CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects

Build 24.0.9111


Reorders the tasks in the given project. Task will be reordered in-between two tasks based on the previous and next task Ids.

Procedure-Specific Information

An example query for executing this stored procedure is shown below:
EXEC TaskReorder PortalId = '12345317133', ProjectId = '123456000000031899', TaskId = '123456000000034053', PreviousTaskId = '123456000000031932', NextTaskId = '123456000000031941'


Name Type Required Description
PortalId String True Specify the portal Id.
ProjectId String True Specify the group Id.
TaskId String True Specify the Task Id.
PreviousTaskId String True Specify the previous Task Id.
NextTaskId String True Specify the next Task Id.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success String Specifies whether the update was successful.

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Build 24.0.9111