ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce

Build 24.0.9029


Deploys file representations of components into an org by creating, updating or deleting the components they represent. To be used after executing MetadataRetrieve Stored Procedure.


Name Type Description
FullPath String The full path to the zip file to upload/deploy. For instance: C:/Users/admin/Documents/
AllowMissingFiles String Defaults to false. Specifies whether a deployment can still succeed if files that are specified in package.xml are not in the .zip file.
AutoUpdatePackage String Defaults to false. If a file is in the .zip file but not specified in package.xml, specifies whether the file is automatically added to the package. A MetadataRetrieve() is issued with the updated package.xml that includes the .zip file.
IgnoreWarnings String Defaults to false. Indicates whether deployments with warnings complete successfully or not. NOTE: Do not set this argument to true for deployments to production organizations.
RollbackOnError String Defaults to false. Indicates whether any failure causes a complete rollback or not.
RunAllTests String Defaults to false. Set to true to run all Apex tests after deployment, including tests that originate from installed managed packages.
RunTests String A list of Apex tests to run during deployment. Specify the class name, one name per instance. The class name can also specify a namespace with a dot notation. NOTE: To use this option, set testLevel to RunSpecifiedTests.
SinglePackage String Defaults to false. Indicates whether the specified .zip file points to a directory structure with a single package (true) or a set of packages.
TestLevel String Specifies which tests are run as part of a deployment. The test level is enforced regardless of the types of components that are present in the deployment package. Available values are 'NoTestRun', 'RunSpecifiedTests', 'RunLocalTests' and 'RunAllTestsInOrg'.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
JobId String The JobId for Deploy operation.
Success String Whether the deploy was successful or not.
Status String The Status of the deployment.
IgnoreWarnings String Specifies whether a deployment should continue even if the deployment generates warnings.
NumberComponentErrors String The number of components that generated errors during this deployment.
NumberComponentsDeployed String The number of components deployed in the deployment process.
NumberComponentsTotal String The total number of components in the deployment.
NumberTestErrors String The number of Apex tests that have generated errors during this deployment.
NumberTestsCompleted String The number of completed Apex tests for this deployment.
NumberTestsTotal String The total number of Apex tests for this deployment.

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Build 24.0.9029