ODBC Driver for Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT

Build 24.0.8963


Lists general ledger summaries for the specified fiscal year and criteria. Note that summary records only exist for closed, optimized fiscal years. If any activity occurs in a fiscal period that has not since been closed and optimized, it will not be included in the GL summary record(s).

The 本製品 will use the Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • FiscalYearId, AccountNumber and UiProjectId support the '=' operator. A blank search is not supported.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM LedgerSummaries WHERE FiscalYearId = 1 AND AccountNumber = 'abc' AND UiProjectId = 'def' 


Name Type References Description
FiscalYearId String


The fiscal year identifier.
FiscalYear String


The summarized fiscal year.
AccountNumber String


The account number of summarized transactions.
PeriodStartDate Datetime The start date of the summarized period.
FiscalPeriod String The summarized fiscal period.
EncumberedBeginningBalance Double The encumbered transaction balance at the beginning of the summarized period.
EncumberedCredit Double The sum of encumbered transaction credits int he summarized period.
UiProjectId String The project identifier of summarized transactions.
PeriodEndDate Datetime The end date of the summarized period.
TransactionCodes String The transaction code values of summarized transactions.
Credit Double The sum of transaction credits int he summarized period.
Debit Double The sum of transaction debits int he summarized period.
EncumberedDebit Double The sum of encumbered transaction debits int he summarized period.
BeginningBalance Double The total transaction balance at the beginning of the summarized period.

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Build 24.0.8963