This is a table representing the Contact entities in Dynamics CRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier of the contact. |
AccountId_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the account with which the contact is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
AccountRoleCode | String | False |
Account role of the contact. |
Address1_AddressId | String | False |
Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False |
Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False |
City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False |
Country/region name for address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False |
County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False |
Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_FreightTermsCode | String | False |
Freight terms for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False |
Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False |
First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False |
Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False |
Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False |
Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False |
Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False |
ZIP Code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False |
Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_PrimaryContactName | String | False |
Name to enter for address 1 for the primary contact. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False |
Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False |
State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False |
First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False |
Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False |
Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False |
United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False |
UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False |
Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False |
Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False |
City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False |
Country/region name for address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False |
County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False |
Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_FreightTermsCode | String | False |
Freight terms for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False |
Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False |
First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False |
Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False |
Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False |
Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False |
Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False |
ZIP Code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False |
Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_PrimaryContactName | String | False |
Name to enter for address 2 for the primary contact. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False |
Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False |
State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False |
First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False |
Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False |
Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False |
United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False |
UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Aging30 | Double | True |
For internal use only. |
Aging30_Base | Double | True |
Base currency equivalent of the aging 30 for the contact. |
Aging60 | Double | True |
For internal use only. |
Aging60_Base | Double | True |
Base currency equivalent of the aging 60 for the contact. |
Aging90 | Double | True |
For internal use only. |
Aging90_Base | Double | True |
Base currency equivalent of the aging 90 for the contact. |
Anniversary | Datetime | False |
Wedding anniversary of the contact. |
AnnualIncome | Double | False |
Annual income of the contact. |
AnnualIncome_Base | Double | True |
Base currency equivalent of the annual income of the contact. |
AssistantName | String | False |
Name of the contact's assistant contact. |
AssistantPhone | String | False |
Phone number for the contact's assistant. |
BirthDate | Datetime | False |
Birth date of the contact. |
ChildrensNames | String | False |
Names of the contact's children. |
ContactId | String | False |
Unique identifier of the contact. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the user who created the contact. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True |
Date and time when the contact was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the contact. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CreditLimit | Double | False |
Credit limit for the contact. |
CreditLimit_Base | Double | True |
Base currency equivalent of the credit limit for the contact. |
CreditOnHold | Boolean | False |
Information about whether credit for the contact is on hold. |
CustomerSizeCode | String | False |
Size of the contact's business. |
CustomerTypeCode | String | False |
Type of business associated with the contact. |
DefaultPriceLevelId_Id | String | False |
Unique identifier of the default price list for the contact. |
DefaultPriceLevelId_LogicalName | String | False | |
DefaultPriceLevelId_Name | String | False | |
Department | String | False |
Department in the business unit or organization associated with the contact. |
Description | String | False |
Description of the contact. |
DoNotBulkEMail | Boolean | False |
Information about whether to allow sending direct email to the contact. |
DoNotBulkPostalMail | Boolean | False |
Information about whether to allow sending bulk-rate postal mail to the contact. |
DoNotEMail | Boolean | False |
Information about whether to allow sending email to the contact. |
DoNotFax | Boolean | False |
Information about whether to allow sending fax transmittals to the contact. |
DoNotPhone | Boolean | False |
Information about whether to allow phone calls to the contact. |
DoNotPostalMail | Boolean | False |
Information about whether to allow sending postal mail to the contact. |
DoNotSendMM | Boolean | False |
Information regarding whether to allow sending marketing mail to the contact. |
EducationCode | String | False |
Formal education level that the contact has attained. |
EMailAddress1 | String | False |
