CData Python Connector for Snowflake

Build 24.0.9111


このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。

AllowPreparedStatementPrepare a query statement before its execution.
AllowUserVariablesWhen set to True, user variables (prefixed by an $) can be used in SQL queries.
ApplicationNameThe application name connection string property expresses the HTTP User-Agent.
AsyncQueryTimeoutThe timeout for asynchronous requests issued by the provider to download large result sets.
BatchModeAllow specifying the batch mode. Default: Auto.
BindingTypeAllow specifying the binding type for the Date, Time and Timestamp_* type.
CustomStageThe name of a custom stage to use during bulk write operations.
ExternalStageAWSAccessKeyYour AWS account access key. Only used when defining a CustomStage for bulk write operations.
ExternalStageAWSSecretKeyYour AWS account secret key. Only used when defining a CustomStage for bulk write operations.
ExternalStageAzureSASTokenThe string value of the Azure Blob shared access signature.
IgnoreCaseWhether to ignore case in identifiers. Default: false.
IncludeTableTypesIf set to true, the provider will report the types of individual tables and views.
MaxRowsクエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。LIMIT 句は、MaxRows で指定された制限値よりも優先されます。
MergeDeleteA boolean indicating whether batch DELETE statements should be converted to MERGE statements automatically. Only used when the DELETE statement's where clause contains a table's primary key field only and they are combined with AND logical operator.
MergeInsertA boolean indicating whether INSERT statements should be converted to MERGE statements automatically. Only used when the INSERT contains a table's primary key field.
MergeUpdateA boolean indicating whether batch UPDATE statements should be converted to MERGE statements automatically. Only used when the UPDATE statement's where clause contains a table's primary key field only and they are combined with AND logical operator.
PagesizeSnowflake から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。
QueryPassthroughこのオプションは、クエリをSnowflake サーバーにas-is で渡します。
Readonlyこのプロパティを使用して、provider からSnowflake へのアクセスを読み取り専用に設定できます。
ReplaceInvalidUTF8CharsSpecifies whether to repalce invalid UTF8 characters with a '?'
RetryOnS3TimeoutWhether or not to retry when network issues occur at during chunk downloading.
S3DomainThe URI of the S3 bucket you are using as your Snowflake S3 stage.
SessionIdleTimeoutThe timeout minutes for Session, the values comes from Snowflake's session policy, which indicate the session policy parameter SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MINS. The default value is 240 minutes.
SessionParametersThe session parameters for Snowflake. For example: SessionParameters='QUERY_TAG=MyTag;QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS_IGNORE_CASE=True;';

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111