CData Python Connector for Snowflake

Build 24.0.9111


If you are using a Windows application, set Authmode to App. If you are using a Web app, set Authmode to Web and specify the Verifier obtained by GetOAuthAuthorizationUrl.


Name Type Required Description
AuthMode String False The type of authentication mode. The allowed values are APP, WEB.
CallbackUrl String False The page that the user returns to after authorization is complete.
Verifier String False The verifier code returned by Snowflake after permissions have been granted for the app to connect. WEB Authmode only.
PKCEVerifier String False The PKCEVerifier GetOAuthAuthorizationURL returns.
Prompt String False Defaults to 'select_account', which prompts the user to select an account while authenticating. Set to 'None' for no prompt, 'login' to force user to enter their credentials, or 'consent' to open the OAuth consent dialog, which asks users to grant permissions to the application after sign on.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
OAuthRefreshToken String A token that may be used to obtain a new access token.
OAuthAccessToken String The OAuth access token.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime on the access token. A -1 denotes that it will not expire.

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Build 24.0.9111