CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects

Build 24.0.9111


Gets list of project layouts.


Columns that support the = operator:
  • Id
  • Flag
  • OwnerId
  • Status
  • DisplayType
  • LastModifiedTime

For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Milestones WHERE Id = '123456000000043771' WHERE flag = 'internal' 


To create a new Milestone you can specify the following fields:

  • Name
  • Flag
  • StartDate
  • EndDate
  • OwnerId

To create a new Milestone you can use the below query:

INSERT INTO Milestones (name, StartDate, EndDate, OwnerId, flag) 
VALUES ('New Milestone name', '2022-03-01', '2022-03-10', '1234567890', 'internal')


To update a Milestone specify the Id field.

UPDATE Milestones 
	SET Name = 'Updated Name',
		Flag = 'external',
		StartDate = '2022-02-01',
		EndDate = '2022-03-01',
		OwnerId = '1234567890' " +
	WHERE Id = '123456000000043021'


Milestones can be deleted by providing the Id and issuing a DELETE statement.

DELETE FROM Milestones WHERE Id = '123456000000043021' 


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Project Milestone Id.

Name String False

Project Milestone Name.

Flag String False

Milestone Flag.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。internal, external

Closed Boolean False

Milestone Closed.

CreatedDate Date False

Milestone Created Date.

CreatedDateTime Datetime False

Milestone Created Date Time.

StartDate Date False

Milestone Start Date.

StartDateTime Datetime False

Milestone Start Date Time.

EndDate Date False

Milestone End Date.

EndDateTime Datetime False

Milestone End Date Time.

Actual Integer False

Milestone Actual.

ActualCostFormatted String False

Milestone Actual Cost Formatted.

ActualHoursFormatted String False

Milestone Actual Hours Formatted.

Balance Integer False

Milestone Balance.

BalanceCostFormatted String False

Milestone Balance Cost Formatted.

BcyActual Integer False

Milestone Bcy Actual.

BcyActualCost String False

Milestone Bcy Actual Cost.

BcyForecasted Integer False

Milestone Bcy Forecasted.

BcyForecastedCost String False

Milestone Bcy Forecasted Cost.

BcyPlanned Integer False

Milestone Bcy Planned.

BcyPlannedCost String False

Milestone Bcy Planned Cost.

BudgetType Integer False

Milestone Budget Type.

CurrencyCode String False

Milestone Currency Code.

Difference Integer False

Milestone Difference.

DifferenceFormatted String False

Milestone Difference Formatted.

Forecasted Integer False

Milestone Forecasted.

ForecastedCostFormatted String False

Milestone Forecasted Cost Formatted.

ForecastedHoursFormatted String False

Milestone Forecasted Hours Formatted.

LastCalculatedTime String False

Milestone Last Calculated Time.

Planned Integer False

Milestone Planned.

PlannedCostFormatted String False

Milestone Planned Cost Formatted.

PlannedHoursFormatted String False

Milestone Planned Hours Formatted.

IsWorkfieldRemoved Boolean False

Milestone Is Work Field Removed.

LastUpdatedDate Date False

Milestone Last Updated Date.

LastUpdatedDateTime Datetime False

Milestone Last Updated Date Time.

SelfUrl String False

Milestone Self Url.

StatusUrl String False

Milestone Status Url.

OwnerId String False

Milestone Owner Id.

OwnerName String False

Milestone Owner Name.

OwnerZpuid String False

Milestone Owner ZPUID.

ProjectId String False

Project Id.

ProjectName String False

Project Name.

Sequence Integer False

Milestone Sequence.

Status String False


使用できる値は次のとおりです。completed, notcompleted

StatusColorCode String False

Status Color Code.

StatusId String False

Status Id.

StatusName String False

Status Name.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
DisplayType String

Milestone Display Type.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。upcoming, delayed

LastModifiedTime Datetime

Milestone Last Modified Time.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111