Approve general/bug/task time log.
Procedure-Specific Information
An example query for executing this stored procedure is shown below:EXEC ApproveTimelog PortalId = '12345317133', ProjectId = '123456000000031899', LogId = '123456000000031977', Approval = 'approve', Reason = 'Submitted timelog is approved', EntityType = 'general', EntityId = '1234560001'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PortalId | String | True | Specify the portal Id. |
ProjectId | String | True | Specify the group Id. |
LogId | String | True | Specify the log Id. |
EntityType | String | False | Specify the entity type to approve the log time.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。task, bug, general |
EntityId | String | False | Id of entity specified by parameter 'EntityType' |
Approval | String | True | The time log is approved if the given value is approve
使用できる値は次のとおりです。approve, pending, reject |
Reason | String | False | Reason should be mentioned if the time log is rejected. The reason shouldn't exceed 250 characters. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Specifies whether the execution was successful. |