JDBC Driver for Snowflake

Build 24.0.8963


The authentication scheme used. Accepted entries are Password, OKTA, PrivateKey, AzureAD, AzureMSI, OAuth, PingFederate, or ExternalBrowser.

Possible Values

Password, OKTA, PrivateKey, AzureAD, AzureMSI, OAuth, PingFederate, ExternalBrowser






The 本製品 supports the following authentication mechanisms. See the Getting Started chapter for authentication guides.

  • Password: Set this to authenticate with a Snowflake user.
  • OKTA: Set this to use the OKTA SSO identity provider. Set SSOProperties in addition to the User and Password you use to authenticate to OKTA.
  • AzureAD: Set this along with User to use the Azure Active Directory identity provider. When connecting, your browser will open allowing you to login to Azure AD to complete the authentication.
  • AzureMSI: Set this along with AzureResource to use the Azure Managed Service Identity when running on an Azure VM.
  • PingFederate: Set this along with User to use the PingFederate SSO identity provider. When connecting, your browser will open allowing you to login to PingFederate to complete the authentication.
  • PrivateKey: Set this to use key pair authentication. Set PrivateKey, PrivateKeyPassword and PrivateKeyType in addition to authenticate with key pair authentication.
  • OAuth: Set this to use oauth authentication. Set OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret to the Snowflake OAuth credentials. Additionally, set InitiateOAuth to GETANDREFRESH. Note that the CData driver always uses PKCE with OAuth for extra security.
  • ExternalBrowser: Set this along with User to use the OneLogin SSO identity provider. When connecting, your browser will open and authentication will be completed automatically.

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Build 24.0.8963