CData JDBC Driver for Greenhouse ビュー
Name | Description |
ApplicationJobs | Query the jobs that candidates have applied for. |
ApplicationQuestionnaire | Query the answers provided to the questions in the job post of each application. |
Applications | Query all of an organization?s applications. |
Approvals | Query all of a job's approval flows. |
CandidateAddresses | Query candidate addresses. |
CandidateAttachments | Query candidate attachments. |
CandidateEmailAddresses | Query candidate email addresses. |
CandidateEmployments | Query candidate employments. |
CandidatePhoneNumbers | Query candidate phone numbers. |
Candidates | Query all of an organization's candidates. |
CandidateWebsiteAddresses | Query candidate website addresses. |
CloseReasons | Query the configured close reasons. |
CustomFields | Query an organization's custom fields. |
Degrees | Query the degrees of the organization. |
Departments | Query the departments of an organization. |
Disciplines | Query the disciplines of the organization. |
EmailTemplates | Query the email templates of the organization. |
EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission | Query the organization's EEOC data. |
JobOpenings | Query job openings. |
JobPostQuestions | Query questions associated with a job post. |
JobPosts | Query the job posts of the organization. |
Jobs | Query the jobs of the organization. |
JobStageInterviews | Query the interview steps associated with a job stage. |
JobStages | Query job stages. |
Offers | Query the offers of the organization. |
Offices | Query the offices of the organization. |
ProspectPools | Query the prospect pools of the organization. |
ProspectPoolStages | Query the stages of prospect pools. |
RejectionReasons | Query the rejection reasons configured by the organization. |
ScheduledInterviewInterviewers | Query the users who have interviews with a candidate. |
ScheduledInterviews | Query the interviews that have been scheduled for an application. |
Schools | Query the schools in the organization. |
ScorecardAttributes | Query the attributes of a scorecard. |
Scorecards | Query the scorecards of an organization. |
Sources | Query the sources of the organization. |
Tags | Query the tags of the organization's candidates. |
UserPermissions | Query the job permissions of a given user. |
UserRoles | Query the roles that can be assigned to a user. |
Users | Query the users of the organization. |