ODBC Driver for SAP Ariba Procurement

Build 24.0.8963


A 'system vsap' view template that queries 'Contract' transaction data.

View-Specific Information


The driver uses the SAP Ariba API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.

  • IncludeInactive supports the '=' comparison operator.
  • createdDateFrom supports the '=' comparison operator.
  • createdDateTo supports the '=' comparison operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ContractSAPcreatedRange WHERE createdDateFrom='2024-01-01 00:00:00.0' AND createdDateTo='2024-02-01 00:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM ContractSAPcreatedRange WHERE IncludeInactive='True' 


Name Type References Description
ForecastedSpend_TotalAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
ForecastedSpend_TotalAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
ForecastedSpend_TotalAmount_Amount Decimal
ForecastedSpend_TotalAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
ForecastedSpend_TotalAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
Description String Description associated with the contract.
IsAutoRelease Bool This denotes if this contract is an Auto Release Contract.
InitialUniqueName String The ID of the contract when it was first created. This field is used for internal purpose only.
ForecastedSpend_Frequency_UniqueName String
ExternalID String ExternalID is an Id from external system used while generating the UniqueName for the MA
SupplierLocation_State String
SupplierLocation_Phone String
SupplierLocation_Country_UniqueName String
SupplierLocation_PostalCode String
SupplierLocation_City String
SupplierLocation_Fax String
SupplierLocation_UniqueName String
SupplierLocation_Lines String
SupplierLocation_Name String
SubPreloadAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
SubPreloadAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
SubPreloadAmount_Amount Decimal
SubPreloadAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
SubPreloadAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
PaymentTerms_UniqueName String
CreateDate Datetime The date when a contract is created.
Attachments String
TermType String The term type of a contract.
MaxAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
MaxAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
MaxAmount_Amount Decimal
MaxAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
MaxAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
Name String The title of a contract.
TimeCreated Datetime The time when a contract is created.
ParentAgreement_UniqueName String
Requester_UniqueName String The user on behalf of whom a requisition is created. Typically, the preparer and requester of a requisition are the same user. If a preparer creates a requisition for someone else, the requester is the user for whom the requisition is created.
ExternalSourcingId String The ID of the contract request in the sourcing system.
MinAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
MinAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
MinAmount_Amount Decimal
MinAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
MinAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
Currency_UniqueName String
Supplier_UniqueName String
Supplier_Name String
Items String
MaxAmountTolerancePercent Decimal This denotes the amount above the MaxAmount allowing users to create releases against the contract. The Master Agreement will move to the Closed state when the tolerance is reached. A null value means the tolerance or the MaxAmount has not been set and the contract will stay Open until the Expiration Date or a user explicitly closes the contract.
ReleaseType String This determines the type of releases associated with the contract.
LineItems String
StatusString String The approval state of a contract. Example: Processed, Open, or Closed.
SubAgreements String
IsBlanketPurchaseOrder Bool This denotes if the created contract is a blanket purchase order.
PurchaseOrg_UniqueName String
ReleaseMinAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
ReleaseMinAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
ReleaseMinAmount_Amount Decimal
ReleaseMinAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
ReleaseMinAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
TimeUpdated Datetime The time when a contract was last updated.
ReleaseMaxAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
ReleaseMaxAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
ReleaseMaxAmount_Amount Decimal
ReleaseMaxAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
ReleaseMaxAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
PreloadAmount_AmountInReportingCurrency Decimal
PreloadAmount_ApproxAmountInBaseCurrency Decimal
PreloadAmount_Amount Decimal
PreloadAmount_ConversionDate Datetime
PreloadAmount_Currency_UniqueName String
ForecastedSpend_SavingPercentage Decimal This denotes the saving percent in spend forecast of a contract.
Active Bool Indicates whether a contract is currently in use in the buying solution. This field can contain the values as True or False. False indicates inactive contracts. Inactive contracts are considered as those that are deleted and do not appear in search results and contract choosers.
GlobalReleaseFlag Bool This denotes if releases can be made against this contract from partitions other than the partition where the contract was created in. If this flag is set to false, then only users in the same partition can create releases against the contract. If the flag is set to true then users in all of the partitions can create releases against this contract.
ProcurementUnit_UniqueName String
ExpirationDate Datetime This denotes the date on which contract is expired and no longer available for ordering.
ReleaseTolerancePercent Decimal This denotes the percentage amount under which and over which a release can exceed the MinReleaseAmount and the MaxReleaseAmount before DefaultApprovers is added as an Approver. If the release exceeds those values within the tolerance, DefaultApprovers is added as a watcher.
UniqueName String The unique ID of a contract. Example: C123.
CompanyCode_UniqueName String The unique internal identifier for the SAP company code.
HierarchicalType String This denotes the hierarchical type of this contract.
Evergreen Bool This denotes if contract is in effect for ever.
Preparer_UniqueName String The user who creates a requisition and submits it for approval.
EffectiveDate Datetime This denotes the date from which contract is available for release.
IncludeInactive Bool By default, API responses do not include inactive transactions. You can set this query parameter to true to include inactive transactions in the responses.
createdDateFrom Datetime This filter corresponds to the 'TimeCreated' field. The operation is '>' and the default value is '2018-03-01T23:59:59Z'.
createdDateTo Datetime This filter corresponds to the 'TimeCreated' field. The operation is '<=' and the default value is '2018-03-29T23:59:59Z'.

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Build 24.0.8963