First email address for the contact. |
EMailAddress2 | String | False |
Second email address for the contact. |
EMailAddress3 | String | False |
Third email address for the contact. |
EmployeeId | String | False |
Employee ID for the contact. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True |
Exchange rate for the currency associated with the contact with respect to the base currency. |
ExternalUserIdentifier | String | False |
Identifier for an external user. |
FamilyStatusCode | String | False |
Marital status of the contact. |
Fax | String | False |
Fax number for the contact. |
FirstName | String | False |
First name of the contact. |
FtpSiteUrl | String | False |
FTP site URL for the contact. |
FullName | String | True |
Full name of the contact. |
GenderCode | String | False |
Gender of the contact. |
GovernmentId | String | False |
Government ID for the contact. |
HasChildrenCode | String | False |
Information about whether the contact has children. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False |
Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBackofficeCustomer | Boolean | False |
Information about whether the contact is in an associated Microsoft Great Plains database. |
JobTitle | String | False |
Job title of the contact. |
LastName | String | False |
Last name of the contact. |
LastUsedInCampaign | Datetime | False |
Date and time when the contact was last contacted as a part of a marketing campaign. |
LeadSourceCode | String | False |
Source of the lead of the contact. |
ManagerName | String | False |
Name of the contact's manager. |
ManagerPhone | String | False |
Phone number for the contact's manager. |
MasterId_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the master contact for merge. |
MasterId_LogicalName | String | True | |
MasterId_Name | String | True | |
Merged | Boolean | True |
Information regarding whether the account has been merged with a master contact. |
MiddleName | String | False |
Middle name of the contact. |
MobilePhone | String | False |
Mobile phone number for the contact. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the user who last modified the contact. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True |
Date and time when the contact was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the contact. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
NickName | String | False |
Nickname of the contact. |
NumberOfChildren | Integer | False |
How many children the contact has. |
OriginatingLeadId_Id | String | False |
Unique identifier of the lead from which the contact was created. |
OriginatingLeadId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OriginatingLeadId_Name | String | False | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False |
Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False |
Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the contact. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the contact. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the team who owns the contact. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the user who owns the contact. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Pager | String | False |
Pager number for the contact. |
ParentContactId_Id | String | True |
Unique identifier of the parent contact. |
ParentContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ParentContactId_Name | String | True | |
ParentCustomerId_Id | String | False |
Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the contact. |
ParentCustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentCustomerId_Name | String | False | |
ParticipatesInWorkflow | Boolean | False |
Information about whether the contact participates in workflow rules. |
PaymentTermsCode | String | False |
Payment terms for the contact. |
PreferredAppointmentDayCode | String | False |
Day of the week that the contact prefers for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredAppointmentTimeCode | String | False |
Time of day that the contact prefers for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredContactMethodCode | String | False |
Preferred contact method for the contact. |
PreferredEquipmentId_Id | String | False |
Unique identifier of the facility/equipment preferred by the contact for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredEquipmentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PreferredEquipmentId_Name | String | False | |
PreferredServiceId_Id | String | False |
Unique identifier of the service preferred by the contact for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PreferredServiceId_Name | String | False | |
PreferredSystemUserId_Id | String | False |
Unique identifier of the system user preferred by the contact for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredSystemUserId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PreferredSystemUserId_Name | String | False | |
Salutation | String | False |
Salutation for correspondence with the contact. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False |
Method of shipping for the contact. |
SpousesName | String | False |
Name of the contact's spouse/partner. |
StateCode | String | True |
Status of the contact. |
StatusCode | String | False |
Reason for the status of the contact. |
Suffix | String | False |
Suffix for the contact name, such as Jr., Sr., or III. |
Telephone1 | String | False |
First telephone number for the contact. |
Telephone2 | String | False |
Second telephone number for the contact. |
Telephone3 | String | False |
Third telephone number for the contact. |
TerritoryCode | String | False |
Unique identifier of the territory to which the contact is assigned. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False |
For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False |
Unique identifier of the currency associated with the contact. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False |
Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WebSiteUrl | String | False |
Web site URL for the contact. |
YomiFirstName | String | False |
Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact first name, used for Yomi sorting. |
YomiFullName | String | True |
Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact full name, used for Yomi sorting. |
YomiLastName | String | False |
Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact last name, used for Yomi sorting. |
YomiMiddleName | String | False |
Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact middle name, used for Yomi sorting. |