Excel Add-In for Zoho Projects

Build 23.0.8839


The 本製品 models the entities for which Zoho Projects only provides read-only access as views.

It exposes each project tied to your account as a schema with the following views.

Navigate to an individual view's page for a breakdown of its columns and supported filters.

CData Excel Add-In for Zoho Projects ビュー

Name Description
Activities List all the recent activities of the project.
BugActivities Gets all the activities for the given bug.
BugAttachments Get details of attachments for a bug.
BugCustomFields Gets all the custom fields in the given project.
BugResolution Get bug's resolution.
Clients Returns the list of client companies associated with a specific project Id.
Documents List all the recent activities of the project.
TaskAttachments Retrieve details of attachments associated to the task.
Timelogs Gets the time logs under a specific bug.

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Build 23.0.8839