CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects

Build 24.0.9111


Dissociates a tag with a specific entity in a specific project.

Procedure-Specific Information

An example query for executing this stored procedure is shown below:
EXEC DissociateTags PortalId = '12345317133', ProjectId = '123456000000031899', TagId = '123456000000031977', EntityType = 'Task',  EntityId = '123456000000034087'


Name Type Required Description
PortalId String True Specify the portal Id.
ProjectId String True Specify the group Id.
TagId String True Specify the tag Id.
EntityType String True Specify the entity type to approve the log time.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。Project, Milestone, Tasklist, Task, Bug, Forum, Status

EntityId String True Id of entity specified by parameter 'EntityType'

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success String Specifies whether the execution was successful.

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Build 24.0.9111