JDBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Build 24.0.8963


This is a table representing the MonthlyFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the monthly fiscal calendar.

BusinessUnitId_Id String True

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String True

BusinessUnitId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the fiscal calendar.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quota for the monthly fiscal calendar was modified.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the MonthlyFiscalCalendar.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EffectiveOn Datetime False

Date and time when the monthly fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the monthly fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency.

FiscalPeriodType Integer True

Type of fiscal period used in the sales quota.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quota for the monthly fiscal calendar.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quota for the monthly fiscal calendar was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the MonthlyFiscalCalendar.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

month1 Double False

Sales quota for the first month in the fiscal year.

month1_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first month in the fiscal year.

month10 Double False

Sales quota for the tenth month in the fiscal year.

month10_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the tenth month in the fiscal year.

month11 Double False

Sales quota for the eleventh month in the fiscal year.

month11_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eleventh month in the fiscal year.

month12 Double False

Sales quota for the twelfth month in the fiscal year.

month12_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the twelfth month in the fiscal year.

month2 Double False

Sales quota for the second month in the fiscal year.

month2_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second month in the fiscal year.

month3 Double False

Sales quota for the third month in the fiscal year.

month3_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the third month in the fiscal year.

month4 Double False

Sales quota for the fourth month in the fiscal year.

month4_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fourth month in the fiscal year.

month5 Double False

Sales quota for the fifth month in the fiscal year.

month5_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fifth month in the fiscal year.

month6 Double False

Sales quota for the sixth month in the fiscal year.

month6_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the sixth month in the fiscal year.

month7 Double False

Sales quota for the seventh month in the fiscal year.

month7_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the seventh month in the fiscal year.

month8 Double False

Sales quota for the eighth month in the fiscal year.

month8_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eighth month in the fiscal year.

month9 Double False

Sales quota for the ninth month in the fiscal year.

month9_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the ninth month in the fiscal year.

SalesPersonId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated salesperson.

SalesPersonId_LogicalName String False

SalesPersonId_Name String False

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the monthly fiscal calendar.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UserFiscalCalendarId String False

Unique identifier of the monthly fiscal calendar.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963