Creates a job, which represents a bulk operation (and associated data) that is sent to Salesforce for asynchronous processing. Provide job data via an Upload Job Data request, or as part of a multipart create job request.
Name | Type | Description |
ObjectName | String | Name of the object to be used for the job (i.e., Account, Campaign, Event, etc.) |
Action | String | Type of action to use in the job. Valid values are 'insert', 'delete', 'update' or 'upsert'. |
ExternalIdColumn | String | The external ID field in the object being updated. Only needed for upsert operations. Field values must also exist in CSV job data. |
ColumnDelimiter | String | The column delimiter used for CSV job data. The default value is COMMA. Valid values are 'BACKQUOTE','CARET','COMMA', 'PIPE', 'SEMICOLON', 'TAB'. |
LineEnding | String | The line ending used for CSV job data, marking the end of a data row. The default is LF. Valid values are 'LF' and 'CRLF'. |
MultiPartRequest | Boolean | Enable this feature only when the total size of the CSV data does not exceed 20,000 characters. You must also specify the path of your CSV file. |
CSVFilePath | String | Specifies the path of your CSV File. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
ID | String | The Id of the job created. |
State | String | The state of the job. For example, 'Open', 'Closed', 'Aborted', or 'Failed'. |
JobType | String | The type of the job. Values include: 'BigObjectIngest', 'Classic', 'V2Ingest'. |
ContentUrl | String | The URL to use for 'Upload Job Data' requests for this job. Only valid if the job is in Open state. |
ContentType | String | The format of the data being processed. Only CSV is supported. |
CreatedDate | String | The date and time in the UTC time zone when the job was created. |
CreatedById | String | The ID of the user who created the job. |
ConcurrencyMode | String | The concurrency mode for the job. The valid values are: parallel and serial. |
SystemModStamp | String | Date and time in the UTC time zone when the job finished. |