Tableau Connector for SAP Ariba Procurement

Build 24.0.8963


A 'system vsap' view template that queries 'CopyOrder' transaction data.

View-Specific Information


The connector uses the SAP Ariba API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The connector processes other filters client-side within the connector.

  • IncludeInactive supports the '=' comparison operator.
  • updatedDateFrom supports the '=' comparison operator.
  • updatedDateTo supports the '=' comparison operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CopyOrderSAPupdatedRange WHERE updatedDateFrom='2024-01-01 00:00:00.0' AND updatedDateTo='2024-02-01 00:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM CopyOrderSAPupdatedRange WHERE IncludeInactive='True' 


Name Type References Description
ApprovedState String An integer value representing the current approval state of a purchase order. This field is used for internal purpose only.
InitialUniqueName String The ID of the purchase order when it was first created. This field is used for internal purpose only.
InvoicedState String The status indicating whether a line item is invoiced (fully or partially) or not invoiced.
SubmitDate Datetime The date when a purchase order is successfully submitted for approval.
ReceivedState String The status indicating whether a line item is received (either fully or partially) or not received.
HoldTillDate Datetime The date until which processing of a fully approved requisition is withheld.
SupplierLocation_State String
SupplierLocation_Phone String
SupplierLocation_Country_UniqueName String
SupplierLocation_PostalCode String
SupplierLocation_City String
SupplierLocation_Fax String
SupplierLocation_UniqueName String
SupplierLocation_Lines String
SupplierLocation_Name String
NumberReceivableOrders Int The number of orders that are not fully received.
OrderID String The unique ID of a purchase order. Example: PO456.
OrderStatusPunchOutDisabled Bool Indicates whether the punchout link on a purchase order is disabled.
ChargeAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
ChargeAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
ChargeAmount_Amount Decimal
ChargeAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
ChargeAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
CreateDate Datetime The date when a purchase order is created.
Conditions_UniqueName String
Conditions_TAndCVersion Int
Name String The title of a purchase order.
TotalCost_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
TotalCost_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
TotalCost_Amount Decimal
TotalCost_ConversionDate Datetime
TotalCost_Currency_UniqueName String
OrderConfirmationState String The status of the order confirmation for a purchase order.
LastModified Datetime The date when a purchase order was last modified. Actions that lead to updates to the history record of a purchase order trigger changes to the last modified date.
TimeCreated Datetime The time when a purchase order is created.
AdvancedShipNoticeState String The status of the ship notice for an order.
Requester_UniqueName String The user on behalf of whom a requisition is created. Typically, the preparer and requester of a requisition are the same user. If a preparer creates a requisition for someone else, the requester is the user for whom the requisition is created.
Version Int The internal version number assigned to an approvable document. This field is used for optimistic locking and ensures that changes to the document are followed in an appropriate sequence. This field is used for internal purposes only.
InvoicedDate Datetime The date when an order was last invoiced.
UsePOLineNumberForIntegration Bool Determines how a line number is assigned to an item on the purchase order. Depending on the settings for the Application.Procure.UsePOLineNumberForExternalIntegration parameter, this field can contain the line number assigned to it in the buying solution or retain the line number assigned in the external ERP system.
AmountAccepted_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
AmountAccepted_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
AmountAccepted_Amount Decimal
AmountAccepted_ConversionDate Datetime
AmountAccepted_Currency_UniqueName String
LineItems String
OrderConfirmationStatusString String The status of the order confirmation associated with a purchase order.
ChangedBy_UniqueName String
OrderedState String The status of an order. This field can contain one of the following values: Ordering, Ordered, Canceled, Ordered with Errors or Unordered.
ApprovedDate Datetime The date when a purchase order is fully approved.
PreviousApprovalRequestsVersion Int The version number for the previous version of the approval request. This field is used for internal purpose only.
ResubmitDate Datetime The date when a purchase order is resubmitted for approval. A purchase order is considered as resubmitted if a user edits a denied purchase order and resubmits it for approval. Note: Purchase orders that are withdrawn by the preparer and submitted again are not considered as resubmitted purchase orders.
NumberCleared Decimal The number of invoiced items on an order that have been cleared after invoices are reconciled.
