JDBC Driver for Greenhouse

Build 24.0.9062




CData JDBC Driver for Greenhouse ビュー

Name Description
ApplicationJobs Query the jobs that candidates have applied for.
ApplicationQuestionnaire Query the answers provided to the questions in the job post of each application.
Applications Query all of an organization?s applications.
Approvals Query all of a job's approval flows.
CandidateAddresses Query candidate addresses.
CandidateAttachments Query candidate attachments.
CandidateEmailAddresses Query candidate email addresses.
CandidateEmployments Query candidate employments.
CandidatePhoneNumbers Query candidate phone numbers.
Candidates Query all of an organization's candidates.
CandidateWebsiteAddresses Query candidate website addresses.
CloseReasons Query the configured close reasons.
CustomFields Query an organization's custom fields.
Degrees Query the degrees of the organization.
Departments Query the departments of an organization.
Disciplines Query the disciplines of the organization.
EmailTemplates Query the email templates of the organization.
EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission Query the organization's EEOC data.
JobOpenings Query job openings.
JobPostQuestions Query questions associated with a job post.
JobPosts Query the job posts of the organization.
Jobs Query the jobs of the organization.
JobStageInterviews Query the interview steps associated with a job stage.
JobStages Query job stages.
Offers Query the offers of the organization.
Offices Query the offices of the organization.
ProspectPools Query the prospect pools of the organization.
ProspectPoolStages Query the stages of prospect pools.
RejectionReasons Query the rejection reasons configured by the organization.
ScheduledInterviewInterviewers Query the users who have interviews with a candidate.
ScheduledInterviews Query the interviews that have been scheduled for an application.
Schools Query the schools in the organization.
ScorecardAttributes Query the attributes of a scorecard.
Scorecards Query the scorecards of an organization.
Sources Query the sources of the organization.
Tags Query the tags of the organization's candidates.
UserPermissions Query the job permissions of a given user.
UserRoles Query the roles that can be assigned to a user.
Users Query the users of the organization.

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Build 24.0.9062