Creating a Custom OAuth Application
Creating a Custom OAuth Application
Before you can authenticate to OData via either OAuth alone or Azure AD (which also uses OAuth), you must first create a custom OAuth application.For most services, this entails registering as a developer and creating an application in the service portal. The application should specify properties that enable it to generate OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret, and CallbackURL.
Note: Some services require you to contact them so they can create the custom OAuth application for you.
Completing the OAuth interaction requires the following URLs. (These URLs are often obtained from the API reference for your data source.)
URL | Required For | Description |
OAuthRequestTokenURL | OAuth 1.0 | Originating URL for request token. |
OAuthAuthorizationURL | OAuth 1.0, 2.0 | URL where the user logs into the service and grants permissions to the application. In OAuth 1.0, if permissions are granted the request token is authorized. |
OAuthAccessTokenURL | OAuth 1.0, 2.0 | The URL where the request for the access token is made. In OAuth 1.0, the authorized request token is exchanged for the access token. |
OAuthRefreshTokenURL | OAuth 2.0 | The URL where the refresh token is exchanged for a new access token when the old one expires. Note that for your data source this may be the same as the access token URL. |
CallbackURL | Depends on data source | Your data source may require you to define this URL when you create a custom OAuth application. This URL becomes the trusted redirect URL where the user returns with the token that verifies that they have granted your application access. Your data source may also require the port number. |