ADO.NET Provider for Google Sheets

Build 23.0.8839


This section provides a complete list of the Connection properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.

SpreadsheetA comma-separated list of the names or Ids of the spreadsheets to be viewed.
FolderNameA comma separated list of the folders' names from which to retrieve spreadsheets in the format FolderName='name1,name2'.
FolderIdA comma separated list of the folders' ids from which to retrieve spreadsheets in the format FolderId='id1,id2,id3'.
ShowTrashedFilesIndicates whether or not the trashed files will be listed.
SkipHiddenSheetsIndicates whether or not the hidden sheets will be listed.
SupportsAllDrivesDetermines whether or not to retrieve Drive items.
UseIdAsTableNameIndicates whether or not to use Ids as Spreadsheet and Sheet name.
TeamDriveA drive's names or ids from which to retrieve spreadsheets in the format TeamDrive='Shared drive 2, Shared drive 3', or TeamDrive='0BKwyFj1j9FOsUk9EVO, 0ANMIP9RIe1LQUk9PVA'.
DomainSharedFilesOnlyBoolean determining if the exposed sheets are limited to only the sheets shared to the user's domain or not.
RecurseFoldersUsed in case FolderId/FolderName properties are defined. If set to True this makes the driver return all the Spreadsheets inside nested folders, else the driver will return only the files directly to that foder. By default this is set to false.
IgnoreErrorValuesWhen enabled, fields where the provider detects error values will be returned as NULL. If disabled, the provider throws an error if an error value is detected in any field.

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Build 23.0.8839