FireDAC Components for Zoho Projects

Build 22.0.8462


The component models the data in Zoho Projects into a list of tables that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Generally, querying Zoho Projects tables is the same as querying a table in a relational database. Sometimes there are special cases, for example, including a certain column in the WHERE clause might be required to get data for certain columns in the table. This is typically needed for situations where a separate request must be made for each row to get certain columns. These types of situations are clearly documented at the top of the table page linked below.

CData FireDAC Components for Zoho Projects Tables

Name Description
BugAssociatedTasks Fetches the details of the task associated with a bug.
BugComments Fetch comments for the bug.
BugEntityProperties Retrieves the data stored against an entity. The argument of this method should be the key that was used when the same data was stored.
BugFollowers Get list of followers for the bug.
Bugs Gets all the tasks in the given project. It fetches only the main tasks and not the subtasks.
BugTimelogs Gets the time logs under a specific bug.
Contacts Fetches all client contacts from a portal.
Events Fetches all the tags present in a specific portal.
ForumCategories Gets all the forum categories.
ForumComments Gets all the forum comments.
Forums Gets all the forums in the given project.
Milestones Gets list of project layouts.
PortalClients Returns the list of client companies in the portal.
Portals Gets all the portals for the logged in user.
ProjectEntityProperties Retrieves the data stored against an entity. The argument of this method should be the key that was used when the same data was stored.
ProjectGroups Gets all the groups for the specified project.
Projects Gets all the projects for the logged in user.
ProjectUsers Gets the details of all the users in a specific project.
Statuses Gets the statuses for the given project.
Tags Fetches all the tags present in a specific portal.
TaskActivities Retrieve details of who modified a specific task and when.
TaskComments Get all the task comments.
TaskCustomfields Usage information for the operation TaskCustomfields.rsd.
TaskEntityProperties Retrieves the data stored against an entity. The argument of this method should be the key that was used when the same data was stored.
Tasklists Get all the task lists in the given project.
Tasks Gets all the tasks in the given project. It fetches only the main tasks and not the subtasks.
TaskSubtasks View all the subtasks of the given task.
TaskTimelogs Gets the time logs under a specific task.
Teams Fetch the team details from the portal.
TeamUsers Fetch details of a particular team.
Users Gets the details of all the users in a specific project.

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Build 22.0.8462