ADO.NET Provider for SAP Ariba Source

Build 23.0.8839




CData ADO.NET Provider for SAP Ariba Source ビュー

Name Description
AddressEmailAddresses Retrieve vendor address data email addresses.
Addresses Retrieve vendor address data.
AddressFaxNumbers Retrieve vendor address data fax numbers.
AddressPhoneNumbers Retrieve vendor address data phone numbers.
AddressWebsites Retrieve vendor address data websites.
BankAccounts Retrieve vendor bank accounts.
BankInfos Retrieve vendor bank related data.
CompanyCodes Retrieve vendor company code related details.
Contacts Fetch all the vendor contact details for the given vendors Ids.
Customers Retrieve vendor customer information.
CustomerSalesArrangements Retrieve vendor customer information sales arrangements.
Identifications Retrieve vendor identifications.
Qualifications Fetch vendor qualifications. Qualifications covers both qualifications (either supplier qualifications or process qualifications) and preferred category statuses.
Questionnaires Retrieve vendor questionnaires.
SupplierAccounting Retrieve vendor supplier accounting information.
SupplierPurchasingArrangements Retrieve vendor supplier information purchasing arrangements.
Suppliers Retrieve vendor supplier information.
VendorDetails Retrieve vendor details.
Vendors Retrieve all vendors.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839