |
Description of the solution. |
EMailAddress | String | False |
email address for the publisher. |
FriendlyName | String | False |
User display name for this publisher. |
IsReadonly | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether the publisher was created as part of a managed solution installation. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the user who last modified the publisher. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True |
Date and time when the publisher was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the publisher. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the organization associated with the publisher. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
PinpointPublisherDefaultLocale | String | True |
Default locale of the publisher in Microsoft Pinpoint. |
PublisherId | String | False |
Unique identifier of the publisher. |
SupportingWebsiteUrl | String | False |
URL for the supporting web site of this publisher. |
UniqueName | String | False |
The unique name of this publisher. |