Tableau Connector for SAP Ariba Procurement

Build 24.0.8963


A 'system vsap' view template that queries 'InvoiceReconciliation' transaction data.

View-Specific Information


The connector uses the SAP Ariba API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The connector processes other filters client-side within the connector.

  • IncludeInactive supports the '=' comparison operator.
  • updatedDateFrom supports the '=' comparison operator.
  • updatedDateTo supports the '=' comparison operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM InvoiceReconcilationSAPupdatedRange WHERE updatedDateFrom='2024-01-01 00:00:00.0' AND updatedDateTo='2024-02-01 00:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM InvoiceReconcilationSAPupdatedRange WHERE IncludeInactive='True' 


Name Type References Description
RejectedDate Datetime The date when an invoice reconciliation was rejected.
ApprovedState String An integer value representing the current approval state of an invoice reconciliation. This field is used for internal purposes only. Possible numbers for the approvated state are: 1 - Composing, 2 - Submitted, 4 - Approved, 8 - Invalid, 16- Denied.
Invoice_UniqueName String
InitialUniqueName String The ID of the invoice reconciliation when it was first created. This field is used for internal purposes only.
SubmitDate Datetime The date when an invoice reconciliation is successfully submitted for approval.
HoldTillDate Datetime The date until which processing of a fully approved invoice reconciliation is withheld.
SupplierLocation_State String
SupplierLocation_Phone String
SupplierLocation_Country_UniqueName String
SupplierLocation_PostalCode String
SupplierLocation_City String
SupplierLocation_Fax String
SupplierLocation_UniqueName String
SupplierLocation_Lines String
SupplierLocation_Name String
Payments String
ChargeAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
ChargeAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
ChargeAmount_Amount Decimal
ChargeAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
ChargeAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
CreateDate Datetime The date when an invoice reconciliation is created.
Name String The title of an invoice reconciliation.
ExternalStatus String The status of this invoice reconciliation in the external system.
LastModified Datetime The date when an invoice reconciliation was last modified. Actions that lead to updates to the history record of an invoice reconciliation trigger changes to the last modified date.
TimeCreated Datetime The time when an invoice reconciliation is created.
PayloadID String The ID generated for documents transmitted to Ariba Network.
TaxAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
TaxAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
TaxAmount_Amount Decimal
TaxAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
TaxAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
Requester_UniqueName String The user on behalf of whom a requisition is created. Typically, the preparer and requester of a requisition are the same user. If a preparer creates a requisition for someone else, the requester is the user for whom the requisition is created.
TaxDetails String
PaidAmounts_AdjustmentAmount_Reason String
PaidAmounts_AdjustmentAmount_Amount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
PaidAmounts_AdjustmentAmount_Amount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
PaidAmounts_AdjustmentAmount_Amount_Amount Decimal
PaidAmounts_AdjustmentAmount_Amount_ConversionDate Datetime
PaidAmounts_AdjustmentAmount_Amount_Currency_UniqueName String
PaidAmounts_GrossAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
PaidAmounts_GrossAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
PaidAmounts_GrossAmount_Amount Decimal
PaidAmounts_GrossAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
PaidAmounts_GrossAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
PaidAmounts_DiscountAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
PaidAmounts_DiscountAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
PaidAmounts_DiscountAmount_Amount Decimal
PaidAmounts_DiscountAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
PaidAmounts_DiscountAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
PaidAmounts_NetAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
PaidAmounts_NetAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
PaidAmounts_NetAmount_Amount Decimal
PaidAmounts_NetAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
PaidAmounts_NetAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
VATAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
VATAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
VATAmount_Amount Decimal
VATAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
VATAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
LineItems String
ChangedBy_UniqueName String
ApprovedDate Datetime The date when an invoice reconciliation is fully approved.
TotalWithholdingTax_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
TotalWithholdingTax_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
TotalWithholdingTax_Amount Decimal
TotalWithholdingTax_ConversionDate Datetime
TotalWithholdingTax_Currency_UniqueName String
ScheduledPaymentDate Datetime The scheduled payment date for a reconciled invoice.
PreviousApprovalRequestsVersion Int The version number for the previous version of the approval request. This field is used for internal purposes only.
ResubmitDate Datetime The date when an invoice is resubmitted for approval. An invoice is considered as resubmitted if a user edits a denied invoice and resubmits it for approval. Note: Invoices that are withdrawn by the preparer and submitted again are not considered as resubmitted invoices.
