FireDAC Components for Google Sheets

Build 23.0.8839


Uploads a file to the user's Google Drive.


Name Type Description
Id String The Id for the file. Only needs to be set when updating an existing document.
Name String The name for the file, including the extension.
Description String The description for the file.
Starred Boolean This parameter sets whether or not the resource is starred.

The default value is FALSE.

ParentIds String The Ids of the parent folders for the uploaded document.
MIMEType String The MIME type of the file.

The default value is application/

LocalFile String The local file path including the file name of the file to be uploaded. A value for this field is required when FileData or Content are both not specified.
FileData String If the LocalFile input is empty, the file data will be used in the format specified by the Encoding parameter.
Encoding String The FileData input encoding type.

The allowed values are NONE, BASE64.

The default value is BASE64.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Id String The id of the file.
Success String This parameter sets whether the operation was successful or not.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839