ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce

Build 24.0.9029


Retrieve file representations of components in an organization.


Name Type Description
PackageNames String A list of package names to be retrieved. If you are retrieving only unpackaged components, do not specify a name here. You can retrieve packaged and unpackaged components in the same retrieve.
SinglePackage String Defaults to false. Specifies whether only a single package is being retrieved or not. If false, then more than one package is being retrieved.
SpecificFiles String A list of file names to be retrieved. If a value is specified for this property, packageNames must be set to null and singlePackage must be set to true.
ManifestLocation String Specifies which metadata components to retrieve as part of a Retrieve call. It should point to a .xml file. Sample package.xml files can be found here: If not specified, it defaults to retrieve all custom objects.
DownloadLocation String The local path to save the zip file to. If not specified, the current execution path is used.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success String Whether the retrieve was successful or not.
FullPath String The full path (including name) of the downloaded file.

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Build 24.0.9029