TDV Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Build 22.0.8462


This is a table representing the SystemUser entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the user.

AccessMode String False

Type of user.

Address1_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 1.

Address1_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address1_City String False

City name for address 1.

Address1_Country String False

Country/region name in address 1.

Address1_County String False

County name for address 1.

Address1_Fax String False

Fax number for address 1.

Address1_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 1.

Address1_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 1.

Address1_Name String False

Name to enter for address 1.

Address1_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 1.

Address1_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 1.

Address1_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 1.

Address1_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 1.

Address1_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1.

Address1_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Address2_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 2.

Address2_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address2_City String False

City name for address 2.

Address2_Country String False

Country/region name in address 2.

Address2_County String False

County name for address 2.

Address2_Fax String False

Fax number for address 2.

Address2_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 2.

Address2_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 2.

Address2_Name String False

Name to enter for address 2.

Address2_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 2.

Address2_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 2.

Address2_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 2.

Address2_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 2.

Address2_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2.

Address2_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the user is associated.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

CalendarId_Id String False

Fiscal calendar associated with the user.

CalendarId_LogicalName String False

CalendarId_Name String False

CALType String False

License type of user.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the user.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the user was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the systemuser.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DefaultFiltersPopulated Boolean True

Indicates if default outlook filters have been populated.

DisabledReason String True

Reason for disabling the user.

DisplayInServiceViews Boolean False

Whether to display the user in service views.

DomainName String False

Active Directory domain of which the user is a member.

EmailRouterAccessApproval String False

Shows the status of the primary email address.

EmployeeId String False

Employee identifier for the user.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the systemuser with respect to the base currency.

FirstName String False

First name of the user.

FullName String True

Full name of the user.

GovernmentId String False

Government identifier for the user.

HomePhone String False

Home phone number for the user.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod String False

Incoming email delivery method for the user.

InternalEMailAddress String False

Internal email address for the user.

InviteStatusCode String False

User invitation status.

IsDisabled Boolean True

Information about whether the user is enabled.

IsIntegrationUser Boolean False

Check if user is an integration user.

JobTitle String False

Job title of the user.

LastName String False

Last name of the user.

MiddleName String False

Middle name of the user.

MobileAlertEMail String False

Mobile alert email address for the user.

MobilePhone String False

Mobile phone number for the user.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the user.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the user was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the systemuser.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

NickName String False

Nickname of the user.

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the user.

OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod String False

Outgoing email delivery method for the user.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

ParentSystemUserId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the manager of the user.

ParentSystemUserId_LogicalName String False

ParentSystemUserId_Name String False

PassportHi Integer False

For internal use only.

PassportLo Integer False

For internal use only.

PersonalEMailAddress String False

Personal email address of the user.

PhotoUrl String False

URL for the Web site on which a photo of the user is located.

PreferredAddressCode String False

Preferred address for the user.

PreferredEmailCode String False

Preferred email address for the user.

PreferredPhoneCode String False

Preferred phone number for the user.

QueueId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the default queue for the user.

QueueId_LogicalName String False

QueueId_Name String False

Salutation String False

Salutation for correspondence with the user.

SetupUser Boolean False

Check if user is a setup user.

SiteId_Id String False

Site at which the user is located.

SiteId_LogicalName String False

SiteId_Name String False

Skills String False

Skill set of the user.

SystemUserId String False

Unique identifier for the user.

TerritoryId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the territory to which the user is assigned.

TerritoryId_LogicalName String False

TerritoryId_Name String False

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

Title String False

Title of the user.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the systemuser.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

WindowsLiveID String False

Windows Live ID

YomiFirstName String False

Pronunciation of the first name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.

YomiFullName String True

Pronunciation of the full name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.

YomiLastName String False

Pronunciation of the last name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.

YomiMiddleName String False

Pronunciation of the middle name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462