ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce

Build 24.0.9029


Uploads a document in Salesforce.

Uploading single files or single folders

To upload a single document, specify the FullPath:
EXEC UploadDocument FolderId = '0018Z00002nz4TkMAR', FullPath = 'C:\csv samples\mycsvfile.csv'
To upload all documents in a single folder, use FolderPath:
EXEC UploadDocument FolderId = '0018Z00002nz4TkMAR', FolderPath = 'C:\\csv samples'
For Base64 data, you need to specify Base64Data, Title, and FileExtension:
EXEC UploadDocument FolderId = '0018Z00002nz4TkMAR', Base64Data = 'byBib2Jl', Title = 't', FileExtension = 'txt'

Uploading multi-valued inputs

There are various ways to upload multiple files or folders. Using a temporary table, #TEMP:
  1. First insert values into temporary tables. For example:
    INSERT INTO Document#TEMP (FolderId, FolderPath) VALUES ( '0018Z00002nz4TkMAR', 'C:\\TestImages' )
    INSERT INTO Document#TEMP (FolderId, FolderPath) VALUES ('0018Z00002nz4TkMAR', 'C:\\csv samples' )
    This inserts the values into a table in memory.

  2. Then reference that same table when executing the stored procedure:
    EXEC UploadDocument DocumentTempTable = 'Document#TEMP'
    This approach has the advantage of avoiding arbitrary parameters as inputs to the stored procedure.
Alternatively, you can specify multiple FullPaths using a #TEMP table or use multiple Base64 data entries.


Name Type Accepts Input Streams Description
FullPath# String False The full path to the document to upload. If Base64Data is not specified, this input is required. Either specify this or FullPath/FolderPath for a single object and not both.
Base64Data# String False A string of data that will be used as the full contents of the file. This must be base-64 encoded. Required if FullPath is not specified.
Name# String False The name you would like to give the document. If none is specified, the file name specified in the FullPath will be used. Required if Base64Data is specified.
FolderId# String False Required. Id of the Folder where the documents will be uploaded.
FolderPath# String False Used to batch upload every file inside a specified folder. Either specify this or FullPath for a single object and not both.
Description# String False Text description of the Document. Limit: 255 characters.
Content String True The file content as an InputStream. Only used if FullPath is empty.
DocumentTempTable String False Used to batch upload multiple Document objects. Set this to a temporary table, whose rows contain upload inputs like in the example below.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Id String The Id of the uploaded attachment.

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Build 24.0.9029