TDV Adapter for Facebook

Build 24.0.9029


Allows retrieval of insights by like source type.

Table Specific Information

Insights by reaction total type refers to the reaction totals for your page or post.


When selecting insights, a Target must be specified. This should be set to a page or post depending on the InsightName specified. You can set InsightName to 'PAGE_ACTIONS_POST_REACTIONS_TOTAL' or 'POST_REACTIONS_BY_TYPE_TOTAL', by default it will be 'PAGE_ACTIONS_POST_REACTIONS_TOTAL'. For instance:

SELECT * FROM InsightsByReactionTotals WHERE Target = 'mypageid' AND InsightName = 'PAGE_ACTIONS_POST_REACTIONS_TOTAL'

Additionally, StartTime and EndTime can be used to specify a range where insight data should be drawn from:

SELECT * FROM InsightsByReactionTotals WHERE Target = 'mypageid' AND InsightName = 'PAGE_ACTIONS_POST_REACTIONS_TOTAL' AND EndTime >= '12/1/2015' AND EndTime <= '12/31/2015'


Name Type Description
RowNumber [KEY] Int The row number of the result.
EndTime Date The most recent date this insight data is relevant for.
Like Long Total like reactions.
Love Long Total love reactions.
Wow Long Total wow reactions.
Haha Long Total haha reactions.
Sorry Long Total sorry reactions.
Anger Long Total anger reactions.
Thankful Long Total thankful reactions.
Pride Long Total pride reactions.
Care Long Total care reactions.
Fire Long Total fire reactions.
Hundred Long Total hundred reactions.
Target String The target of the insight. This must always be specified.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source. For more information, see the WHERE clause section.

Name Type Description
FromDateTime String The earliest time for insight data to have been collected.
ToDateTime String The latest time for insight data to have been collected.
InsightName String Insight Name. The available values are: PAGE_ACTIONS_POST_REACTIONS_TOTAL,POST_REACTIONS_BY_TYPE_TOTAL


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Build 24.0.9029