This section provides a complete list of the Authentication properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
AuthScheme | The authentication scheme used. Accepted entries are Password, OKTA, PrivateKey, AzureAD, OAuth, PingFederate, or ExternalBrowser. |
Account | The Account provided for authentication with Snowflake database. This is usually derived from the URL automatically. |
Warehouse | The name of the Snowflake warehouse. |
User | The username provided for authentication with the Snowflake database. |
Password | The user's password. |
URL | The URL of Snowflake database. |
MFAPasscode | Specifies the passcode to use for multi-factor authentication. |
RoleName | The role of the Snowflake user: PUBLIC, SYSADMIN, or ACCOUNTADMIN. |
CredentialsLocation | The location of the settings file where credentials are saved. |