OrderMethodCategory String The ordering method configured for a customer site. This field contains one of the following values: Direct, PCard, or ERP.
RejectionReason String The reason provided by a supplier on Ariba Network while rejecting an order.
Active Bool Indicates whether a purchase order is currently in use in the buying solution. This field can contain the values as True or False. False indicates inactive purchase orders. Inactive purchase orders are considered as those that are deleted and do not appear in search results and purchase order choosers.
ReceivedDate Datetime The date when a shipment of an item was last received.
AmountBilled_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
AmountBilled_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
AmountBilled_Amount Decimal
AmountBilled_ConversionDate Datetime
AmountBilled_Currency_UniqueName String
NextVersion String
NumberBilled Decimal The total number of invoiced items on an order.
UniqueName String The unique ID of a purchase order. Example: PO456.
ReportingCurrency_UniqueName String
OrderedDate Datetime The date when an order is sent to the supplier.
ManuallyOrdered Bool Indicates whether an order needs to be processed manually.
IsFromExternalReq Bool Indicates whether an order originated from Fieldglass. Fieldglass orders are not included in order choosers when users select orders to create PO-based invoices.
MasterAgreement_UniqueName String
AmountCleared_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
AmountCleared_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
AmountCleared_Amount Decimal
AmountCleared_ConversionDate Datetime
AmountCleared_Currency_UniqueName String
OriginatingSystem String The external system from which a order is imported. This field contains the value Imported if the ID of the external system is not available.
PaymentTerms_UniqueName String
NumberReceivableLineItems Int The number of line items on a purchase order that are not fully received.
Attachments String
AmountReconciled_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
AmountReconciled_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
AmountReconciled_Amount Decimal
AmountReconciled_ConversionDate Datetime
AmountReconciled_Currency_UniqueName String
Supplier_UniqueName String
Supplier_Name String
AmountRejected_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
AmountRejected_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
AmountRejected_Amount Decimal
AmountRejected_ConversionDate Datetime
AmountRejected_Currency_UniqueName String
StatusString String The status of a purchase order. Example: Ordering or Ordered.
PreOrdered Bool Indicates whether a purchasing card order originated from the buying solution and not an external system.
IsBlanketOrder Bool Indicates whether an order is a blanket purchase order.
PreviousVersion String
ApprovalRequestsVersion Int The version of an approval request when it was generated. This field is used for internal purpose only.
AmountInvoiced_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
AmountInvoiced_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
AmountInvoiced_Amount Decimal
AmountInvoiced_ConversionDate Datetime
AmountInvoiced_Currency_UniqueName String
TimeUpdated Datetime The time when a purchase order was last updated.
OriginatingSystemReferenceID String The external system ID of an order associated with an imported requisition.
VersionNumber Int The version number of an order.
Type String The internal name for the approvable document. For example, the internal name for purchase order is ariba.purchasing.core.PurchaseOrder.
ExpirationDate Datetime The expiration date of a purchase order.
Closed String Indicates whether an order is closed for invoicing. This field can contain one of these values: 1 - The purchase order is in an Open state, 2 - The purchase order is closed for change, 3 - The purchase order is closed for receiving, 4 - The purchase order is closed for invoicing, 5 - The purchase order is closed for all actions, 6 - The purchase order is adjusted and closed for receiving, 7 - The purchase order is closed for receiving and invoicing, or -1 - The purchase order is closed for various actions.
IsServiceOrder Bool Indicates whether a purchase order is a service purchase order. Note: Service purchase orders are orders consisting of service items that follow the service sheet process.
Requisition_UniqueName String
Preparer_UniqueName String The user who creates a requisition and submits it for approval.
CompanyCode_UniqueName String The unique name for the SAP company code.
IncludeInactive Bool By default, API responses do not include inactive transactions. You can set this query parameter to true to include inactive transactions in the responses.
updatedDateFrom Datetime This filter corresponds to the 'TimeUpdated' field. The operation is '>' and the default value is '2018-03-01T23:59:59Z'.
updatedDateTo Datetime This filter corresponds to the 'TimeUpdated' field. The operation is '<=' and the default value is '2018-03-29T23:59:59Z'.

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Build 24.0.8963