The connector models the entities for which Zoho Projects provides full or limited CRUD support as tables.
It models each project tied to your account as a schema with the following tables.
Navigate to an individual table's page for a breakdown of its columns, as well as its supported filters and CRUD operations.
CData Tableau Connector for Zoho Projects テーブル
Name | Description |
BugAssociatedTasks | Fetches the details of the task associated with a bug. |
BugComments | Fetch comments for the bug. |
BugEntityProperties | Retrieves the data stored against an entity. The argument of this method should be the key that was used when the same data was stored. |
BugFollowers | Get list of followers for the bug. |
Bugs | Gets all the tasks in the given project. It fetches only the main tasks and not the subtasks. |
BugTimelogs | Gets the time logs under a specific bug. |
Events | Fetches all the tags present in a specific portal. |
ForumCategories | Gets all the forum categories. |
ForumComments | Gets all the forum comments. |
Forums | Gets all the forums in the given project. |
Milestones | Gets list of project layouts. |
ProjectEntityProperties | Retrieves the data stored against an entity. The argument of this method should be the key that was used when the same data was stored. |
ProjectUsers | Gets the details of all the users in a specific project. |
Statuses | Gets the statuses for the given project. |
TaskActivities | Retrieve details of who modified a specific task and when. |
TaskComments | Get all the task comments. |
TaskCustomfields | Usage information for the operation TaskCustomfields.rsd. |
TaskEntityProperties | Retrieves the data stored against an entity. The argument of this method should be the key that was used when the same data was stored. |
Tasklists | Get all the task lists in the given project. |
Tasks | Gets all the tasks in the given project. It fetches only the main tasks and not the subtasks. |
TaskSubtasks | View all the subtasks of the given task. |
TaskTimelogs | Gets the time logs under a specific task. |
TeamUsers | Fetch details of a particular team. |