CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects

Build 24.0.9111


The 本製品 models the entities for which Zoho Projects only provides read-only access as views.

It exposes each portal tied to your account as a schema with the following views.

Navigate to an individual view's page for a breakdown of its columns and supported filters.

CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects ビュー

Name Description
MyBugs Lists all the bugs created by you or assigned to you.
MyMilestones Get all the milestones assigned to a particular user in the given project.
MyTasks Gets all your tasks in the portal.
MyTimelogs Gets the time logs under a specific bug.
ProjectCustomFields Gets all the project custom fields.
ProjectCustomStatus Gets list of all project custom status.
ProjectLayouts Gets list of project layouts.
TaskLayouts View the list of all the task layouts available in your portal.
TaskStatusHistory Fetches status history of tasks from the Portal.
TimesheetCustomFields Fetch all timesheet custom fields across the project.
PortalUsersRemaining Gets the details of all users in a specific portal.

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Build 24.0.9111