TDV Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Build 22.0.8462

Basic Tab

Connecting to Microsoft Dynamics CRM

To connect, set Url to the root URL of your organization and set User, Password, and CRMVersion.

Authenticating to CRM On-Premises

Additionally for CRM on-premises, select an authentication method. By default, the adapter uses Windows (NTLM) authentication. To use another authentication type, such as Kerberos delegation, set AuthScheme. The following is an example connection string:

AuthScheme=Auto;Url=;User=username;Password=password;CRM Version='CRM2011+'"

Internet Facing Deployments

For Dynamics CRM with IFD, set InternetFacingDeployment to true. The following is an example connection string:

AuthScheme=Auto;Url=;User=username;Password=password;InternetFacingDeployment=True;CRM Version='CRM2011+'"


Microsoft Dynamics CRM supports AzureAD. To authenticate using AzureAD, you must create a custom app to obtain the OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret to use custom AzureAD credentials. In addition to those properties, set CallbackURL.

You should set the AuthScheme to OAuth to enforce the OAuth Authentication scheme.

After creating your OAuth Application, set the following connection properties:

  • AuthScheme: Set to OAuth.
  • OAuthClientId: Set to the consumer key in your app settings.
  • OAuthClientSecret(optional): Set to the consumer secret in your app settings.
  • ADFSServer: Set to the ADFS server in your deployment.

When you connect, the adapter opens the AzureAD endpoint in your default browser. Log in and grant permissions to the application. The adapter then completes the following AzureAD process:

  1. Gets the callback URL and sets the access token and ADFSServer to authenticate requests.
  2. Saves OAuth values in your connection settings. These values persist across connections.
  3. Exchanges the returned refresh token for a new, valid access token.
The following is an example connection string for Internet Facing Deployments:
AuthScheme=OAuth;Url=;CRM Version=CRM2011+;InitiateOAuth=GETANDREFRESH;CallbackUrl=http://localhost:33333;OAuthClientId=ClientID;ADFSServer=;"
The following is an example connection string for Online Instance:
AuthScheme=OAuth;Url=;CRM Version=CRMOnline;InitiateOAuth=GETANDREFRESH;CallbackUrl=http://localhost:33333;OAuthClientId=ClientID;AzureTenant=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx;"


Please see Using Kerberos for details on how to authenticate with Kerberos

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Build 22.0.8462