EligibleForDynamicDiscount Bool A flag used by Buyers to indicate if the supplier can ask for immediate remittance of this invoice reconciliation to get dynamic discounts.
NumberCleared Decimal The number of invoiced items that have been cleared after an invoice reconciliation is reconciled.
MaxDiscountApplicable_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
MaxDiscountApplicable_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
MaxDiscountApplicable_Amount Decimal
MaxDiscountApplicable_ConversionDate Datetime
MaxDiscountApplicable_Currency_UniqueName String
DiscountAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
DiscountAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
DiscountAmount_Amount Decimal
DiscountAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
DiscountAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
ServicePeriod String
ApprovalRequests String
Active Bool Indicates whether the invoice reconciliation is currently in use in the buying solution. This field can contain the values as True or False. False indicates inactive invoice reconciliations. Inactive invoice reconciliations are considered as those that are deleted and do not appear in search results and invoice reconciliation choosers.
ProcurementUnit_UniqueName String
AmountBilled_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
AmountBilled_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
AmountBilled_Amount Decimal
AmountBilled_ConversionDate Datetime
AmountBilled_Currency_UniqueName String
NextVersion String
NumberBilled Decimal The total number of invoiced items.
UniqueName String The unique identifier for an invoice reconciliation in the system.
TotalInvoiced_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
TotalInvoiced_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
TotalInvoiced_Amount Decimal
TotalInvoiced_ConversionDate Datetime
TotalInvoiced_Currency_UniqueName String
ProcessedState String The current payment processing state for an invoice reconciliation after it has been reconciled. The following are the possible values for the processing state for an invoice reconciliation: - Unprocessed: The invoice reconciliation has not been processed for payment. - Rejected: The invoice reconciliation has been rejected by an approver. - Paying: The invoice reconciliation has been approved and payment is being processed. - Paid: The invoice reconciliation has been approved and invoiced amounts have been paid. - FailedPaying: The invoice reconciliation has been approved but payment for the invoiced amount has failed.
AmountCleared_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
AmountCleared_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
AmountCleared_Amount Decimal
AmountCleared_ConversionDate Datetime
AmountCleared_Currency_UniqueName String
ProjectID String The ID of a project.
Attachments String
SourcingStatusString String The status of a sourcing transaction in the sourcing solution. This field contains cXML updates received from the sourcing solution.
PaymentModel Int The payment model used for a payment request associated with an invoice reconciliation document. This field can contain one of the following values: -1 – Default, 0 - ExternalPay, 1 – LocalPay, or 2 - AribaNetworkPay.
RemittanceLocation_UniqueName String
PaidDate Datetime The date when payment for a reconciled invoice was made.
ServiceLocation_State String
ServiceLocation_Phone String
ServiceLocation_Country_UniqueName String
ServiceLocation_PostalCode String
ServiceLocation_City String
ServiceLocation_Fax String
ServiceLocation_UniqueName String
ServiceLocation_Lines String
ServiceLocation_Name String
Exceptions String
Supplier_UniqueName String
Supplier_Name String
InvoiceDate Datetime The date when the invoice associated with an invoice reconciliation is created.
StatusString String The current status of an invoice reconciliation. Example: Approved or Reconciled.
PreviousVersion String
ApprovalRequestsVersion Int The version of an approval request when it was generated. This field is used for internal purposes only.
TimeUpdated Datetime The time when an invoice reconciliation was last updated.
VersionNumber Int The internal version number assigned to an approvable document. This field is used for optimistic locking and ensures that changes to the document are followed in an appropriate sequence. This field is used for internal purposes only.
TaxAccrualAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
TaxAccrualAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
TaxAccrualAmount_Amount Decimal
TaxAccrualAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
TaxAccrualAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
Type String The internal name for the approvable document. For example, the internal name for an invoice reconciliation is ariba.invoicing.core.InvoiceReconciliation.
ProjectTitle String The title of a project.
IsAccruedOnIR Bool A flag that indicates if the amounts are accrued in an invoice reconciliation. Only NonPO Invoice's will have accrued amounts.
Preparer_UniqueName String The user who creates a requisition and submits it for approval.
IncludeInactive Bool By default, API responses do not include inactive transactions. You can set this query parameter to true to include inactive transactions in the responses.
updatedDateFrom Datetime This filter corresponds to the 'TimeUpdated' field. The operation is '>' and the default value is '2018-03-01T23:59:59Z'.
updatedDateTo Datetime This filter corresponds to the 'TimeUpdated' field. The operation is '<=' and the default value is '2018-03-29T23:59:59Z'.

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Build 24.0.8963