Retrieve contract workspaces.
View-Specific Information
The driver uses the SAP Ariba API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
- ContractId supports the '=' comparison operator.
- ContractStatus supports the '=,IN' comparison operator.
- LastModified supports the '<=,<,=,>,>=' comparison operators.
SELECT * FROM Workspaces WHERE ContractId = 'CW0001'
SELECT * FROM Workspaces WHERE ContractStatus = 'EXAMPLE'
SELECT * FROM Workspaces WHERE LastModified = 'Sat May 20 15:00:00 GMT 2020'
Name | Type | References | Description |
ContractId [KEY] | String | ID of the contract. | |
InternalId | String | Internal ID of the contract. | |
Version | Long | Version of the contract. | |
TemplateId | String | Template ID of the contract. | |
RelatedId | String | Related ID of the contract. | |
EventInternalId | String | Internal ID of the event. | |
BusinessSystemId | String | Business system ID associated with the contract. | |
Title | String | Title of the contract. | |
EventTitle | String | Title of the event associated with the contract. | |
Description | String | Description of the contract. | |
Commodities | String | Commodities covered by the contract. | |
Regions | String | Regions covered by the contract. | |
Departments | String | Departments involved in the contract. | |
Questions | String | Questions related to the contract. | |
Active | Bool | Indicator for contract activity. | |
Origin | Int | Origin of the contract. | |
ContractStatus | String | Status of the contract. | |
AffectedParties | String | Parties affected by the contract. | |
HierarchicalType | String | Type of hierarchical relationship in the contract. | |
ParentAgreement | String | ID of the parent agreement. | |
BlockPublish | Bool | Indicator for blocking contract publishing. | |
AmendmentType | String | Type of amendment in the contract. | |
AmendmentReason | String | Reason for the amendment in the contract. | |
AccessControl | String | Access control information for the contract. | |
IsTestProject | Bool | Indicator for whether the contract is a test project. | |
ExpirationTermType | String | Type of expiration term in the contract. | |
AutoRenewalInterval | Long | Interval for auto-renewal of the contract. | |
MaximumNumberOfRenewals | Long | Maximum number of renewals allowed for the contract. | |
ContractCreationSupplierClassification | String | Supplier classification at contract creation. | |
ContractPublishingSupplierClassification | String | Supplier classification for contract publishing. | |
ContractIntegrationSupplierClassification | String | Supplier classification for contract integration. | |
AgreementDate | Datetime | Date when the agreement was established. | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | Effective date of the contract. | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the contract. | |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date of contract creation. | |
LastModified | Datetime | Date of the last modification to the contract. | |
ContractAmount | Decimal | Amount associated with the contract. | |
ContractAmountCurrency | String | Currency of the contract amount. | |
OwnerUniqueName | String | Unique name of the owner. | |
OwnerPasswordAdapter | String | Password adapter for the owner. | |
OwnerNetworkUserId | String | Network user ID of the owner. | |
OwnerNetworkPersonId | String | Network person ID of the owner. | |
OwnerOrganization | String | Organization associated with the owner. | |
OwnerOrgName | String | Organization name of the owner. | |
OwnerOrgANId | String | Organization Ariba Network ID of the owner. | |
OwnerName | String | Name of the owner. | |
OwnerPhone | String | Phone number of the owner. | |
OwnerEmailAddress | String | Email address of the owner. | |
OwnerTimeZoneId | String | The time zone ID of the owner. | |
OwnerLocaleId | String | The locale ID of the owner. | |
OwnerActive | Bool | If the owner is active. | |
OwnerIsSupportAdmin | Bool | Whether the owner is a support admin. | |
ProposedContractAmount | Decimal | Proposed amount for the contract. | |
ProposedContractAmountCurrency | String | Currency of the proposed contract amount. | |
RelatedFactoriesFactoriesList | String | List of related factories. | |
RelatedFactoriesIsRetrievalSuccessful | Bool | Indicator for the successful retrieval of related factories. | |
SupplierSystemID | String | System ID of the supplier. | |
SupplierOrganizationIDs | String | Organization IDs associated with the supplier. | |
SupplierSmVendorID | String | SM vendor ID of the supplier. | |
SupplierName | String | Name of the supplier. | |
SupplierIsBlocked | Bool | Whether the supplier is blocked. | |
SupplierAddressName | String | Name associated with the supplier's address. | |
SupplierAddressUniqueName | String | Unique name associated with the supplier's address. | |
SupplierAddressPhone | String | Phone number associated with the supplier's address. | |
SupplierAddressFax | String | Fax number associated with the supplier's address. | |
SupplierAddressLines | String | Lines in the supplier's address. | |
SupplierAddressCity | String | City in the supplier's address. | |
SupplierAddressState | String | State in the supplier's address. | |
SupplierAddressCountry | String | Country in the supplier's address. | |
SupplierAddressPostalCode | String | Postal code in the supplier's address. |