ADO.NET Provider for Email

Build 24.0.8963


Gets the message part specified by LocalFile or PartId from the message specified by Id on the IMAP server.


Name Type Description
ID String The Id of the message that contains the part.
LocalFile String The local file where the content of the part will be written to.
Mailbox String The mailbox of the message that contains the part.
PartFileName String The part file name of the part to retrieve. Either the PartId or the PartFileName input must be specified.
PartID String The part Id of the part to retrieve. Either the part Id or the part file name input must be specified.
UIDMode String If true, permanent message Ids are used instead of the default temporary Ids.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Content String If the LocalFile input is not specified, the base64 encoded content will be output. Otherwise, the path to the file containing the content will be output.
ContentType String The content type.
Size String The size of the message part.
FileName String The filename of the message part.
To String The list of recipients
From String The sender of the current message.
CC String The list of CCed recipients.
Subject String The subject of the current message.
Flags String The flags set on the current message.
Date String The date the current message was sent.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963