JDBC Driver for Facebook

Build 22.0.8462


Allows retrieval of insights by tab type..

Table Specific Information

Insights by tab type refers to any insights that can be retrieved from a page or post that measure what tab was used to view your content.


When selecting insights, a Target must be specified. In addition, an InsightName and Period should always be specified. For instance:

SELECT * FROM InsightsByTabType WHERE Target = 'mypostid' AND InsightName = 'PAGE_TAB_VIEWS_LOGIN_TOP_UNIQUE' AND Period = 'day'

Additionally, StartTime and EndTime can be used to specify a range where insight data should be drawn from:

SELECT * FROM InsightsByTabType WHERE Target = 'mypostid' AND InsightName = 'PAGE_TAB_VIEWS_LOGIN_TOP_UNIQUE' AND Period = 'day' AND EndTime >= '12/1/2015' AND EndTime <= '12/31/2015'


Name Type Description
RowNumber [KEY] Int The row number of the result.
EndTime Date The most recent date this insight data is relevant for.
About Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Ads Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Album Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
AllActivity Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
App Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Community Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Events Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Home Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Info Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Insights Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Jobs Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Likes Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Locations Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Notes Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Photos Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
PhotosAlbums Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
PhotosStream Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Posts Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Profile Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
ProfileAbout Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
ProfileCommunity Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
ProfileHome Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
ProfileInfo Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
ProfileLikes Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
ProfilePhotos Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
ProfilePosts Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Reviews Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Timeline Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Videos Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Wall Long Insight column indication the total for the tab type.
Target String The target of the insight. This must always be specified.
InsightName String The name of the insight. This must always be specified. The available values are: PAGE_TAB_VIEWS_LOGIN_TOP_UNIQUE,PAGE_TAB_VIEWS_LOGIN_TOP,PAGE_TAB_VIEWS_LOGOUT_TOP
Period String The period for the insight. This must always be specified.

The allowed values are day, week.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source. For more information, see the WHERE clause section.

Name Type Description
FromDateTime String The earliest time for insight data to have been collected.
ToDateTime String The latest time for insight data to have been collected.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462