Tableau Connector for SAP Ariba Source

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieve vendor address data.

View-Specific Information


The connector uses the SAP Ariba API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The connector processes other filters client-side within the connector.

  • SMVendorId supports the '=' comparison operator.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Addresses WHERE SMVendorId = 'S123456'


Name Type References Description
SMVendorId [KEY] String


A unique ID that SAP Ariba assigns automatically.
NumberInCollection [KEY] Int Position of the object in the response collection.
Id String The ID of the address.
ValidFrom Date Validity for address start date.
ValidTo Date Validity for address end date.
PostalAddressType String The type of the postal address.
IsIndependent Bool Indicator for whether this address data is independent.
Usages String The vendor address usages.
EmailAddresses String Email addresses associated with the vendor.
PhoneNumbers String Phone numbers associated with the vendor.
FaxNumbers String Fax numbers associated with the vendor.
Websites String Websites associated with the vendor.
CommunicationPreferencesCommunicationMethodCode String The preferred communication method code.
CommunicationPreferencesNonVerbalCommunicationLanguageCode String The preferred non verbal communication code.
OrganizationPostalAddressCareOf String Care of information for the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressFormattedOrgName String The formatted organizational name associated with the postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressFormattedOrgNameLine1 String The formatted organizational name associated with the postal address line one.
OrganizationPostalAddressFormattedOrgNameLine2 String The formatted organizational name associated with the postal address line two.
OrganizationPostalAddressFormattedOrgNameLine3 String The formatted organizational name associated with the postal address line three.
OrganizationPostalAddressFormattedOrgNameLine4 String The formatted organizational name associated with the postal address line four.
OrganizationPostalAddressScriptVariants String Variations in postal address formats.
OrganizationPostalAddressCoordinatesLatitude Int Latitude coordinates in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressCoordinatesLongitude Int Longitude coordinates in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressCoordinatesAltitude Int Altitude coordinates in the+ organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressTimeZoneCode String The code of the postal address' specific time zone.
OrganizationPostalAddressCountryCode String The country code in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeCountryCode String Alternative country code in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressPrimaryRegionCode String Primary region code in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressSecondaryRegionName String Secondary region name in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressSecondaryRegionRefCode String Secondary region reference code in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressTertiaryRegionName String Tertiary region name in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressTertiaryRegionRefCode String Tertiary region reference code in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativePrimaryRegionCode String Primary region code in the organization's alternative postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeSecondaryRegionName String Secondary region name in the organization's alternative postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeSecondaryRegionRefCode String Secondary region reference code in the organization's alternative postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeTertiaryRegionName String Tertiary region name in the organization's alternative postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeTertiaryRegionRefCode String Tertiary region reference code in the organization's alternative postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressDistrictName String District name in the organization?s postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressDistrictRefCode String District reference code in the organization?s postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeDistrictName String Alternative district name in the organization?s postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeDistrictRefCode String Alternative district reference code in the organization?s postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressTownName String Town name in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressTownRefCode String Town reference code in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAdditionalCityName String Additional city name in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeTownName String Alternative town name in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeTownRefCode String Alternative town reference code in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressStreetName String Street name in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressStreetRefCode String Reference code for the street in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressStreetPrefix1 String First prefix of the street in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressStreetPrefix2 String Second prefix of the street in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressStreetSuffix1 String First suffix of the street in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressStreetSuffix2 String Second suffix of the street in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressHouseNumber String House number in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressHouseNumberSupplement String Supplemental house number in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressDoor String Door number in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressFloor String Floor number in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressPostCode String Postal code in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressCompanyPostalCode String Company code in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressPostBoxIsWithoutNumber Bool Post box without number in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressDeliveryServiceNumber String Delivery service number in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativePostCode String Alternative postal code in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeDeliveryServiceIdentifier String Identifier for alternative delivery service in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeDeliveryServiceQualifier String Qualifier for alternative delivery service in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeDeliveryServiceType String Type of alternative delivery service in the organization's postal address.
OrganizationPostalAddressAlternativeDeliveryTypeCode String Code for alternative delivery type in the organization's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressInitials String Initials of the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAcademicTitleCode String Academic title code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAdditionalAcademicTitleCode String Additional academic title code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressFormOfAddressCode String Code representing the form of address in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressFormattedPersonName String Formatted name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressFirstName String First name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressMiddleName String Middle name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressLastName String Last name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressSecondLastName String Second last name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressNamePrefixCode String Name prefix code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAdditionalNamePrefixCode String Additional name prefix code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressNameSuffixCode String Name suffix code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressScriptVariants String Script variants in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressCareOf String Care of information for the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressCoordinatesLatitude Int Latitude coordinates in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressCoordinatesLongitude Int Longitude coordinates in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressCoordinatesAltitude Int Altitude coordinates in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressTimeZoneCode String Time zone code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressCountryCode String Country code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeCountryCode String Alternative country code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressPrimaryRegionCode String Primary region code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressSecondaryRegionName String Secondary region name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressSecondaryRegionRefCode String Secondary region reference code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressTertiaryRegionName String Tertiary region name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressTertiaryRegionRefCode String Tertiary region reference code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativePrimaryRegionCode String Alternative primary region code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeSecondaryRegionName String Alternative secondary region name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeSecondaryRegionRefCode String Alternative secondary region reference code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeTertiaryRegionName String Alternative tertiary region name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeTertiaryRegionRefCode String Alternative tertiary region reference code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressDistrictName String District name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressDistrictRefCode String District reference code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeDistrictName String Alternative district name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeDistrictRefCode String Alternative district reference code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressTownName String Town name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressTownRefCode String Town reference code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAdditionalCityName String Additional city name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeTownName String Alternative town name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeTownRefCode String Alternative town reference code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressStreetName String Street name in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressStreetRefCode String Street reference code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressStreetPrefix1 String First prefix of the street in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressStreetPrefix2 String Second prefix of the street in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressStreetSuffix1 String First suffix of the street in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressStreetSuffix2 String Second suffix of the street in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressHouseNumber String House number in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressHouseNumberSupplement String Supplemental house number in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressDoor String Door number in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressFloor String Floor number in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressPostCode String Postal code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativePostCode String Alternative postal code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressCompanyPostalCode String Company code in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressPostBoxIsWithoutNumber Bool Post box without number in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressDeliveryServiceNumber String Delivery service number in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeDeliveryServiceIdentifier String Identifier for alternative delivery service in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeDeliveryServiceQualifier String Qualifier for alternative delivery service in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeDeliveryServiceType String Type of alternative delivery service in the person's postal address.
PersonPostalAddressAlternativeDeliveryTypeCode String Code for alternative delivery type in the person's postal address.

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Build 24.0.8963