Establishing a Connection
The objects available within our connector are accessible from the "cdata.greenhouse" module. To use the module's objects directly:
- Import the module as follows:
import cdata.greenhouse as mod
- To establish a connection string, call the connect() method from the connector object using an appropriate connection string, such as:
Connecting to Greenhouse
You need an API key to connect to Greenhouse. To create an API key, follow the steps below:
- Click the Configure icon in the navigation bar and locate Dev Center on the left.
- Select API Credential Management.
- Click Create New API Key.
- Set "API Type" to Harvest.
- Set "Partner" to custom.
- Optionally, provide a description.
- Proceed to Manage permissions and select the appropriate permissions based on the resources you want to access through the connector.
- Copy the created key and set APIKey to that value.