ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce

Build 24.0.9029


Combines up to 3 records of the same type into 1 record.


Name Type Description
ObjectType String Object type. The specified value must be a valid object for your organization.
MasterRecordId String Must provide the ID of the object that other records will be merged into.
RecordToMergeIds String Minimum of one, maximum of two. The other record or records to be merged into the master record.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Id String ID of the master record, the record into which the other records were merged.
Success String Indicates whether the merge was successful (true) or not (false).
Errors_statusCode String If an error occurred during the merge() call, an array of one or more Error objects providing the error code and description.
Errors_message String If an error occurred during the merge() call, an array of one or more Error objects providing the error code and description.
MergedRecordIds String ID of the records that were merged into the master record. If successful, the values match mergeRequest.recordToMergeIds.
UpdatedRelatedIds String ID of all related records that were moved (reparented) as a result of the merge, and that are viewable by the user sending the merge call.

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Build 24.0.9029